The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 491 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 491

As the school bell rang, everyone relaxed. Several people gathered and walked out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Xiaojiu-kun, let's eat together today." Uraraka invited Izuku daily.

"No, I won't eat in the cafeteria today, I made a bento yesterday."

"Bakugo, have lunch together?"

"Laozi is not in the mood to eat today, you go with the idiot face by yourself."

"I said I'm not an idiot!"

"Hehehehe~ Yaoyorozu, let's go to lunch together.....Puff!" Mineta Minoru is routinely dying and being pumped daily.

"Yaoyorozu, let's go to lunch together."

"I'm a little worried about my test scores today. I am not sure about the answers to some questions." Listening to Yaoyorozu's words, the ear man rolled his eyes with a fragrant incense. Why don't I believe this.

Everyone walked out of the classroom one after another, leaving only three people preparing for the game. The three looked at each other and took out the bento they made from the drawer.

"Feijiu! You eat mine first!"

"Izuku, I made the pork chop rice you like. Try it?" Two bento boxes were placed on Izuku's table at the same time.

"Xiaosheng, Hongjun, you all only prepared one, one..." Izuku was a bit speechless, you all only prepared the one for me, what about your own?

"Didn't you waste a long time?"

"I also want to try the bento made by Izuku." Okay, it was eaten to death. Izuku smiled and opened the cloth wrapped in the bento box. Two blue bento boxes appeared in Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto. In front of Todoroki, on the cover of the bento box is the fairly classic face of All Might, Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki are a little nauseous.

"Xiaosheng, this is curry steak rice. Because I don’t know how much spicy Xiaosheng can eat, so I poured half a can of chili sauce into it. Jun, this is your favorite soba noodles, because I don’t know how much. Jun's preference, so I poured some honey on the soba noodles, I hope you like it." As Izuku said, he handed two bentos to Bakuguo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki.

"Half a jar of chili sauce? Are you afraid you are not underestimating me?" Bakugo Katsuki took the bento with a grinning grin.

"Sweet, soba noodles? Thank you." Shoto Todoroki took the bento and opened the lid of the bento box with All Might printed on it. A bunch of cute soba noodles were firmly placed in the bento box. The green cucumbers are used as decoration, and there is no appearance of pouring honey. On the contrary, it is a little cute.

"Let’s take a look at what Xiaosheng and Hongjun made delicious?" Izuku opened the lunch of Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki with a smile. The artwork is extremely perfect. In contrast, Shoto Todoroki's share is a bit ordinary. Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki naturally saw each other’s bento. Bakugo Katsuki smiled at the corner of his mouth, and Shoto Todoroki sips. The two people sat in the front and rear seats of Izuku. Bakugo Katsuki took out the chopsticks and spoons that he had prepared long ago. Shoto Todoroki didn't bring them, so he made a set of tableware directly with his own [quirk], which was quite generous.

"Huh, I'm finally able to eat, I'm welcome!" Izuku took out a disposable wooden chopsticks and spoon from his pocket, broke the chopsticks, Izuku first ate Shoto Todoroki's pork chop rice.(Read more @

"Hey, click." The pork chop was indeed fried, but it didn't feel like it was cooked through, and it was a bit too much in starch.

‘It’s a bit undercooked, but it’s delicious. Izuku smiled, stuffed this pork chop into his mouth, and then scooped a spoonful of rice, which was made with good rice.

‘But why is it sour and sweet? The taste is very strange.... But I still like to eat a bit saltier, this one is also good. Izuku took another spoonful, stuffed it in his mouth, and then turned to look at Shoto Todoroki.

"The tonkatsu made by Ho-kun is delicious, I like it very much."

"I haven't tasted it myself, can I have a bite?"

"Huh? Haven't you tasted it?" Izuku was a little shocked, and took a spoonful of rice to Shoto Todoroki's face. Shoto Todoroki froze for a moment, opened his mouth and ate it, his tongue was quickly occupied by sweetness, Shoto Todoroki couldn't help it. She frowned, put the wrong seasoning, it was too sweet.

"Well, it's too sweet."

"Hahaha, it should be the first time for Jun Hong to make pork chop rice. Putting too much sugar will make you greasy." Izuku took another spoonful of rice and stuffed it into his mouth. This scene showed Shoto Todoroki again. Frozen, he lowered his head, picked up a bar of soba noodles with ice chopsticks, and sucked.

Soba noodles made of slightly sweet honey and high-gluten flour, plus pickled cucumber shreds, the perfect combination of saltiness and sweetness, really makes Shoto Todoroki a little unforgettable.

‘The taste is much better than what I made myself. Soba noodles made by Izuku are delicious. ’

"Haha ha ha ha ha ha" pinched his nose and finished this sweet and greasy tonkatsu. Izuku moved his target to a bento made by Bakugo Katsuki. The slightly charred pork cutlet around made Izuku swallow again and use his chopsticks. I picked up a piece and looked at the underside of the tonkatsu in the bento box, um... a bunch of chili, Izuku can imagine the taste of this pork cutlet rice with his toes.

‘Oh, it’s spicy! Izuku burst into tears in his heart, and took a bite of tonkatsu, a slightly spicy sensation bloomed in his mouth. The tonkatsu was fat but not greasy, and the starch was a bit crispy, and the taste was quite good.

'good to eat! Xiao Sheng is really super awesome. ’I used a spoon to put away the chili on the rice, Izuku carefully scooped a small spoonful, and ate it carefully into his mouth.

"Um!!!" The moment he ate it, the accumulated spiciness and pain flew out from the bottom of his tongue.

"Hey, Fei Jiu still can't eat spicy, Laozi just put a quarter of the spicy sauce."

"Puff.....! A quarter?! It's so hot to me!!!" Izuku stood up from his position, clutching his mouth, and rushed out of the classroom.

"Cut! Didn't you put half a can of chili paste on the curry rice?" Bakugo Katsuki said, turning the spoon, scooping a spoonful of curry rice, and stuffing it into his mouth.

‘The spiciness isn’t strong enough. I’m so idiot. You’ll put a whole pot in it next time. Hehe, do you still want to have another time? Just eat chili!

After rushing out of the classroom, Izuku quickly ran into the bathroom near the classroom and quickly turned on the faucet.

"Gulugulugulu..." After taking a few mouthfuls of cold water, the pain in his mouth was weakened, and Izuku wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Puff, Xiao Sheng puts too many chili peppers, puff puff puff puff." Izuku took a hand of water and hit his face. The cold water made his already blushing face even more red. .

"Pattern." A belt buckle sounded, and Izuku looked up, a little puzzled.

"Tap, huh? Midoriya?" Walking out of the toilet was Shinso Hitoshi with purple hair and a neck strap.

"My heart, good noon!" As soon as I saw my heart, I remembered that he had to buy Shinso Hitoshi in return. It was strange. If the red eye didn't mention it, Izuku would forget it naturally. In principle, Izuku thinks that his memory is pretty good.

"Well, good noon, shouldn't you eat in the cafeteria?" Shinso Hitoshi mentioned his restraint cloth, wondering if Izuku wears the scarf he made.

"Hey, I made my own bento today. By the way, I'm sorry, are you free on Saturday? Uh...or do you have something you like?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"Haha." Izuku scratched his head.

"Because the scarf that you sent me by the heart-worshiper was accidentally broken." Shinso Hitoshi's hand suddenly squeezed.

"So I want to buy a gift that Mr. Heart Choosing likes and return it to Mr. Heart Choosing. I don't know if Mr. Heart Choosing has it."

"I'm free." Mr. Xin Cao raised the binding cloth again.

"Okay, it's settled! At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will gather at the promenade supermarket, if you see it or not! I'm leaving now!" Izuku waved at Shinso Hitoshi and ran out of the bathroom.

"Is the Long Corridor Supermarket? Okay." When Xin Cao Jun responded, Izuku had already run away.

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