The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 511 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 511

At eight o'clock in the evening, Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki put on their coats and walked out of Bakugo's house.

"Hey, isn't your house over there? What are you going to do over there?" Bakugo Katsuki put one hand in his pocket and the other pointed in the direction of Izuku's house.

"The coffee at home is gone, so I wanted to buy two cups of coffee." Izuku said, smiling at Bakugo, and walked towards the convenience store on his own.

"Drinking coffee at night, do you want to go to bed?" Bakugo Katsuki said and raised his heel.

"For what I like, it’s okay to sleep late! Xiaosheng! Did you know? A few days are the time when the All Might shipment rate of "Heroes Chronicles" will increase! I definitely want to get it this time!! "Izuku's eyes burst into light called'Obuki', almost blinding Bakugo Katsuki's eyes.

"Tsk, it's too bright! Take it back for me!" Bakugo Katsuki stretched out his hand and squeezed Izuku's face.

"Woo~ Xiao Sheng is too much!!" A slap slapped Xiao Sheng's hand holding his face, squinting one eye and stretching out his hand to constantly rub the pinched face.

"I hate being pinched by others, poof." Izuku thought of the guy who couldn't see the face of the guy who gave him his belt and the mobile Pegasus. His face was swollen for a long time.

"Tsk, don't want to be pinched, don't your girl's face be so tender?!" Bakugo Katsuki withdrew his other hand from his pocket, and rushed to Izuku's face with both hands at the same time.

"Hey! Don't!" Izuku put his face in his hands and ran to the convenience store.

"Stand for me!!"

Police station, interrogation room.

Special Combat Swordsman and Shi Shuo have a headache now, no, it is a headache. Since the Tianma Jun was carried into the interrogation room, the volunteer police officer hadn’t said a word from beginning to end. He originally intended to let him The pork chop rice confessed to the table is already cold. This is not good. This pork chop rice is specially made by the aunt of the police station canteen. As long as you eat a bite, you will tell the whole story of your crime, but the key is, The suspect has to eat.

"Hey! Don't think that if you shut up, there will be nothing! We have recorded everything you do, even with surveillance video as evidence!"

"You don't need to be so nervous, we are just chatting with you. I haven't eaten dinner yet. The pork chop rice is cold. I'll warm it up for you." I walked out with the bowl of pork chop rice.

Unscrew the door of the interrogation room, the police shook his head at the special warfare double sword and Shi Shuo.

"Still not working?"

"That guy refuses to open his mouth and face, he's just a pair of iron shells."

"This is difficult."

"Is it true that a robot can't work?" Shi Shuo whispered while pinching his chin.

"How is it possible that the current technology and technology can't support such a powerful AI at all?" The mechanic walked in from the door of the police station, looking sad and sad. He rubbed himself and got frozen. The red face kicked the door of the interrogation room directly, and was pulled back by Special Combat Swords and Shi Shuo at the moment when he was about to step into the interrogation room.

"You shit! Captain, Shi Shuo, you two let me in! I'm going to beat this guy to death!!"(Read more @

"Mechanic, calm down! Puff!!" A right hook directly slapped the special combat double sword with a slobber, dare to do this to the captain, he wouldn't kill you to be kind to him.

"You shit! Be honest!" With an elbow, the mechanic spit out and his body limp.

"Let me in! Puff! Ahem!"

"Go, move this guy to another place." Special Combat Double Sword and Shi Shuo moved the mechanic to a lounge.

"Captain! Let me in! I definitely want to clean up that guy!"

"Calm down! You were almost caught by the monitor, don't you know?"

"Monitoring? Is it still on?"

"Do you think it's those police and gangster movies that never turn on the monitor? Really, hiss, Shi Shuo, bring me an ice pack."

"Oh." Shi Shuo honestly went to find the ice pack. The police officer carrying pork chop rice came over, handed the pork chop rice to the mechanic, and then sat next to the mechanic.

"Come here so late, there is a traffic jam on the road?"

"It's not a traffic jam. The Third Hospital is a bit far away from here. I went back to the office and took a flying device."

"No wonder it's so slow, by the way, are you familiar with that guy who hasn't spoken for a long time?"

"Unfamiliar, I still have conflicts with him, haw ha ha ha ha ha."

"He only took care of me when I was injured. I also helped him break through the charging device, ha ha ha ha."

‘Still unfamiliar? The Special Combat Swordsman and the police looked at each other, nodded, and the Special Combat Swords patted the mechanic on the shoulder.

"You can interrogate Tianma with this policeman later. I will let them turn off the monitor. I don't care what you do in the interrogation room, as long as you ask him to sign this agreement." As Zhan Shuangdao said, he took out an agreement from his backpack. The mechanic took the agreement and took a look.

"Agreement on the duty of police officers as temporary Heroes?" The mechanic crooked his mouth and turned a few pages.

"Hey, Captain, why should such temporary heroes be attached to our office?! Shouldn't they be regarded as people from the police station?"

"Recently, the policy has changed, and I heard from those volunteer police officers that being affiliated at the police station always feels a bit LOW, so, besides, Tianma is so powerful and has many fans. There is absolutely no harm in being affiliated with our office. You can help me." The special warfare double sword poked the mechanic with an elbow.

"...Alright, I will try, if it, I will definitely let him sign!" The mechanic finished the pork chop meal, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and walked in with the agreement. trial room.

"Pop!" The agreement was slapped on the table by the mechanic. The mechanic raised his goggles and looked at the mobile Pegasus with bloodshot eyes.

"Hey! Pegasus! Lift your head and watch!"

...No response at all.

"I know you are hungry and don't want to talk. Anyway, as long as you know that you only need to sign this agreement, you can get out of here." The mechanic waved to the policeman who was sitting next to him singing the red face, and he was right. He snapped his fingers at the camera.

"Do you want to turn it off?" The policeman controlling the monitor looked at his boss.

"Turn it off, don't tell other people about this." The policeman as the boss pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Understood." The policeman controlling the monitor pressed the switch of the monitor.

Seeing the green light of the surveillance camera dimming, the mechanic smiled, clenched his fist, and slammed his fist on the goggles of the mobile Pegasus.

"Bang!" The body of the mobile Tianma steel fell from the seat to the ground, making a loud noise.

"Kadong!!" The tile was smashed into a hole directly.

"Kaka~You guy, it's really hard." The mechanic shook his hand that was not swollen into a pig's hoof, and shook it, and sat down, raising his left hand and putting it on himself. He got on an iron finger tiger and hammered it fiercely on the arm of the mobile Tianma.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" A punch made sparks, and the mechanic's face was full of hideousness.

A few minutes later, the mechanic stood up from the mobile Tianma, his hands were no longer strong, and his right hand became a pig's hoof.

"Damn, you guy, you are so hard to die, damn, why did you always think you are a weak chicken? It's obviously a meaty bastard, mom sells batches." The mechanic kicked the mobile Pegasus. The depression on the shoulder of the mobile pegasus resurfaced in a state visible to the naked eye.

"Fuck, you are the most suitable meat shield! Hurry up and sign the agreement for me!!"

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