The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 418 Deadpool and 【ALL FOR ONE】Meeting

In the end, Tonsori Yagi couldn't send Ryotaro out of school because of his own reasons. It was Izuku who was holding a cane and sent Ryotaro out of U.A High School. The two chatted very happily.

"Then let me separate here, I'm very happy to chat with you, Brother Ryotaro."

"I also had a great time talking with you." Ryotaro stretched out his hand and stroked Izuku's hair.

"After all, it's a very topical game for the same card face. You have to continue to study hard. High school is very important." As an 18-year-old man, Ryotaro said to Izuku with earnestness.

"Yeah! I will! Brother Ryotaro also cheer up, get rid of the last alien demon sooner and return to your own world sooner."

"I will definitely go back, then so be it, I'll go first!"

"Yeah! Brother Ryotaro walk slowly!" Watching Ryotaro walk away, Izuku walked back to the dormitory on crutches. Fortunately, Heroes basics are usually arranged in the last class in the afternoon, and there are no other courses after that, otherwise Izuku It's really hard to go upstairs with a cane.

In the following time, the injured number who was defeated in the training was sent over by Aizawa. There was Sero Hanta, who was burned by Shoto Todoroki, whose entire face was jet black, and Kaminari Denki, who was quarreled by the sound of her ears and became autistic. And Mineta Minoru, who was drawn by Tsuyu Asui and his entire face was swollen.

"Ahem~ I'm damn it, Shoto Todoroki is really getting better and better. I was cleaned up by Shoto Todoroki less than three minutes after I was on the court. Cough cough."

"You are still too weak." Aizawa Shouta carried Sero Hanta in one hand, and Mineta Minoru, whose eyes were invisible in the other hand. Following him were Kaminari Denki, who was digging his ears, and the one holding him. Shoto Todoroki, several people walked into the health room. As soon as he entered the health room, Shoto Todoroki released the hand holding Kaminari Denki and looked around in the health room.

"The injured, put them on the hospital bed, come to me first if there is bleeding."

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Classmate! Can you tell me what the treatment girl said?" Kaminari Denki yelled loudly while pulling his ears.

"Don't bring a guy like this kind of fool into the health room. It won't be good if you pass the stupidity to other classmates. Take him away quickly!"

"Healing girl, isn't Midoriya here?" Ignoring the big idiot Kaminari Denki, Shoto Todoroki looked at the healing girl who was diagnosing Sero Hanta.

"He should go back to the dormitory. His injury is not serious, but he has to walk away on crutches for the past two days. You'd better take care of him, Bakugo Katsuki! You lie down for me! Your treatment is not over yet! "

"Laozi is okay at all!" Pulling away the bandages and planks that tied his hands, Bakugo Katsuki chased Shoto Todoroki out of the health room without changing his combat uniform. So uneasy!

"Therapist girl, cough cough cough, please save us first."

"One by one, it's not worrying!" The treatment girl said, walked to her desk, took out two pills from the drawer and poured them into her mouth. The brat is furious.

Izuku limped and walked back to the dormitory with a cane, his whole body covered with cracked red eyes following him.

"Main body, it looks like we are quite embarrassed this time." The red-eyed hands rested on the back of his head, and the fragments on his face fell on the ground from time to time.(Read more @

"Hahaha, it seems so, but this time the two of us cooperated very well." Izuku stretched out his fist, red eye also stretched out his fist, and the two fists collided in mid-air.

"Even if you encounter other demon gods and those'monsters', you will not be shocked."

"I mean." Izuku blinked and let out a long sigh. Not far away, the dormitory they lived in stood there.

"Ah, I'm almost there, I can finally have a good rest."

"Would you like a drink or something? I'll prepare it." The red eyes turned to look at the way they were walking, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Two hands supported Izuku, and the two speeded up and walked towards the dormitory.

"I want to drink juice, orange juice."

"OK, no problem."

Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki ran on the way back to the dormitory. Bakugo was running slower than Shoto Todoroki because of an arm injury. He looked at Shoto Todoroki running in front of him with a grim look.

"Yin and yang face! You fucking wait to die! Wait until I get hurt! I'll kill you first! Sinai!!" A grenade was thrown by Bakugo Katsuki beside Shoto Todoroki and exploded. Here, Shoto Todoroki quickly flashed past the dangerous thing with his own posture, and slapped him on the ground. An ice wall appeared and blocked Bakugo's path.

"Cut!" Bakugo Katsuki, who couldn't smash the ice wall in one breath, curled his lips around the ice wall, rushed into the woods, and tried to take a shortcut back to the dormitory.

Look away from U.A for the time being, and stay here again. Our special guest, Mr. Deadpool, is going to be angry. After all, he is now in a prison that he quite dislikes.

"Hey hey hey! Don't mislead the readers with this kind of sentence, I'm not squatting in the classroom right now, but as a security guard, I'm watching the group of prisoners!" Deadpool's big face pressed against the camera, spider Xia pulled the dead waiter away from the camera with an indifferent expression.

"Deadpool, can you stop being stupid! You wear a mask, no matter how much you look in the mirror, you won't be handsome. Hurry up and hand over to the person in charge here." Spider-Man is indifferent to Deadpool. Tear off, you shit, after going to the toilet, I'm occupying the sink here. Others don't need to wash their hands, right?

"Oh oops~ The little spider is so serious, what is it so serious? I haven't walked around enough yet, I want to find something [ALL FOR ONE] to talk about, hahaha."

"It's not big. You can't walk around until you hand over to the person in charge here." Spider-Man took off his gloves, the knuckles of both hands were slightly red, and he hurt a bit when he hammered the lightning man. hand.

"Ahhhhh~ this kind of little thing is left to the little spider." Deadpool put a hand on Spider-Man's shoulder, and his head was close to Spider-Man's ears.

"Come on~ Little~ Spider~ Spider~ I will thank you." A warm voice sounded in my ears, and suddenly felt a damp heat in the auricle, and he slammed his fist, and there was no one behind him.

‘Gan! Tricked by that bastard! Spiderman slammed a fist at the mirror in front of him, and pinched the bridge of his nose with his other hand. This bastard is getting skinny!

"I can only hand over with the person in charge first, and then go to find the bastard. When I find him, hum, first half-dead, and Deadpool will sleep on the sofa tonight!" Hmm...this The sentence is a bit ill-formed, but the amount of information seems a bit big.

On the 30th floor of the prison, in the only cell, [ALL FOR ONE] was sitting on a chair in a straitjacket. He could only sit there. He was not allowed to go anywhere, he was not allowed to move anything, and he could even use it once. 【Quirk 】It will be shattered by the machine gun that is always ready, but in such a monotonous and dangerous room, a new guest appeared today.

"Huh~ I don't know which guest is here? Huh~ I'm sorry, I can't stand up to welcome the distinguished guests now, and there is no good tea to entertain."

"Eh eh~ don't even have tea? But I prefer to drink junk drinks like cola." Deadpool squatted in front of [ALL FOR ONE], without eyesight, he could barely feel someone standing in front of him, [ALL FOR ONE] I don’t feel embarrassed either.

"Sucking and sucking~ Ah, the taste of Coke is really good, do you want to taste it?" Without taking into account other people's thoughts, I took off the ventilator worn by [ALL FOR ONE] and poured Coke directly into [ALL FOR ONE]'s mouth.

"Guru Guru!" I haven't felt this taste for a long time, the carbonic acid taste fermented in my mouth, and a refreshing sensation surged from the bottom of my heart.

"Wow, wow, you can really drink, all the bottles are down." Throw the empty bottle back directly, the bottle hit the wall, and the echo formed an image in the mind of [ALL FOR ONE] .

"Huh~ I don't know what the distinguished guest wants to take away from me?"

"That's shouldn't be great to draw a tube of blood." Deadpool said, and did not apply alcohol to [ALL FOR ONE], and directly plunged the needle into [ALL FOR ONE]. On the arm, blood was drawn from the body of [ALL FOR ONE].

"Huh, are you just here to draw my blood? The price is too small."

"Hmm.... The main reason is that there is no way to kill you, because you are very important. If you kill you, the story line will not go on." Deadpool drew the pistol from his waist many times. Facing [ALL FOR ONE]'s head, but finally put the pistol back.

"What are you talking about?" [ALL FOR ONE]'s body temperature dropped as the blood was drawn.

"Sure enough, I still don’t understand? Forget it, don’t understand, um...well, I have one more item in my collection, which is really good." Deadpool patted the syringe in his hand and gave [ ALL FOR ONE] Put on the ventilator again.

"I will inform your apprentice and tell him that you are doing well now, Mr. Shigaraki...hahaha! That's weird." As he suddenly appeared, Deadpool suddenly disappeared in the cell. The surroundings became quiet again, except for the extra bloody smell.

"Huh, funny guy."

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