The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 521 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 521


"DaDaDaDaDaDaDa!!" The revolver and mobile phone burster continuously ejected ammunition or killed or repelled those Nomu. Because of their activeness, other Nomu who was still raging turned their attention. Come to them.


"Ghaha!!" A Nomu rushed up while FAIZ was bombing. It swung its newly transformed giant claw and slapped it on FAIZ's breastplate.

"Bah~~" Mars splashed, and there were several high-rise pillars flying along with this Nomu, and FAIZ retreated sharply.

"Aha! So dangerous, so dangerous! Bang!!!" FAIZ broke a pole that couldn't be avoided. As FAIZ said, he inserted the mobile phone burster back into his belt, and he hooked on the mobile Tianma in the sky. finger.

"Kacha, whoo!" The hand-held lightsaber was pulled out from behind by the mobile Pegasus and stuck to the ground.

"Really obedient." FAIZ smiled. Under the mask, one of Izuku's eyes gradually turned red. He pulled out the lightsaber in front of him, installed the energy chip on the belt, and the lightsaber gradually lit up a dangerous red color.

"Sad! Next comes, close combat! Monsters! Give me energy!! Don't let me down!!" FAIZ stretched out his left hand, stretched his thumb against his neck.

"Crack!!" The Nomu roared wildly and rushed to FAIZ.

"Yes, yes! That's it, but this is not where I want to fight! Come with me!!" FAIZ was kicking a Nomu who wanted to sneak attack, turned and ran, and a group of Nomu followed him. .

On the other side, the three people from the Entanglement Office are fighting hard with the four Nomu.

"Cut!" The special combat sword held a child in one hand and a sharp blade in the other.

"In this case, let's not say that if we save people, we may all be folded here." Shi Shuo flew a diamond about the size of his head from his hand and threw it out, knocking down a Nomu. Behind him was a Fashionable, but a woman who is scared to pee.

"The mechanic's flying device was broken by his own play, or else he could leave with these two people, mechanic!"

"That guy's marksmanship is so good, I have some tricks! Be honest!" The mechanic controlled several anesthesia guns and shot a round of anesthesia on a Nomu.

"Retreat while fighting."

"BIU!!! BIU!! Friends over there look over!!!" Two gunshots and two big holes penetrated two Nomu's stomachs.

"Hey?!" The four Nomu turned their heads together, and a silver-red figure flashed in their eyes, followed by their kind.

"Quack quack!! (Kill him! Kill him!)"

"Ghaha!!" The four Nomus instantly changed their targets, their backs suddenly tore, and bloody bony wings grew.

"Crack!!" The four Nomu lifted off to chase FAIZ.

"Beep~ I found an enemy target capable of flying, and warned the owner. After 30 seconds, the owner will lose the air auxiliary strike. I will try my best to prevent the four Villains from leaving this range."

"I'll solve them on the ground, and you can knock down all those who can fly!"

"Yes." The mobile Tianma turned the revolver in his left hand, and the bullet was completed.

"Goooooooo!!!"(Read more @

"DaDaDaDaDa!!" The battle in the sky was also going on.

"Heroes, we have arrived in the designated area, we are about to land, wait, what is that?"

"Boom!" All Might jumped down before the helicopter stopped and slammed a Nomu directly into the concrete ground. In front of this Nomu was a professional who had fallen to the ground waiting to die. Heroes.

"Are you OK."

"O...All Might?! Are U.A?"

"I came here because I heard what happened here! Hahahaha! Don't worry anymore! Because! I'm here!!"

"Ahem! As expected of All Might! I can say this in this situation."

"Of course!! I am! [Symbol of peace] Ah!! I have gone to solve Villain!! Please go to evacuation!"

"Yeah!" The Heroes nodded vigorously, struggled to get up from the ground, and pointed at a tall building in the distance with his unbroken finger.

"We moved the remaining people there before these Nomu killed more people. If necessary, please take care of All Might."

"Is there? I will go!"

"Please." The professional Heroes said as he walked quickly towards the safe zone holding his broken left arm.

"Sad! I have to defeat all Nomu, go up!!" All Might shouted and rushed into the distance.

"Come here! Idiots!!" FAIZ raised the phone burster, and shot another Nomu who was planning to turn away from chasing stars, and roared again.

"Can't this energy chip have one extra chip? It's a bit annoying to switch around like this." FAIZ said while kicking the nearest Nomu with his foot.

"Did I ask you to stretch out your paws? It's not even there yet!" FAIZ finished, jumping up and facing a few Nomu is a swinging leg.

"Mobile Pegasus, are we almost there?"

"There are still two hundred meters from the park, right on the owner's right hand." The mobile Tianma punched a Nomu close to it.

"Two hundred meters? It's not far at all, you can start." FAIZ inserted the energy chip into the lightsaber in his hand, fell on the ground and turned around and slashed. Several Nomu fell to the ground instantly, a few seconds later. Without breathing, there was a slight burnt fragrance on the sword on his chest.

Time seemed to pause at this moment, and FAIZ was also taken aback.

"No, it's so crisp."

"Crack!!" Nomu screamed all at once, and rushed towards FAIZ.

"Ah, I used this trick earlier if I knew it, you see, these guys are so happy to call it, hurry up to sign! If you fall behind, you won't even have the chance to shake hands~"

"My master's taste, I don't quite understand it."

"You have to have your own style." FAIZ yelled and ran to the small park. A group of black Nomu Wuyang Wuyang chased after him, making it really like chasing stars.

"The little one didn't find it, but the big one found one." Midnight looked at Nomu who was sitting on the ground playing with the car, and squeezed his face.

"This guy is too big."

"Giant baby?" Shinsō turned his gun.

"Gapababa~du~" Nomu yelled, raised his hand and patted the car as big as a toy in his mind on the building next to him.

"Boom!" The vehicle was pushed on the wall of a tall building.

"Haha, it turned out to be a kid. I didn't expect it to be a giant baby." The lid of one of the fingers on the 13th jumped open, revealing dark fingers.

"Suck~" The black black hole sucked at this huge Nomu, but it had no effect at all. After all, the weight was on that side.

"In this case, can you only temporarily let it go? Midnight, is your Hypnosis incense useful for such a big guy?" The blood emperor, the teacher of Class B, stood on the top of the building with his arms folded.

"I don't know, I have never used it to such a big guy."

"It turns out that the Heroes who came here are all U.A teachers? It looks a bit tricky." A blue flame suddenly rushed towards the teachers.

"Wow!!" The teachers jumped back sharply, avoiding the blow.

"That's why I said that the teachers are very troublesome, jumping around."

"Who is this guy?!" Shinsō quickly raised the gun in his hand.

"It's Dabi! The information found, he is now a member of the Villain Alliance." The blood emperor violently waved his hands, and two dark red blood spurted from the artificial blood vessel on his arm and rushed towards Dabi.

"Now we are called the Extraordinary Liberation Front. The Villain Alliance was disbanded when you attacked. Although the current boss is still a dead tree, it is very different from before." Dabi said as he took out from behind his waist. The white desert eagle with a white handle was shot in the air.

"Dang!" The two bullets collided in mid-air, forming two pieces of copper and falling to the ground.

"Although I really don't want to fight with you, Shiganmu confessed that I want to drag you here, so that you have to work hard. I am worthy of the salary Shibinmu gave, although it is only pocket money." Dabi said , The flame burning on the hand increased sharply.

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