The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 503 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 503

"Do you think you can run away?! Tianma-jun!" The mechanic grinned, holding the electromagnetic chain in his hand.

"Take advantage of it now!!" Several huge stones suddenly appeared in Shi Shuo's hand and threw them at the mobile Pegasus, sealing all the evacuation paths of the mobile Pegasus.

The double sword of the special warfare leaped forcefully with both feet and jumped in front of the mobile Tianma.

"Mr. Tianma, don't be nervous, we just want to talk to you." The Special Combat Swords smiled and pulled off his patrolling mask.

The mobile Tianma patted a stone behind him. Quartz stone has a high hardness. If it is seriously hit with two punches, it is not indestructible.

"What do you want to talk about?" The optical mirror of the mobile Tianma flashed, and he stretched out the revolver in his left hand.

"Before we talk, I want to fix you guys!" The mechanic jumped in from behind the stone, and pulled the electromagnetic chain forcefully with one hand, trying to pull the mobile Pegasus down.

"The difference in strength, you can't beat me." The mobile Tianma stiffly bent down and held the electromagnetic chain in his hand. On the body, the sound of friction between the iron sheet and the iron sheet was played by the mobile Tianma's radio. It's all included.

"The electricity produced by the electromagnetic chain is completely not fatal."

"Wow!!" The eyes under the mechanic's goggles are full of bloodshot eyes. This electromagnetic chain is a product he has made day and night in the past few days, in order to tie the damn guy like the mobile Pegasus. , Let him have a good beating.

"Moreover, your strength is not as strong as mine." The mobile Tianma slammed the electromagnetic chain, and the mechanic's body flew to the mobile Tianma uncontrollably. The mobile Tianma stretched out his left hand, and the mechanic's stomach hit the mobile. On Tianma's arm, a mouthful of water spouted from the mechanic's mouth.

"Mechanic!!" As soon as Shi Shuo jumped in, he saw the mechanic hit the mobile Pegasus's arm. He almost rushed towards the mobile Pegasus without breathing in a breath.

"Shi Shuo!" The Special Combat Swords took a step forward, reaching out to block Shi Shuo.

"We just want to have a good chat with you, Mr. Tianma, there is no need to go to war. We also ask Mr. Tianma to come with us."

"I follow the master's orders in all actions. I have to ask the master before I can answer you."

"This can't be for you!!" Suddenly a few more black spheres appeared in the mechanic's hands, and the black spheres suddenly floated.

"Mr. Mechanic, your adrenaline is too high and you need to rest." The cold mechanical sound of the mobile Pegasus came out of the loudspeaker, and the black spheres produced electromagnetism and connected to each other, forming a Zhang electromagnetic net.

"Electromagnetic~Net...Electromagnetic...Analysis..." The computer was interfered by electromagnetic, and the calculation data began to show errors.

"Error error error...Start the self-closing state, waiting for foreign aid...send a distress signal to the owner...close the database." The optical mirror of the mobile Tianma was closed and turned into a deep Black, it lowered its head, and before the last moment when the whole body was powered off, the mobile Tianma sent a distress message to Izuku's mobile phone.

"Hahahaha! Didn't you stop this guy in the end?! Hey! Wasn't it hard just now?! Why don't you speak anymore?! Ghh?!" The mechanic sat on the ground, clutching his stomach and laughing wildly, suddenly , His eyes rolled up and he fainted.(Read more @

"Hello?! Mechanic?! Me!" Shi Shuo was close to the mechanic, he squatted down and patted the mechanic's face with his hands.

"Captain! The mechanic fainted!"

"Damn! I know this kid will play himself to death one day! The ambulance is out there, hurry up! Tianma-jun, please wait here, and we will be back soon." Shi Shuo and the two jumped out of the stone formation holding the mechanic, and quickly came to the ambulance.

A minute later, the ambulance screamed and left the corridor supermarket. At the same time, the reporters who smelled the meat missed the ambulance and parked in the parking space next to the corridor supermarket.

"Quick, quick! You must get the first-hand news!!"

"That's it!! Combining the special warfare double swords and Shi Shuo of the firm! Hurry up and interview them!!"

"Leave it to us here, you two, hurry up and take Mr. Tianma away!" Several policemen rushed forward and stopped the reporter. The special operations sword nodded, looked at Shi Shuo, and jumped in again. In the stone formation.

"Sorry, Mr. Tianma, a reporter has come here, so I can only take you away now." The special warfare double sword reached out and patted the mobile Tianma's shoulder, the shell of the shoulder armor was cold.

"Let's go...huh? Non-violent and non-cooperative? Interesting, Shi Shuo, come over and help, and take Tianma Jun back to the police car."


When the mechanic woke up from a coma, it was already 12:20 noon. Deep dark circles covered his pupils, but they couldn't cover the excitement in his eyes.

"YES! Cough cough cough cough cough!"

"Yeah, are you awake?" The doctor put a bottle of glucose on the patient next to the mechanic and turned his head and glanced at the mechanic.

"Okay, after hanging up this bottle of glucose, you can go back." After the doctor finished speaking, the curtain closed.

"Thank you doctor." The voice sounded like a child.

"Are there any kids in the promenade supermarket? ’

"Okay, the next step is to deal with your problem. You stayed up for more than a week, right." The doctor pushed his glasses and looked at the mechanic.

"...Hi." To be precise, it was more than one day a week.

"Although you know that your Heroes' biological clocks are very irregular, this is not feasible. There have been several cases of Heroes' sudden deaths due to work. Do you guys know that the body is the capital of peacekeeping? The same is true for you. After finishing this bottle of glucose, go to the prescribing office to prescribe two plates of digestive tablets and sleeping pills. This is the prescription."

"Eh?! Sleeping pills?! I'm not enough to take sleeping pills to help sleep, right!"

"It's good for yourself. Don't wait until you die suddenly. Everything is too late. If you don't want to die so early, just follow the doctor's advice."

"......Oh." The mechanic nodded seriously.

"Okay, you two can rest here, uh, that purple-haired kid had better leave a little while to give the patient time to rest."

"Oh, well, then, Midoriya, I will leave first."

"Well, it's not too early, and I'm bothering you to take care of me here. Go back quickly."

"I'll call the monitor of your class and take a break." The purple-haired child walked out from the curtain and closed the door of the ward with the doctor.

"Puff puff puff~ I won't die suddenly! How can it be repaired! Don't curse me casually." The mechanic made a grimace at the closed door, then shook his arm, and a bracelet appeared on his arm I clicked on the hand ring with my finger, and a screen appeared on my arm.

"At this time, the captain and that guy Shi Shuo should have taken Tianma's bastard to the police station. It is still quite uncomfortable to not beat him personally. How can it be fixed!!" Hey hey, the sound of gnashing teeth even the next bed Izuku heard it all.

‘It looks like the husband next to the bed is very angry. Izuku used his own hand to dig the bed, and suddenly, he felt his right hand feel hot.

‘What the hell? Izuku flipped his right hand, the old flip phone appeared in Izuku's hand, opened the phone, and a text message popped out.

"Mobile Pegasus's call for help? Was it taken by the police? This guy...Forget it, go and rescue him at night, but this guy didn't say where he is at the police station, eh? This phone still has it. Is it GPS-enabled?" Izuku's hand kept pressing on the flip phone to call up a GPS, and the GPS signal of the mobile Tianma is on the phone.

"This phone is really powerful, so I decided to go and bring the mobile Pegasus back at night. Now, let's take a good rest." Izuku whispered, turning the flip phone in his hand. After a few laps, it turned into a tattoo on Izuku's palm again, and disappeared gradually.

"Take a rest..." Izuku fell on the pillow, put the phone next to him, and fell asleep peacefully.

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