The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 486 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 486

Location: Fifth Hall, time, at midnight at 12:38, Villain, who was already surrounded by the police corps, was holding a detonator and a guy who appeared to be obviously a hostage.

"Hurry up and put down the detonator!!"

"Leave your mother!" Villain raised a middle finger to the police and Heroes outside the wall, then retracted, spit out a bomb from the opening in his waist, and threw the bomb directly to the police outside. .


"Don't want to commit a crime!!" A white feather flew over, blasting the bomb directly, and the explosion and black smoke stirred again.

"White Pigeon, you are here."

"How is the situation?" A man with a white pigeon head landed on a police car, his red eyes blinking.

"Not so good. There is only one Villain. [Quirk] should be a bomb or something. According to him, he has planted bombs on all the key nodes of the building in front of him. As soon as he detonates, the whole building Will explode."

"Is this guy crazy? So crazy?"

"According to the old policeman, this guy used to be a starter of the Ba Zhai Society. The Ba Zhai Society felt that his [quirk] was not suitable for them, so he fired him, and then he became a blaster, which was pretty good at first. I just don’t know if this guy has a brain hole or something. I started Villain two months ago. He destroyed some of the tall buildings in the city. I heard that many people have died." The Shizune female hero said, she glanced at the increase. Policeman operating the machine.

"How is it? Has the drone entered the building now?"

"I have entered. It is indeed the same as what he said. Villain has installed a lot of bombs on the load-bearing wall of the building, but I don't know what impact the bombs will have after the explosion. Professionals are needed to come over."

"Wait for those old and undead experts, this place would have been bombed into rubble a long time ago. It would be better to count on negotiation experts." A police detective pointed to a police car that was slowly approaching. The car was carrying a professional. Negotiation expert.

"What about the other Heroes?"

"There are two people rushing here, but none of them are Heroes who can solve this incident [quirk]."

"Can you only rely on negotiation experts? Tsk."

"Hey, it looks like you are in trouble. How about letting me help? It doesn't cost me money." Redeye made a mask for himself with the shadow of a street lamp, put it on his face, and walked down the alley while talking. Came out.(Read more @

"Who are you?! I remember that this place has been banned by the police! Why can anyone come in?"

"Pee pee pee... If Villain found out, that would be bad." The red eyes dangled his arm, disappeared out of thin air in the next second, and appeared behind the white pigeon man and Shizune woman.

"Such a [quirk] is enough to complete the task, so leave it to me." The red eye patted the shoulders of the pigeon man and Shizune woman. Before they could react, the red eye disappeared again. This time he appeared. At the door of the tall building, he swaggered in.

"Gan! That little boy is really desperate!" The white pigeon man shouted, flapping his wings and rushing into the tall building.

"Damn! Other people follow me!" The detective also brought some people into the high building. The detective gritted his teeth hard. The balance that had been confronted was already tilted, and I can only hope that Villain can push down the detonator later.

When the pigeon man and the police rushed into the tall building, they all gasped. Villain's hand holding the detonator was chopped off by the root, and the opening that could produce a bomb was cut off. After slashing, the red-eyed hand carried the hostage who had passed out. He coldly looked at Villain who had fallen on the ground, and raised the blade that had cut off his arm, watching the blade still dripping on the ground. Blood, red-eyed eyes flashed, he pulled off the mask, stuck out his tongue, and licked the blood on the blade.

" did this?" The pigeon man swallowed his saliva.

"Tsk...a smell of gunpowder, um, I did it, and I rescued the hostages, and it's time to leave." Redeye spit out the blood from his mouth to the ground and kicked Villain who was lying on the ground with his feet. .

"Next time I eat something light, even the blood becomes awful, and I want to vomit." After Redeye finished speaking, he slashed Villain again.

"Hey! Villain has been punishable!"

"What does it matter to me?" The red eye shrugged his shoulders and threw the unconscious hostage at the pigeon man, and then walked towards the black hole behind him.

"Hey you!"

"Don't leave!" The detective rushed towards the red eye.

"Trouble!" The red eyes turned sharply, and made a long ditch on the ground with a long sword on the ground, just cutting off the front end of the detective's shoes, and the detective abruptly stopped his footsteps behind the long ditch. .

"Before I leave, those who dare to cross the line, kill." The red-eyed voice was as cold as iron, and the tip of the sword touched the detective's apple, and the cold tip of the blade lit a bright red on the skin of the apple.

"Although I don't know if your blood is good or not, I really have to leave now. I don't have time to waste time wrestling with you policemen." After the red eye turned and walked into the black hole, the black hole walked in the red eye. After entering, it instantly turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air.

"Repairable, this guy is exactly Villain." The detective touched his neck, sticking a touch of blood to his hands.

"Hurry up and call the ambulance handle. There are two wounded people who need to be treated now." The white pigeon man blinked his eyes, holding the hostage in one hand, and the other hand holding the bloody Villain and Shizune woman who had fainted a long time ago. Xia also ran into the building.

"How's it going? What about that guy?"

"It's already gone, let the ambulance and the blaster come over."

"Let me go, who cut this guy like this? She broke her hand?" The Shizune woman picked up the severed hand from the ground, a little nauseous.

"That guy cut it. The detective said that guy behaved like Villain. Be careful later."


"Beep Beep Beep Beep~" The ambulance that was supposed to be carrying the injured rushed towards the hospital with Villain who was supposed to roll into the prison.

"Da da da da da da~ da da da da da da~ Where are the Villains...what does your blood taste like?"

At three o'clock in the morning, I have been hunting Villain for nearly two and a half hours. Redeye’s harvest tonight is'quite abundance'. A dozen headless corpses are stacked aside. Redeye sits next to a big tree and takes a sip of the bottle in his hand. blood.

"Hululu~huh, the taste is as bad as shit, hiccups~ the blood of the guy at the beginning tastes good, forget it, that's all for today's event, a bunch of garbage, waiting for breakfast. "The red eye slammed the bottle to the ground forcefully, and the bottle shattered in response. The red blood dyed the red-eyed black shoes red. After an unpleasant hiccup, the red eye stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and a big black hole appeared. Just as Red Eye was about to lift his foot into the black hole, he suddenly stopped. He smelled his body. Although it was not too strong, there was still a faint smell of blood.

"Tsk, I have to find a place to take a bath."

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