The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 489 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 489

[Whether it's Heroes or Villain, I hope he can kill less Villain next time, or don't put Villain's body in such a prominent position, it's scary. 】

[I agree with this. 】

[Agree +1]

"Puff, it still looks scary, well, next time you leave a piece of white ash, burn all the corpses out~"

[You said, when we are talking like this, will [Unknown] be watching? 】

[Probably not. According to criminal psychology, after murder, the murderer likes to go to the scene and watch his masterpiece again. 】

[The set of criminal psychology upstairs does not know what age it is. The numb cilia on my body tell me that the murderer is now watching the screen. 】

"Guess right, but there is no reward." The red eye quickly exited the live broadcast interface in the next moment. Why is there something false?

"Now, just wait for the sky... Tian... Dr. Nan, bah bah, Chinese is really difficult to read, anyway, just waiting for the doctor to arrive at the airport, um... In winter, do you still have butterfly catches? Forget it, I'm just one to accompany you. I can go wherever the doctor wants to go."

Just as Red Eye turned over and cleverly covered the little quilt, a kidnapping operation against Dr. Amada Minami was quietly proceeding.

"Group A is already in place, what about the situation of Group B?"

"The operation to replace staff in Group B is ongoing."

"Group C?"

"The taxi is already in place, waiting to pick up the doctor at any time."

"Group D, your situation."

"I haven't found out who is in charge of the doctor in Neon. The sources are very mixed. Some officers at the rank of officers have received calls from the doctor."

"Tsk." Squeezing the bracelet in his hand, the head of the Second Spy Division of the Ministry of National Defense, Yosuke Tosaburo, was sitting in his seat at this time and watching his subordinates continue to move.

"Listen to all the members of the E group. No matter who comes to meet Dr. Amada Minami, I will take all of them. Dr. Amada Minami is a great power in arms development and research. As long as we get her! Our national defense capabilities can move forward. A big step! It is even possible to become a new permanent member! It all cheers me up!"

"Yes, sir!"

"But sir, what if the respondent resists?"

"What else can I do? Cut first and play later! Even if I'm an officer, I also have the Secretary of Defense's documents here. I must bring the doctor back to me at all costs!!"

"Crack!" The wooden beads suddenly collapsed, and the pieces fell on the ground. The assistant promptly served a cup of chrysanthemum tea that lowered the fire. Tosaburo Yosuke took the teacup and drank the chrysanthemum tea in one sip.

"Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. On the first day of taking office, the chief of Hino Kiyosuke personally solved a group of garbage staff who planned to give the chief a stupid idea. The bloody methods made them tremble in the dark.

"I hope you all, do your best to dedicate your life to our country's cause!" Yosuke Tomosaburo laughed while talking, and the laughter made all the people who heard it stand upright.


On an international flight, Minami Amada flew the mechanical butterfly next to them. The children sitting next to them put one hand on their chin and looked at the butterfly that fluttered its wings. His eyes moved with the flying of the butterfly. Dr. Minami Amada naturally watched When she reached the little boy, she pulled out the lollipop from her mouth and looked at the little boy.

"Like it?"

"Emmm...I like it, how much is it?"

"You can't afford this baby" Dr. Amada said in standard English. He stretched out a little finger. The butterfly landed on the little finger. The butterfly slapped its steel wings, and in the next second the butterfly's wings became Colored.

"!" The children's eyes bloomed with brilliance.

"This is Psychedelic cloth, With a small piece, you can afford your house."(Read more @

"Wow~" the little boy yelled, his little hand covering his mouth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to arrive at Xiongying Airport. Welcome to take our flight again. (Gentlemen and gentlemen, we are about to take our flight again.)" The flight broadcast was broadcast twice, The butterfly on Dr. Amada's hand flew up, flew two times around the doctor, and landed on her shoulder.

"Moreover, this thing is very dangerous." The doctor said, raising a finger and shaking it.

"Ok." The little boy compared an Ok's jewelry, and the doctor took the phone out of his pocket and dialed a call.

"Huh...huh..." The red eyes were lying on the bed, his mouth opened wide and he said that it was quite comfortable, and the phone was placed on top of his head.

"Om~ Om~ Om~"

"Peas..." The phone kept vibrating, tapping his red-eyed head.

"It hurts! Who!" The red eye took the culprit to his ear and answered the phone.

"Moximosi, who?" The red-eyed tone was a little impatient.

"Jonah, I'm almost at the U.A. Airport now. Are you coming to pick me up or I'm going to find you?"

"Doctor? Cough cough cough, I will be at the airport right now, please wait a moment!"

"Okay... remember to bring me a cigarette, I was so greasy to eat sugar on the plane."

"Doctor, you'd better smoke less."

"you shut up!"

"Okay, I'll bring a cigarette." The red eye said as he took out a thousand-yuan bill from his pocket, waved his hands, a big black hole appeared in the air, and the red eye quickly walked into the big hole.

Five minutes later, the plane landed steadily at the airport, and the doctor's face was stuck to the window.

"Look, look! It's snowing!"

"Doctor, I can't breathe because of you."

"It's snowing, the butterfly will definitely come out! Let's get off the plane!" The doctor unfastened the seat belt tied around his waist. After the plane was connected to the safety gate, he quickly ran to the door with a flushed face. Stomping and waiting for the stewardess to open the door.

Everyone except the bodyguard: This beauty is actually a funny comparison...

"Crack, beep~" You should never underestimate the stewardess's arm strength. I saw that the stewardess opened the door of the cabin with only one hand. After opening, the stewardess stood by the door and bowed to everyone.

"Thanks again, hoo!" The white coat flashed in front of the stewardess, and a man in a down jacket carried a suitcase and nodded to the stewardess.

"Sorry, she is in a hurry."

"It's all right, please go slowly."

"Hurry up! You!"

"Here." The two walked out of the cabin.

"Attention all, the doctor is down, all ready, group D, have you seen the responder?!"

"Not for the time being, I haven't seen it at all."

"Group E, hurry up to meet you, ready to take the Doctor away."

"To understanding."

After the red eye bought a good cigarette, he quickly used the [Portal Gate] to transport himself to the corner of the UA Airport. When he walked out of the black hole, the red eye swiped his face, his hair was covered with silver, and his clothes changed. Become a very ordinary sweater, he took the phone and dialed the doctor's number.

"Doctor, I'm already at the airport, what exit are you at?"

"The fifth exit, did I buy the cigarette I want you to buy?"

"I bought it, Doctor, smoking in Seventies is really bad for me."

"Tsk, I haven't seen you so much before, it's not cute at all."

"..." The red eye just wanted to say MMP. Suddenly he saw a dozen men in black suits and sunglasses stood up and walked towards Exit 5 at the same time. The situation seemed a bit wrong.

"Doctor, does anyone else know that you are coming from over there to pick you up?"


"Your phone was tapped." The red eye quickly hung up, and rushed to Exit 5 like a gust of wind.

"Group E is now approaching Exit 5, everyone pay attention." The leader of Group E said quite quietly.

"Sorry, please give me a favor." A silver light ran across the crowd, and the red eyes shouted and patted their hands on the people in black who stood up at the same time.

"Be careful!"

"Don't run so fast, be careful of falling."

"Yes, sorry! Let me." The red eyes quickly came to the pick-up gate, followed by the people in black, and one of the people in black gave a red eye.

"The doctor is about to be received, and other members of Group E pay attention to opening the passage."


The doctor put her hands in her trouser pockets, with the unfinished lollipop in her mouth, and walked out from the exit with wind. The moment she walked out, the people in black were all brushing up. Jumped over the railing and rushed to the doctor.

"Oh, you really dare to start." Red eyes looked at these people in black coldly, and raised his right hand and snapped a finger.

"Papa, bang!" The people in black fell heavily to the ground.

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