The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 495 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 495

"After washing hands, go visit the shrine, I really want to know which deity is enshrined here."

"The shrine here enshrines the god of the sun, Amaterasu god-tier." When the god was not known, a woman in a witch costume appeared behind Izuku and Uraraka.

"Goddess is good."

"Miko-sama!" With two different names, Uraraka tilted his head and looked at Izuku.

"Huh? Xiaojiu-kun, Lord Miko is not a goddess."

"It's just two different names. Do you want to visit this shrine? Can I lead the way?"

"Thank you." Izuku and Uraraka bowed to the Miko, and the Miko smiled slightly, leading Izuku and Uraraka to stroll around the shrine.

The first step in visiting the shrine is naturally to visit the shrine. Following in the footsteps of the maiden, the two came to the shrine and put the five-yuan incense money into the match box. Uraraka first shook the bell of the altar money.

"Ding Dong~Ding Dong~" the bell rang, and a gentle breeze passed.

"I'm here, Kamisama..." Uraraka bowed twice, and Izuku dropped two five-yuan coins and rang the bell.

The two of them completed the process of visiting the shrine before and after, and both put their hands together and made their wish.

Want to know the wish? Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"Please also two of you come with me."

"Huh? Is there any place to go?" Uraraka tapped his chin with his finger and put the suitcase down.

"Today is the celebration day of the shrine, so some places that were not open before are open to the public."

"There are still places that are not open?" Uraraka whispered, not before.

"Today, Lord Goddess will appear in person to pray for people." The witch was walking in front, Uraraka hooked Izuku's hand with her little finger and whispered in Izuku's ear.

"My job is to bring up the things that were used and sold for the sacrifices."

"So that's it." Izuku nodded and continued to follow the witch, and they came to an altar.

"Here is the place where sacrifices are placed and the goddess dances, and over there is the place to dance." Looking in the direction of the maiden's fingers, there is a finely crafted high platform over there. If you dance there, the dance of the goddess will be People can see it clearly.

"The sacrificial dance is Kagura dance."

"I know very clearly."

"By the way, where is the Lord Goddess? Can we see?" Uraraka raised his hand and asked.

"The Lord Goddess is purifying the body and chanting a mantra, so I cannot see it."

"Wow, it feels a pity."(Read more @

"Besides here, we still have flower beds here, do you want to go see it?"

"Yes! Please!" Uraraka said loudly, and continued to walk in the shrine with the maiden. Finally, they walked in front of a lavender field.

"Enough to die!! Unexpectedly, there is a lavender field in the shrine!! Sniff~It's so fragrant."

"Sniff, it's really fragrant." Izuku also sniffed, and the scent of lavender rushed into the nasal cavity, making people feel peaceful.

"This is also one of our revenue items, lavender pillows, which are more popular."

"Sniff~Excuse me, is it so fragrant?"

"It's all made now."

"Can you sell me one? How much?"

"One thousand and five hundred yuan each, sleeping with lavender on my pillow, I feel pretty good."

"Then please!"

"Please get me two." Izuku said, touching his pocket.

"Huh? Xiaojiu-kun, what do you buy two for?"

"One for you, Uraraka, how can you finally come back to the shrine without a souvenir?"

"I, I, I can buy it myself!" Uraraka blushed suddenly.

"Part-time work can't make so much money at one time, so let me do it. Can I swipe my card?"

"Yes, please come here." Izuku followed the witch toward the cashier's direction, leaving Uraraka with a blushing face beside the lavender field.

"How can it be repaired! This is too embarrassing! I originally wanted to buy one for Xiaojiu-kun, repairable! Repairable!" Uraraka Ochaco squatted on the ground with his red face in his hands.

"Um~ It's really embarrassing~" Inadvertently [quirk] was activated, Uraraka floated in mid-air, a breeze blew, Uraraka's body began to spin.

At the cashier, Izuku looked at the Miko who was packing her pillow, and didn't know why, but there was always a strange sense of disobedience in her heart.

‘It feels a little strange, but I don’t know what is strange. ’

"This is your pillow, please keep it away."

"Ariado." With two pillows in one hand, Izuku turned and walked out of the cashier.

"I'm very sorry, something happened to me suddenly." The shrine maiden's voice made Izuku turn around again.

"So I can't take you and your friends to visit. Please visit here by yourself."

"I see, thank you very much for leading the way." Izuku bowed to the maiden, turned around again and walked towards the lavender field.

After the witch bowed to Izuku's back, she slowly retreated to a corner and opened the hidden paper door. The witch knelt on the ground and looked at the goddess who was dressing up.

"My Goddess, the pillow you used to cast your curse has already been given to that gentleman."

"Um... go down."

"Yes." The witch closed the paper door carefully, picked up the broom set aside, and walked out carefully.

"My Lord Goddess, the things have been sent out, can you tell me now why you don't hesitate to use magic arts to send the curse to that gentleman?"

"Sanhe maiden, you have been following me for the longest time. You also know my abilities. God has granted me authority. I serve as God, Kamishama's oracle, and I will do it myself." The goddess blinked. After blinking, a drop of blood and tears fell from her eyes to the ground, and the maiden who was serving her picked up a thin towel and a silk mask from behind, and helped the goddess to put them on. The goddess's hands were lightly sent with Kagura bells and exorcism arrows. trembling.

Izuku walked back to the lavender field and saw Uraraka Ochaco floating in mid-air. He waved the pillow box in his hand.

"Uraraka, I bought the pillow."

"Ahhh!! It really cost you money!!" Uraraka also saw Izuku, her face flushed with shame, she quickly unlocked the [quirk] and landed on the ground.

"My husband, it's just a pillow. Time is almost up. Let's ask for a visa and let's go. It's time for you to go to work, isn't it?"

"Huh? Huh? Really! Only half an hour left!" Uraraka took out her phone and took a look. She was about to go to work in half an hour, and she hadn't asked for a visa yet!

"Hurry up and go!" Izuku followed Uraraka through the shrine again. Soon, they came to the place where they asked for a sign. Uraraka took out two 100-yuan coins and put them in the sign holder. ] Drew a lottery from the lottery box, then turned his head and said to Izuku, who had just ran over.

"I've thrown the money for you, just take it from the sign box! I'll go to work first!"

"Take this!!" The pillow box was thrown at Uraraka. Uraraka stretched out a finger and caught the box. Uraraka quickly rushed down the stairs.

"Please sign.... Please ask for a fortune sign." Izuku reached into the [fortune] sign box, grabbed one at random, and did not open it on the spot. Following the direction of coming up, Izuku walked down quickly Going up the stairs and back to the tram station.

"I'm a little hungry, go home and cook pork chop rice."

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