The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 422: Russian Turntable Game

"Boom! Bang! Bang!" Three bullets hit the target. Izuku looked at the holes made by the three bullets and shook his head.

"No, the marksmanship is still too bad, three bullets can't hit a single place, so I should practice more."

"That's pretty much it. It's not interesting to only practice target shooting, huh~" handsomely tossed a gunshot, and stuffed the pistol with a silencer into his trouser pocket.

"What if Villain is faster than us? Your firing speed is too slow, give me the gun." Izuku caught the silenced pistol that was thrown, and shot three shots at the target that appeared outside the balcony.

"Boom bang bang!" Izuku pulled the trigger much faster than the red eye, and the bullet shell fell on the ground, falling together with dozens of other bullet shells, and only one bullet hole in the center appeared on the target.

"Not bad, main body." Red eyes slapped his hands a few times, and Izuku shook his hand with the gun a few times.

"Three shots on one spot, you can do it as long as you train more."

"This is a pistol. The distance of the pistol is only thirty to forty meters. If you only use a pistol, you can't live there for long." Red Eye said, making a revolver with a bullet on the ground. I don't know when. An extra bullet came out, stuffed the bullet into the single nest of the revolver, and turned the nest vigorously.

"Russian turntable game, do you want to play?" Before he finished speaking, he pointed the muzzle at his head.

"Click." It's an empty gun.

"Is it so idle?" Izuku shrugged and didn't refuse. The smell of gunpowder has hooked the little craziness he hid in the depths. He took the revolver and pointed the muzzle at his temple as well. Before pulling the trigger, both Izuku and Red Eye raised weird involuntary smiles.


‘I missed it again, and then there is a one-fifth probability. It’s getting more and more fun! Hahahaha! "Red Eye smiled more frantically than Izuku. He took the revolver. The smell of gunpowder was flying between them. The room was very quiet. Two gentle people were playing such a disgusting and terrifying game. Unexpectedly.

‘Excitement, excitement! Super exciting! ! This kind of gambling! Hahahaha! ! ! ’

'Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ! so fun! ! Hahahaha! ! Red Eye pulled the trigger amidst the laughter of the two.

"Da da da da" shoes are moving fast on the road. Aizawa Shouta is walking and playing with his mobile phone. This time he is raiding the dormitory of Class A for the first year. Maybe he will see a lot of interesting things.

‘I hope those brats don’t give me too much. He swiped his phone twice boringly, and his pace accelerated again. After a short while, he walked to the door of the dormitory.

‘Most of the girls’ rooms are on the third floor. Let’s start a raid check from the brat’s room on the second floor. Walking up the concrete stairs to the second floor. As soon as he reached the second floor, Aizawa Shouta had a few tic-tac-toe on his forehead, what the hell! Someone dared to smoke in the dormitory!

‘I remember I said, you can’t light a fire and smoke in the dorm! Let me catch which brat it is and drop out of school directly! ! ’So fierce!

"Sniff, the taste is on this layer." Aizawa Shouta smoked his nose, and the smell of gunpowder continued to enter his nasal cavity. The brain regarded this smell as smoke.

"Boom boom boom! Open the door! Open the door!" Aizawa Shouta knocked on Aoyama Yuga's door.

"Come here, hum, hum~" Aoyama Yuga changed into a Western-style nightgown, how should I say, that nightgown was shiny and shiny like his aesthetic standards.

As soon as Aoyama Yuga opened the door, Aizawa Shouta's face changed drastically. It was not Aoyama Yuga who smoked to catch, but Aoyama Yuga's room was really too bright, and he almost wanted Aizawa Shouta's 24K titanium alloy dog ​​cough cough cough! ! Handsome eyes, um... not right, blind eyes? Um... Anyway, I almost blinded Aizawa Shouta's eyes. One of his rooms was bright enough to illuminate the corridor. You must know that there are also bright lights in the corridor.

"Wipe!" Aizawa Shouta first covered her eyes, and pushed with one hand the shiny Aoyama Yuga.(Read more @

"Turn off all the lights in your room!"

"Eh! Aizawa-teacher doesn't like my shining room? Only such a shining room can be worthy of such a shining me!" Narcissism is so high, uh... admire admire

"Quickly turn it off!"

"Oh." Reluctantly, turning off the light source in the room, his vision finally returned to normal. Aizawa Shouta blinked, then shook his head, and then hit Aoyama Yuga's head with a hand sword.

"Don't make the room so bright! You want to blind your eyes, right?"

"It hurts! My hair! Doesn't shine anymore! Ahhhhh!!" I was holding my hair, and suddenly I found that there were more than a dozen hairs stuck to Aizawa Shouta's hands, his face instantly changed, not even Aizawa Shouta He screamed and rushed into the room.

"Tsk, what's the matter with this bastard? It's just a bit of hair loss." Shaking his hand, shaking the dozen or so hairs to the ground, Aizawa Shouta took a step towards Aoyama Yuga's room, his nose twitched, not this room.

"What is the noise! ​​Don't you know that Laozi is playing the game?! Eh! Aizawa Shouta!!" The third room was kicked open, and Mineta Minoru, with red eyes, walked out of the room in a furious manner. Want to play games hard to find a place after a bad fight?

"Call Mr. Aizawa, little dwarf!" Aizawa Shouta approached Mineta Minoru's room, squatted down and gave Mineta Minoru a hand sword.

"Cut! If it's okay, I'm going back to play the game." Mineta Minoru rubbed the knocked-out bag with her hands, turned around and walked back to the room with an unhappy expression, a little disrespectful, and Aizawa Shouta grabbed it. Picked Mineta Minoru's collar and lifted him up.

"Smelly boy, say, are you smoking?"

"I don't smoke! Hurry up and put me down!! It's embarrassing! Hey!!" Mineta Minoru, who calmed down, still couldn't pull down, shouting loudly.

"Really?" Aizawa Shouta narrowed his eyes, and indeed did not smell the unpleasant smell of smoke on the stinging body of Mineta Minoru.

‘Then only...the room is left. Aizawa Shouta turned his head and looked at the last room that hadn't opened yet, that was Midoriya's room.

"Problem child." Aizawa Shouta's pupils shrank.

"Hurry up and put me down! Teacher Aizawa!!!"

"Get off." He threw Mineta Minoru back to his room. Aizawa Shouta closed the door of Mineta Minoru's room with his hands in his pockets and one foot. Aizawa Shouta walked to the door of Izuku's room, stood outside the door, and Aizawa Shouta turned. Turning his head, he saw the monitor he had placed on the wall, and stretched out his hand to twist the handle in Izuku's room.

"Kera, click." Two voices sounded at the same time, and Aizawa Shouta opened the door.

"Problem child! I told you not to smoke in the dormitory! Violators! What are you doing?!" Aizawa Shouta just raised his head and saw Red Eye holding a pistol at his temple, Izuku and Red Eye Turning his head at the same time, both eyes looked at Aizawa Shouta who was standing at the door at the same time. The red-eyed eyes were still scarlet, but Izuku's eyes turned red with one eye, and there was an extra blush on his face.

"Can't you see it? Aizawa Sansan, we are playing a very fun game!" Izuku kept waving his hands up and down, the blush on his face gradually increased, and his breathing became more rapid. In contrast, red eyes are more than his own. The body was much calmer. He held the revolver in his left hand and placed his index finger on the trigger. His face was calm, but the crazy smile raised at the corners of his mouth and between the eyebrows made Aizawa Shouta's brows jump.

"Russian turntable game (Russian turntable game) Teacher Aizawa, would you like to play together~?" The red eye whispered and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!!!" The bullet popped out, and the flame accompanied the bullet piercing the red-eyed head, flying his head directly against the wall. Izuku covered his ears. It was so loud that his ears were almost deaf.

"Hahaha! It looks like I'm out of luck. Phew! That's great!!!" The red-eyed head rolled on the ground, the blush on Izuku's face gradually subsided, and the smell of gunpowder smoke gradually evaporated.

"Good evening, Teacher Aizawa, and, have a good night." A woman suddenly appeared in front of Aizawa Shouta, one of her eyes was spiraling, and her hands covered Aizawa Shouta's cheek.

"LOOK ME." Farme's [quirk]: [Hypnosis Eye] can Hypnosis and control people's thinking to a certain extent.

"Hmm~" Aizawa Shouta was [Hypnosis] before he could activate his [quirk] of [eliminate].

"After I snap my fingers, you won't remember what happened now. You have already inspected this floor. It's time to go to the second floor. Your memory here will also disappear because of my snapping fingers." Speaking loudly, she raised her left hand and snapped a finger in Aizawa Shouta's ear.

"When the next finger snaps, you will wake up in ten seconds." After Farme snapped the second finger, it turned into a breeze and disappeared. Aizawa Shouta still kept a hand to open the room. The posture of the door.

"Hoo~ It's exciting, but I can't play like this next time." Izuku patted his face with his hand, red blood flowed from the eye sockets, this time he was completely led by the nose by the red eyes, and he would actually accompany him. One piece to play the Russian turntable.

"Understand and understand~ I won't play anymore next time, absolutely don't play anymore." The red-eyed agreed with a grin. The body moved and picked up the head that was rolling on the ground and pressed it on his neck again, the bullet shells on the ground. He turned into black smoke with the pistol and returned to the place where he was supposed to be. Everything seemed to have never happened.

Ten seconds later, Aizawa Shouta opened his eyes, he blinked, and was taken aback when he looked at Izuku.

"Ahem, have you finished your homework? So idle?"

"It's finished, Ms. Aizawa, it's finished a long time ago." Izuku showed a smile, as he was holding the back of the chair while looking at Aizawa Shouta with emerald green eyes.

"After finishing writing, go to preview tomorrow's homework, if the final exam results fall, be careful I will pump you!" Ass!

"Yes! I will study hard!" Izuku saluted Aizawa teacher.

"Take a rest early after the preview, and go to the health room to find a treatment girl to treat your leg before class tomorrow morning."

"Okay~" Izuku was a little helpless, it is rare that Teacher Aizawa said so much.

"Get off early." After Aizawa Shouta said, he closed the door of Izuku's room and walked to the elevator to wait for the elevator.

"Huh~ It's finally fooled." Izuku let out a sigh of relief.

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