As soon as Izuku heard the whistle, he rushed directly to the pipeline nearby. To run wildly in this terrain, he had to occupy high places.

‘Now, it’s time to test the speed! Izuku ran at a speed close to 20 kilometers on the pipeline, but it was not enough.

‘Forty kilometers. Burst! ! ’Izuku is now like lightning, constantly moving on the pipe.

"This speed! Cheating!" Sero who followed Izuku was stunned.

'accelerate! accelerate! ! ! Izuku only has this thought in his mind now, the green arc surrounds his body, and in a short while, he sees All Might standing on the high platform in the center.

‘I saw it! Now is where we need to pay attention! ! Now you must be careful! ! Izuku felt like he was going to a doctor when he was four years old, his breath was covered by despair, a little hopeless ray of hope. ‘This time, definitely catch it! ! ! ’

Although Izuku's footsteps at this time are a bit different, but still so determined, ‘I must win the first place! ! ’

With the last leap, the green arcs on Izuku's body were all concentrated on his feet, and the smile on his face was even brighter.

'I am the first! ! ! Izuku landed steadily on the high platform and looked at All Might.

"Congratulations on your first place."

After half an hour, Izuku and others finished their tests and changed their clothes in the locker room.

"I didn't expect Midoriya to take the first place today. His speed is so fast." Sero said while changing his clothes.

"Unexpectedly, in just seven days, Izuku's progress will be terrifying! How did you train, Izuku?"

"It's just that way of training, so what else? Didn't I send all my training items to the group?"

The few people who changed their clothes in the locker room couldn't help but think of Izuku's three perverted training programs. Even Bakugo and Hong Jun only lasted three days. This was just the amount of the first training program.

"Then I'll go back first, Mr. All Might has something to do with me." Izuku finished changing clothes faster than the others and walked out of the locker room.

"It's a shame that Izuku left, I found a good thing and I plan to share it with him." Mineta Minoru's expression was a bit sullen, and it was estimated that he had found a place to spy on the girl's dressing room next door.

After half an hour, Izuku and All Might were sitting in the office drinking tea.

"So can you tell me about [ONE FOR ALL] now?" Izuku asked ventriloquially while drinking tea.

"Why can you talk while drinking tea?"

"Because I can whisper."

"Really an interesting ability..."

An hour later, Izuku returned to the class with a nervous expression on his face. He never thought that the reason why [ONE FOR ALL] continued to be passed down was because they had to face a fateful enemy.

‘[ALL FOR ONE] As one person, can I use other people’s [quirk] as one’s own use? This kind of 【quirk】 is too abnormal and there is no way to crack it. Using that kind of 【quirk】 can bring out a large force every minute. What should I do like this... 'Izuku started thinking about it again.(Read more @

Ms. Aizawa looked at Izuku who was biting his fingers and thinking while writing on the blackboard.

‘Olu Might told him the matter? Isn’t it too early to talk about it? Forget it, anyway, this is a fact he is about to accept. ’

‘That guy Fei Jiu, he just came back from All Might’s side. What is this crap doing, he wants to catch up with me like this? ’

‘Is there any problem with Izuku? How come back from All Might's side, you look so anxious? Do you need to buy him a lollipop? ’

When get out of class is over, Izuku finally wants to understand that he will face [ALL FOR ONE] sooner or later. Now I know that I can fill myself with fear and motivation, and make myself train harder.

"It looks like I have to make a training plan again. Although All Might's plan is good, it lacks on-site training significance. Moreover, I can't just rely on training every morning and night to strengthen my body. The physical fitness is every hour and every day. It must be done, so...' Izuku is thinking about his training subjects seriously.

‘So I can only find Famu Ming? I hope she has exercise equipment over there. Izuku thought so and covered his scribbled notebook, and then walked out of the classroom. From beginning to end, Izuku didn't say a word to Bakugo.

‘What the hell is this waste? ’

‘What’s wrong with Izuku? ’

‘Come and see. ’

For the first time, the two troublemakers reached a tacit understanding. They followed Izuku to the support section. At the same time, they followed Hagakure Toru, who had a very low sense of existence.

"I happen to have a complete set of wearable training equipment here, but the price is..."

Izuku directly took out a golden card.

"Thank you for your patronage, then!" Fa Muming took the gold card with a flattering expression, and then walked to her invention room.

"But why don't you talk anymore? I heard my classmates say that you are a laughter and talkative person, why now..."

"Sorry, my previous professional experience was hurt a bit, so I can't talk. Now I'm talking with you in ventriloquism, which is very tiring."

"Well, I'm right, take off your clothes."

"Undress and undress!!" Izuku stepped back nervously and said! Are you a hooligan? !

"My equipment is still in semi-finished products. I need your physical data. Don't give me the ones that I don't have." ‘If the old lady is short of money, will I help you? ’

"Oh, good." Izuku obediently took off his school uniform, shirt, sandbag and Iron Body, leaving only a pair of underwear.

"Hmm... I can't tell. Your physical fitness is not bad. Why do you want to increase your physical fitness?" Famuming asked while measuring Izuku's body with a tape measure.

"Because I want to catch up with someone." Izuku said, closing his eyes, and suddenly, he seemed to hear the sound of water.

"Faimming, do you have a water pipe installed here?"

"No? What's the matter?"

"Could it be that the water pipe next door exploded?"

"Maybe, don't move!"

"The point is that you are itchy to me now."

"Hurry up and stand for me!!"


Five minutes later, Izuku put on his clothes again.

"When will the equipment be ready?"

"A week or so, I have swiped the money down, you take the card."

"Thank you then." Izuku's smile is still so pure.

"Puff!!" There was another spring.

"What's the matter?" This time I even heard the message.

"I don't know, maybe your machine exploded again."

"Damn! My baby!!"

A few minutes later, Izuku took a glass of milk in the vending machine and walked back to the classroom while drinking it.

"Strange? Why are you all gone? Isn't this class of the Cement Division teacher?" Izuku sat back in his seat and threw the finished milk into the trash basket.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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