Red eyes dragged the paper and pen from Izuku's room to the health room. As soon as he came back, he saw Izuku playing on the phone.

"The main body! I brought you the pen and paper back!" With red eyes and bulging face, he placed the pen and paper in front of Izuku.

"Sure enough, this incident was also reported..."

"Hurry up and compliment me! I'm busy helping the body!" Red eyes patted Izuku's thigh.

"Temporarily canceled the promotion, UA school has suddenly changed? Really speaking, what's the matter? Red eye." Izuku felt the red eye gradually patted his thigh, raised his head, and saw a two-headed doll using it. His head kept hitting his thighbone.

"Hurry up and compliment me!!" Red eyes yelled while bumping.

"It hurts! What's the matter with you red eyes?" Izuku lifted his red eyes.

"Hmm~ I brought things for the main body! Why doesn't the main body praise me?! Angry!!" It seems that the red eyes after shrinking are more likely to behave like spoiled and twisted.

"Hey, red eyes are the best, right." Izuku hugged little red eyes.

"Woo~ It's almost the same, hehe, what were you looking at on the body?" Red eyes rushed into Izuku's arms.

"Some things about the morning are already on the front page of the page."

"That's really bad... will this matter have a big impact?"

"There will be a part of the impact, but it shouldn't be big. After all, these propaganda companies were put into the school through high-level officials. Originally, the principal did not agree with the promotion. Now the principal should be more confident to deal with those high-level officials. Right."

Izuku is right. Although the current principal seems to be kind, everyone who has held meetings with him knows that this is a sign of his anger.

"Fortunately, there were no serious accidents this time, but it is unthinkable that U.A can be invaded by someone so upright." The principal raised the black tea cup and blew the black tea in the cup.

"Yes...Yes, in this case, what is the topic of this meeting...?" a member of a smaller position whispered.

"Although there was no accident, I can say that I will not be held accountable, hahahahahahahahahahaha!" Principal! black tea! Sprinkle black tea! !

"Hahaha! This time, you bypassed the censorship agency and sent it directly to me! If you want to be held accountable, you must be held accountable! I just don’t know who of you can take on this responsibility, hahahaha!! My students are really. It's worthless!" The black tea was spilled, and the principal's hand loosened. The cup of black tea fell on the ground and broke into several pieces. The whole conference room fell silent, and he didn't dare to come up and top the bag alone. When it happened suddenly, they didn't have time to find a scapegoat.

"Fun and interesting! So what did I say?! Mr. Tsukauchi? Humans, some of them are bad guys who dare not be!" The principal hammered the table with a smile, and the police officers standing next to him were all right. The dozen or so seniors showed their contemptuous faces.

"Hahahahaha! Isn't anyone going to stand up yet?" The principal smiled happily.

"It's not what we did...Why should we be responsible..." a younger senior murmured in a low voice.

"Hahaha! I am optimistic about your husband! You will definitely become a qualified person who serves the public when you come out of prison!" The principal smiled and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, able to climb to this height. There are more or less unclean things under the high-level hands. It is understandable for you to climb to this position with unclean means, but your unclean things have been discovered. Sorry, you have a handle in my hands.

"This is a USB flash drive about everyone's dirty things. I didn't want to take it out so that everyone can sit in their place safely. Hahaha, it's a pity, it's a pity, you are about to leave Anshen soon. Seated! Police officer in the mound." The U disk was handed over to the mound. The officers in the mound clapped their hands. A dozen policemen ran in from outside the conference room to control these high-level officials.

"How dare you!!"

"Didn't we say it?! You bastard! Let go of me!!"(Read more @

"Hahahaha, happy cooperation, police officer in the mound." The principal stretched out his paw and shook hands with the officer in the mound.

"You have so many criminal evidence, why didn't you get it out sooner?" Chuanchi shook hands with the principal blankly.

"I'm just a small principal, I'm so quiet, I can't go to the hall, hahaha, I'm really angry this time~"

"I can see it, thank you for your cooperation, these corrupt meats can definitely be cut off this time."

"I'm looking forward to it. Could you please make me a cup of black tea again?"

"no problem."

Looking back at the health room, Izuku, who spent an hour writing a 1,000-word review, was super normal and hungry. The time now happens to be six o'clock in the afternoon, which is exactly the time to eat.


"I'm hungry..." Putting the written review book on the table next to the hospital bed, Izuku whispered, touching the already deflated stomach.

"I didn't eat lunch, of course I would be hungry."

"I don't know what I can eat? Healing girl?" Reached out and opened the curtain, there was no one in the health room.

"It seems to be off work." Red Eye jumped to the treatment girl's table.

"The treatment girl seems to have left work early because of the elderly disco tonight." Red eyes looked at the calendar on the table.

"Senior disco?" Izuku tilted his head.

"But it doesn't seem to say that you can't eat anything with a mild concussion, main body, please eat pudding!!"

"But it is not good for us to go out like this."

"But isn't the main body hungry?"

"Gululu~" Izuku clutched his stomach.

"It's really hungry."

"So, let's go to the cafeteria for the ontology."

"Then you have to be careful, don't let others find out."

"Let's go!" Izuku carefully lifted the quilt, wearing the blue and white striped gown, carefully walked out of the health room.

In All Might’s personal office, he put the last piece of information in the folder. Toshinori Yagi sighed. This time the promotion meeting was temporarily cancelled in the middle of this time. This will not only bring bad influence to UA, but also let the children Be vigilant about this society.

"It's terrible, this time it's really a big game...Ah, are you already at this point? There is no leftovers at home, so I can only eat in the cafeteria? I don't know that Midoriya Junior has it. No injuries...Go to the cafeteria for some food first, and then pour the health room to see the Midoriya boy." said Toshinori Yagi, putting the materials in a cardboard box, then sealing the cardboard box with tape, and got up. Leaving this office, walked to the cafeteria.

When he came to the cafeteria, there were only some cold food left in the cafeteria, which was nothing to do.

‘I have to come early next time. ’

"Please give me a fried rice and miso soup."

"You are also very late today."

"Yeah, I'm busy with work." After receiving the fried rice and miso soup, Yagi found a seat nearby and sat down. Before he had two bites, Yagi saw one by the cafeteria door constantly poking in and out. Head.

"It seems that I don't have any familiar classmates."

"No? That's great!" Izuku turned into a green glow and rushed to the counter.

"Excuse me, is there any pork chop rice here?" The person at the counter was startled by the sudden appearance.

"You startled me! Pork chop rice, yes, yes, but it's cold, do you want it?"

"Yes! I'm so hungry now, please hurry up."

"Run out of the health room, let's talk, how long have you been in a coma this time?"

"About five or six hours, without lunch, hehe." Izuku scratched his head with his left hand.

"That's it... Be careful when training in the future, here, your pork chop rice."

"Ari Gado." Taking the cold pork chop rice with both hands, Izuku just turned around and saw a zombie face standing behind him.


"Shhh! Be quiet!" Toshinori Yagi covered Izuku's mouth with his big hand.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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