The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 476 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 476

"Boom!" Kicked across the door, [Phantom Change] and blood rushed into this one hundred square meter house.

"Yeah! Damn, how long has it been since you have thrown trash here? Why is it so smelly?!" [Phantom] saw the trash bag in the room and slammed his nose.

"It's a dead house, huh ~ hurry up and find someone."

"Did you dad please come here for sanitation? If yes, please take away the trash outside, and buy me a box of instant noodles by the way~" The voice came from the door that was not so dirty on one side.

"Yes, boss, do you want us to clean up your room?" [phantom change] pinched his throat and said, he (she) waved at the blood surge, and the two walked to the door of the room together.

"No! No! You are not allowed to come in!!"

"But the big boss said that we must enter your room for cleaning."

"I told you! Don't come in!!!"

"It's not up to you to decide, bang!!" [Magic Change] kicked again and kicked the door open.

"Didn't I say it all! Ah ah ah ah!!!"

"The taste of the room is really cool." Looking at the pink decoration in the room, [Phantom Change] whistled.

"Huh~ I haven't seen it, huh~"

"You! You are not a cleaning staff! You are a private house! I want to call the police!" screamed the thin boy in a little pink skirt.

"Puff, hahahaha! Hahahahaha~ I really haven't seen a man wearing a mini skirt, this is the first time! Hahaha!"

"Boy! It's not bad for boys to wear skirts! Who are you guys!"

"The doctor needs you, huh~ So, you have to go."

"What the hell is the doctor you are talking about?! You broke into the house like this! I have already called the police!!"

"The teeth are white and the teeth are white. I didn't expect to call the police, so there would be no way." [Phantom Change] quickly raised the gun, and the two shots at the same time with the blood surge, knocking the womanish teenager stunned with an anesthetic bomb. .

"Will this amount be too big?"

"Huh~No, huh~ Anyway, it's going to be done, huh~ that kind of monster."

"That's also true, come and help, wrap this guy in a sheet, and let the uncle resist."

A few minutes later.

"Beep~Beep~" The old police car drove from a distance.

"Damn! There is no parking space here?"

"I'll go to the policeman's room first. You park the car." A policeman in his forties took the pistol out of his holster, looked at it, and said to the policeman who was driving.(Read more @

"I know, I know!"

"Crack, bang." The door was opened and then closed. At the same time, a black van on the side of the road drove away, vacating a parking space.

"Yohoo, so good." The police car slowly drove into the parking space.

In the van, Xueyong controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and pressed a button with the other. One of the six iron coffins placed in the car was opened, and Qianxia’s master put the sleeping boy in the iron coffin. , Closed the lid.

"Well~ this should be the last one today, let's go back to the temporary base, I want to have a glass of red wine."

"Wha~have to wait, hoo~ the robot drags the coffin away. I want to drink wine."

"I want a mature woman! The kind with big breasts! Hahahaha!!"

"Huh~ please calm down, there is not the kind of living dead you want for the time being."

"Tsk! The kind of living dead has a brain hole, I don't want it! This place is not good at all, there is no red light district, it is really unpleasant, ah! I really want to have a concert! The ensemble of bullets is what it is. The right way to sing!!" Qianxia's master irritably opened a bottle of beer and poured tons of it into his mouth.

"Huh~When the doctor's plan is completely rolled out, huh~how many people do you want to kill, how many people you want to kill, huh~"

"Grumbling rumbling chuckle~puff ha~ then drive the car faster! Laozi is going to drink high alcohol!"

"Hoo~oh." The bloody foot stepped on the accelerator forcefully, and the black van quickly drove out of the city. An hour later, the incident was quickly made into a report and sent to the police officer in the mound. On the desk.

"You have to follow up on the follow-up of this matter. You can't let the reporters come up with anything. Don't allow those reporters to visit the detained Villain." Putting the statement of the guy who attacked the venue in the morning into the file bag, the mound said while taking it. Passed the new portfolio.

"Yes." The instructed policeman nodded and walked out of the office quickly. The mound turned to look at the policeman who had just walked in and opened the portfolio.

"What's wrong? Cases in file bags should be unusual."

"It's a case of missing persons. The missing person is [no quirk]. The location is in a small city. This is the sixteenth case this month."

"It's another disappearance of [no quirk]." When Tsukauchi heard the case of [no quirk], his brows instantly frowned.

"Hey! Tsukauchi! Come and have a look, I found a very interesting thing, maybe it will be helpful for the [no quirk] case, hehe, it looks like you have already gained something." The pajamas man in the technical department Came in with a laptop.

"Have you got any results? There are a lot of cases. Why, what have you found?"

"You, go first, I have important things to tell the police officer."

"Yes." Seeing the little policeman walked out of the office, the man in pajamas swept away the portfolio on the table, put his laptop on the table, and opened a web page with his finger. A very fragrant game webpage.

"You just let me watch this stuff?" Tsukauchi touched his holster, planning to let this kid eat a peanut on his thigh when he was off work.

"Eh eh eh! Don't do it first, wait a minute, wait a minute."

OK, just wait for a minute, and you will be dead in a minute.

"Come and play~ah~" In 60 seconds, a fragrant webpage was passed, and the webpage jumped to another page in the next second. A blue butterfly flashed across the webpage and a dark red font appeared On the web page:

This website aims to help all [no quirk] people, and hope that all [no quirk] people will unite and build an ideal home for those who are [no quirk]. [No need, but stability] is our purpose. [Equality effect] All [no quirk] are welcome.

"[Equality effect]? Welcome all [no quirk] people? What do these guys want? Still using this kind of webpage as a disguise?"

"It seems to be a forum for [no quirk] people. A group of [no quirk] people gathered here to send their grievances. I registered with the ID of a [no quirk] person before. You can play it first. Well, there is a lot of useful information."

"Okay, thank you so much this time." Tsukauchi nodded to the man in pajamas. He looked at this forum. There was a popular post on the forum homepage. With a little curiosity, Tsukauchi moved the mouse and click Go in.

[397 middle school students who are always bullied] Owner: Everyone, have you noticed that fewer and fewer people are online recently?

[Working overtime all day and being suppressed by social animals 135] 1114L: Is there any? Everyone is very busy at work and class. Except for some people who can't see and see when they look down, everyone seems to be online every day.

[Primary school 224 who is always bullied] 1115L: I heard my police uncle say that there are people like [without quirk] like Villain who are arresting us, oooh~ I don’t dare to go to school now.

[Middle school student 397 who is always bullied] 1116L: I also heard about it, but neither the police nor the Heroes announced this. What about our rights? [No quirk] Do people really have no human rights at all?

‘Absolutely not! We value yours very much! Just when the hands in the mound were placed on the keyboard to write the police justice scene, a new message appeared in front of him.

[Quirk is a kind of disease] 1117;: Only a small group of us have not been arrested by unknown.

[My friend loves women's clothing] 1118L: It's a young age! ! My friend was really taken away! !

[Middle school student 397 who is always bullied] 1119L: What's the matter?

[My friend loves women's clothing] 1128L: I just wanted to play a game with my old friend this afternoon. I got a teammate or something, but when the call was made, the line was busy. When his mobile phone was not busy, the call was answered. Police, I was blindfolded at the time. When I ran to him, the police said that the guy had been kidnapped for almost half an hour! But they just can't file a case? ! I'm going to your shit policeman!

Looks like someone who hates the police.

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