The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 443: At 1:30 PM X The Unhappy Little Eri

"That's why I want to do overnight training with class AB." Yeyan returned to that calm look. He took out the application form and a very detailed plan from the shoulder bag he carried, and planned the plan. The book is placed on the coffee table.

"You have already seen the future in an hour, haven't you?" Toshinori Yagi shook his hand, picked up the plan, and flipped through it a few times.

"The plan is very detailed, almost every step has been counted, you deserve it." Yagi nodded.

‘In the next three minutes, you will be stamped with the passing chapter. This is an established fact. ’

"Then I have nothing to say, I can only sign it." Yagi Toshinori took out a pen and a stamp from his pocket. After signing, he put the stamp on, and Yagi and Toshinori stood at the same time. I got up and shook hands. Just as Yeyan shook hands with All Might, the door of the office was opened again. This time the treatment girl from the health room walked in, and she moved aggressively with a bowl of brown-black potion. Come in.

"Smelly boy! Did you forget to take medicine again! How many times do I have to tell you to remember to take medicine?! Huh?!"

"Hey! Healing girl?! When did you come here?!" Yagi wanted to drive away, but Yogye held his hand firmly.

"Everything in the future cannot be changed, Mr. All Might." Yeyan pushed his glasses, stepped across the coffee table and pushed Toshinori Yagi onto the office chair.

"Good job, night-eyed boy, hahahaha, brat, open your mouth and take medicine!"

"I do not want to eat!!!"

Passing Million, who was pushed by Yeyan with the excuse of "Adults, kids, don’t join in the fun", holding little Eri aimlessly in the teaching building, Eri writhing restlessly in Passing Million’s arms, from time to time Turn over two pages of the picture book in your hand.

"What's the matter?" Tongxing Million looked at Eri who was a little strange, and asked in a low voice.

"Um...I want to find, Brother Midoriya." Eri whispered.

"Looking for Mr. Midoriya? Whoops Gadana, it's really been a while since I saw him, let's go! Let's go find him to play! Run up and run!" Tongxing Million ran in the teaching building with little Eri When she got up, the cold wind blew on little Eri's face and raised her unorganized hair. She waved her hands and smiled happily in the corridor.

"Hahahaha! So cool!!"

At 1:45 in the afternoon, as the bell rang after the first get out of class, the originally dull class became active. Mineta Minoru tapped his knuckles with the black pen shell.

'Although I really want that "Heroes Chronicle General History", is it a bit too cheap for Midoriya? A game costs 50,000 yuan. Why is it wrong? It's a bit too boring. But this fellow Midoriya can only transfer money or things back from other places, which is super troublesome again. There is no good solution after thinking about it. Mineta Minoru didn't think about it anymore. He threw the pen and lay on the desk directly, staring blankly at the blackboard that had not been erased.

Midoriya was still sitting in his seat and copying today's notes. Today's math notes are many and very important. He didn't understand it because he didn't attend the class.

‘After copying the notes, I have to find Ida and ask him to hand me the math problem. ’

‘I think Yaoyorozu Momo’s math should be good. ’

'How do you know? ’(Read more @

'intuition. ’

"Can you believe the intuition of a three-year-old child?" Izuku curled his lips and continued to copy his math notes.

"Wow! So fast, so fast!"

"Woo, da da!" Passing Million suddenly jumped up, rubbed his feet on the ground twice, and landed firmly on the door of Class 1-A.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Dear schoolboys and girls! I will bring Eri to come to play with you! Hahaha."

"Hello, brother and sister!" Eri's face was flushed with excitement.

"Eri!" Kirishima Eijiro and Uraraka Ochaco cried at the same time, and several people walked to the door of the classroom.

"I didn't expect Senpai and Eri to come."

"I heard that a large part of seniors in high school are doing internships outside, and so are you seniors. How come you come to us when you have time?"

"Hey, Senior Yeyan and I are going to participate in your live-in training together."

"Do you even want to participate in the seniors?" Ida pushed his glasses.

"I will also participate!" Eri waved vigorously, jumped from the arms of the passing Million, and ran to Midoriya who was still copying notes.

"Brother Midoriya!" The elder brother almost frightened Izuku to cross out a page. He quickly turned his head, and the moment he saw Eri, his dazed expression was instantly replaced by joy. He put down his pen and hugged him. Eri was up.

"Why did Eri-chan come here?"

"I missed Brother Midoriya." Eri took out the picture book he had been holding in his arms.

"I want Brother Midoriya to read picture books with me."

"Passing senior, is Eri's [quirk] okay?" Izuku did not immediately agree to Eri's request. Instead, he looked at the passing Million seniors surrounded by other classmates. He didn't forget that if Eri's quirk is not good What a terrible hazard the control will cause.

"My husband, Eri can now control her [quirk] freely, she is awesome!" Senior Tong Xing raised a thumb and smiled brightly.

"That's great, Eri! You can play with other kids!" Izuku smiled happily when he heard the news. He hugged Eri high and narrowed his eyes. Looking at Midoriya's eyes in Eri's direction, in addition to happy emotions, they also gave people a gleaming feeling.

"It looks like an emerald..." Eri whispered. There is a story in her picture book about emerald.

"In this way, Eri can go to the kindergarten and play with other children." Just after Midoriya finished speaking, Eri's originally smiling face quickly became difficult to look at, and Passing Million patted his head vigorously.

"Midoriya-san, don't you say that I almost forgot, Eri! By next spring, you will be able to go to the kindergarten like other children to study. Are you happy?"

‘I’m not happy at all, because I can’t see Brother Midoriya when I go to kindergarten! ’

"Huh! Brother Tongxing is so annoying!" Eri suddenly puffed his mouth, turned and hugged Midoriya's neck, not allowing himself to see Tongxing Million.

Passing Million looked dumbfounded: What did I say to me, I feel disgusted by Eri, T﹏T

"Huh, deserve it." Bakugo tucked his ears and twisted in the seat.

"Passenger senior, can you tell me what kind of training will be like?" Ida Tenya didn't know when he drew out a notebook and a pen, ready to record at any time.

"Well, I don't actually know much, but I heard from Senior Yeyan that there will be a lot of senior Heroes and a lot of offices participating in this live-in training. The scene is very grand."

"Are there many offices and Heroes? This time the school has been ruthless. To be abused by so many senior Heroes, I get goose bumps when I think of it." Hagakure Toru rubbed his arms with his hands, feeling a little helpless Said, although no one can see her current expression.

"Oh, oppression, growth, the flower of thorns, blooming in the sky, the future age belongs to us, a feast of darkness." Tokoyami Fumikage folded his arms and leaned against the wall, and Ida Sero grabbed one from Sato Rikido's table in an instant. Bottle of green tea, serve the green tea with both hands.

"Big guy drinking tea!"

"Hahaha! If you can talk more often in the dark! You are so handsome! Hahahaha!!" Shangming patted his thigh and laughed wildly. In the second grade, only Tokoyami Fumikage, a severe second grade patient, can say Out.


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