The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 518 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 518

At 7:59 in the morning, Izuku opened the door of the consulting room.

"Good morning, Dr. Meng." Meng Shisan dressed in that white coat and sat in a chair chicly.

"It's been a long time, Jonah, then, follow the procedure of the last treatment, please sit on the chair over there." Mengjun pointed to a recliner on the opposite side, and the patient was lying on the other side. There is treatment and diagnosis.

"Yes." Izuku lay down on the chair and put the small bag beside the recliner.

"Swipe." Mengjun picked up Jonah's last psychological diagnosis report and a remote control and stood beside Izuku.

"Okay, Jonah, please close your eyes now and follow my rhythm.....suck...suck...suck...suck...ssho..." followed For about a minute, Mengjun turned on the stereo arranged in the room with the remote control, and a very peaceful music floated along the stereo.

"Jonah, please start to imagine that what you see is a very warm and warm beach..." Meng Thirteen's voice at this moment is quite gentle, a bit intermittent.

"Beach..." Meng Thirteen took out a flashlight from his pocket, and the yellow light shone on Izuku's eyelids, a bit like the soft sun.

"Yes, yes, now you are on the beach, and there is an endless sea in the distance..." Meng Shisan said while looking at his watch.

Three minutes later, Izuku was completely immersed in the illusion that he had built for himself.

"Okay, let me see your real dream now." Three weird long hair stretched out from the back of Meng Shisan's head and stuck to Izuku's head. He moved a chair from behind. He took a pen out of his pocket.

"Jonah, what are you seeing now? You can't lie..."

"I saw... the rain forest." Izuku stood in the center of his dream, thinking that he would never come again.

"Rainforest? Same as last time, is there any other difference?" Meng Shisan said while writing on the medical record with a pen.

"Yes, flowers, many flowers..."

"Which one is the most conspicuous?"

"The bright yellow one is on a high mountain..." Izuku even straightened a hand in reality.

"Who do you think of that flower?"

"All Might....."

"Last time it was a firearm, is it a flower this time? And the one at the highest point is All Might, which is a change to a better place. Can you move forward?"

"It seems, you can." He lifted his foot in the dream and walked faster than in reality, almost at the speed of flying.

[Wow, click. ] Izuku frowned slightly when the chain sounded.

"What's wrong?"

"I heard the sound of chains."

"Is the chain sound? The same as last time." The medical record opened a new page, and Meng Shisan whispered while looking at the medical record.

"Can you go there to see? The place where the chain sounds."

"it is good."

"It was obviously rejected last time..."

Half of the chains were floating in the air, and the stone sculpture like R still stood there, but it was half shorter than the last time I saw it. One eye was covered with red human bones, and the red liquid almost destroyed R’s The stone carvings are all dip dyed.(Read more @

"What do you see?"

"R's stone sculpture, and the broken chain."

"Is it still R? Is there any more?"

"Human bones, all human bones, underneath is a sea of ​​blood..."

"Do you hate blood?"

"it's OK....."

"Um... last time, too, but this is the first time that R's stone sculpture appears. Is it a floating island supported by a chain? There should be other places besides this one. Can you find it?"

"I.... Try it." His body kept pulling up in the dream, and he saw two other stone sculptures controlled by chains.

"Look... here it is."

"Is it a rock or a person?"

"Human, mother, and Koko."

"Coco? Is this person and R's mentality in Jonah at the same height as his mother? Are there other eye-catching things? For example, animals in the rain forest?"

"Two...lions and dragons?"

"There are a lot of extra things." The three hairs were pulled out of Izuku's head, and returned to the back of Meng XIII's head like air. The dream became no longer clear, and his eyes kept turning left and right. .

"Be obedient, you still have to sleep well for a while before the next snap of your fingers."

"Huh..." Quiet as a chicken.

'Okay, now, let's sort it out. Kou Kou and R are new characters, or they are not. If there are people who are concerned, it is a better development. As for the lion and the dragon, they have to fight against each other. The guy? Has it been possible to reduce the use of drugs? No, the appearance of the sea of ​​blood shows the real subconscious, the two chains, the link of reason? The medicine can't be stopped, and even has to be increased. Meng Shisan touched the medical record with the pen tip, took out a piece of paper, and wrote quickly.

"Snap!" I snapped his fingers, and Izuku opened his eyes.

"How's your sleep?"

"not bad?"

"Although your condition is stable, there is still the possibility of aggravation. Do you usually take medicine?"


"Let's take some sleeping pills. Recently, keep a good mood and don't get angry....Your mental illness can be cured."

"Thank you, doctor." Izuku put ten hundred-dollar bills on the table and walked out with a small bag on his back.

"You can go have fun again."

Izuku walked out of the hospital and stretched.

"Ha...what do you have for lunch? seems like I didn't even have breakfast, well, let's go for breakfast first." Izuku said as he walked towards the nearby breakfast shop.

In the highest-level prison, several surveillance police officers are checking each surveillance.

"3614, normal."

"3017, normal."

"3018, normal."

"3020....." A slightly hesitant voice made all the surveillance personnel turn their heads. 3020 is the most terrifying prisoner in this prison [ALL FOR ONE]. Any problem will cause this catastrophe. To reproduce the world, this is absolutely not allowed.

"3020, normal."

"Puff... don't scare us!"

"Sorry." The monitor said, picking up a walkie-talkie.

"This is the monitoring room. Please check 3011 to 3013 by the patrol from the first team, and check from 2016 to 2029 by the patrol from the second team."

"A team of patrol officers received it." A patrol officer wearing a black hat turned off the intercom and waved to the other patrol officers behind him.

"The second team of patrol personnel, received." He responded to the walkie-talkie with a steady voice, and the person holding the walkie-talkie looked behind him.

"Ms. Curiosity, we should go now and make some turmoil."

"Relax, before the old Admiral [ALL FOR ONE] is completely rescued, we love to make trouble, and my news can also add a little bit of feelings about Villain, who is serving his sentence in prison, regaining his freedom. Let’s make a big fuss. !"

"Oh oh oh oh!" The Villains under Ms. Curiosity roared wildly, and a Villain directly inserted a sharp blade into the head of the patrolman who was still crawling.

"Even the handle of the sword is inserted, it's so cool!"

"Eh?! Miss me?!"

"Don't look at me, don't look at me, I'll be very shy." Himiko Toga drew the sword from the head of the patrol officer, looked at the blood and brain on the sword, laughed, stuck out his tongue, and licked it.

"Don't tell Shigeomu about this matter, but I sneaked out to play."

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