The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 524 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 524

"In the super prison riot, all prison guards were killed. Only a few guards in charge of [ALL FOR ONE] moved to the high prison by emergency helicopter. The super prison now needs manpower." Spiderman said, turning his fingers unconsciously.

"It's embarrassing on both sides now." Number 13 covered her helmet with her hand.

"Now most of the Heroes have been invested here, there is no extra energy to solve the prison riots, wait a minute, hey, hey, it won't be what I thought." Midnight suddenly thought of something, following her words , Everyone thought of a terrifying possibility.

"Tiaohu Li Shan?"

"It's Tiaohu Lishan! Those guys threw these Nomus here for the special prison over there, without even thinking that they want to save [ALL FOR ONE]! If you can't save it, let the special prison cause riots! How can it be? Repair!" Shinsō put his hat on the gun in his hand and stood up.

"It looks like there is no need for extra firepower here. I'll go to quell the riots."

"Nomu! All must be defeated!!" Just as they were preparing to participate in quelling the prison riot on the 13th, a roar attracted their attention.

"Hurry up and stop him!!" All Might and Mobile Pegasus followed.

"If you use rider kick again, your body injury will reach 42%, you will not be able to do other activities for two days, you can only lie on the bed, this is not allowed by the principle program, master!" Motorized Tianma back The jet ejected a huge flame again, and the speed suddenly surpassed All Might.

"We must stop him!!"

"Axel Form can only be used once a day, then use this!" The acceleration chip was reinstalled on the watch on the left arm, and the phone on the belt was opened.

"Exceed Charge [Energy Fill]"

"Rider kick!!" FAIZ used the rider kick again, his feet stomped hard on the ground, cracks appeared in the ground, and FAIZ jumped high.

"Boom." The mobile Pegasus knocked FAIZ into flight before FAIZ used the rider kick.

"Mobile Pegasus!!! Don't stop me!!!"

"Although I don't know what problems the owner has, according to Article 5 of the principle procedure, the owner is prevented from committing self-harm."

"Repairable! Almost! Let go of me!!" The mobile Tianma controlled FAIZ's two hands, making him unable to move.

"Master, you need to rest, I will take you home~"

"Mobile Pegasus! You let me go!!"

FAIZ was taken away by the mobile Pegasus just like this. All Might sighed heavily as they watched the mobile Pegasus and FAIZ flying farther and farther.

"Mr. All Might! Do you know who that guy is?" Spiderman landed on the ground and looked at the mobile Pegasus that was flying away.

"I don't know, it looks like just a bit crazy guy, cough cough, then since I'm here! Don't worry, leave it to me!"

"By the way, Mr. All Might, we were still discussing how to deal with this Nomu before, you have an idea." Spiderman spread his hands.

"Furthermore, the super prison has encountered a riot, and we have to quell the riot. This is most likely a conspiracy of the Villain Alliance."

"It has something to do with the Villain Alliance again?" All Might rubbed his chin with his hands.

"Then, time is really tight! This guy, let him sleep for a while!" All Might yelled and ran.

‘We have to deal with the psychological problems of the Midoriya boy, time is really too tight! After a few vigorous steps, All Might stepped onto the wall of the building, his hands were folded into a fork shape, and his arms suddenly became thicker.

"Carolina Smash!!!"(Read more @

"Hey, hey, it seems that this world is really noisy." The electric king bit his fingers, holding the long sword in his hand, and continued to chase the alien god who was discovered in the morning.

"Wow! You chased it so tight!" Guhuo Bird Demon made a leap and landed on the street. It ran to the opposite street quickly.

"Never let it run away this time! How can it be repaired!!"

‘We haven’t even eaten breakfast yet, I’m so hungry, Taotarus. ’

"Hold on! You can get rid of it soon!"

'Well! Chasing around like this is not fun at all! Let me do it! HIGH! HIGH! The purple figure suddenly rushed into Ryotaro's body, and Ryotaro's hand uncontrollably pressed the purple button on his belt.

"Gun Form!"

"Don't want to run!!" The purple light flashed, and the electric king's feet flipped and moved in the building, and landed firmly in front of the demon god Gu Huu Niaoyi.

"I will definitely kill you this time!!"

"Think too much! Brat!"

"You can't use that Short Sword, right, so it's okay to kill you anyway!"

"Tsk! Can you even inquire about this kind of thing?"

"Wow, die!" The gun in the electric king's hand sprayed out purple light bullets.

"Ha!" Gu Huu bird alien demon waved a blood curtain in front of it and blocked the light bullet for it.

"Hey! Hey!" A flash of light broke the blood curtain with a red glow, and directly nailed it into the body of Gu Huo Alien Demon God.

"Yo Xi! Let's play with the big move!!" Dian Wang swept the knight pass on his waist belt while dancing.

"FULL CHARGE (full energy)"

"You are already, no need to answer!" Electric King held the handle of the gun with both hands, and pulled the trigger with the finger of his right hand.

"Wild Shoot!!" The purple light bullet spouted from the muzzle and directly slammed into the bird alien demon god.

"It won't just end like this!" Gu Huu Bird Alien Demon put a hand on the Taishou on his waist.

"Whew!! Whow!" The light bullet passed directly through the blood curtain, and hit the Guhuo Bird Divine Demon at a very fast speed.

‘If I survive this time, even if I fight for my presence, I’m going to make a big fuss in this world! ! "Guhuu Bird Alien Demon suddenly jumped back a backflip, and Tai Dao shot instantly.

"Swipe!!" The light bullet was cut open with a single sword, and the light bullet that was divided into two fell on the ground, causing a violent explosion. The bird alien demon god took advantage of this explosion and quickly left.

"Boom!!!!" The vibration from the explosion directly shattered the glass of nearby tall buildings.

"What happened?!"


"Ahhhhh!! My face!!!"

"Cut, it ran away again! Really!!!" The King of Electric stomped the ground hard, and a hole was cracked in the ground.

‘Big husband, we have been able to accurately locate that guy’s location this time, and Longjiang has also put the tracker into the body of the alien demon. If you want to catch it, it’s not about sprinkling water. ’Putaros can’t speak while standing.

"Then, let's go eat." The electric king took off his belt, and the winter wind made Ryotaro shrink his neck.

"Beep beep~" The police car sounded from far to near.

"Ah, did it attract the attention of the policemen? This is not good! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" Ryotaro yelled and ran away.

"Boom! Mobile Pegasus! You guy!" FAIZ landed on the ground, and the mobile Pegasus reached out and pulled the flip phone out of the belt. A red light flashed, and Izuku's feet trembling slightly with his face covered in blood. .

"The degree of injury is greater than I thought. Master, please take a good rest." Pushing the flip phone back to Izuku's hand, the mobile Tianma took Izuku's collar and twisted the door of Izuku's house open.

"Mobile Pegasus, you'll have to fix the door for me later, hiccup, bah!" He spit out blood on the ground, and Izuku's hands and feet were softly carried into the house by the mobile Pegasus.

"The adrenaline drops rapidly, and the muscles of the limbs are strained. Master, what do you need me to do for you?"

"There is still a piece of sushi in the refrigerator, help me take it out first, and then I need to sleep well."

"The owner's left eye bleeds too much, which may cause blindness for half a day to a day."

"Oh." Izuku yawned long, his eyes were blurred.

"Do you need to wipe your face?"

"No, I just want to have a good night's sleep. By the way, if All Might comes over, please open the door."

"Understood." Mobile Tianma hugged Izuku with the princess, and walked into Izuku's room a few steps.

"Good afternoon." The mobile Tianma's microphone was adjusted to a silent level. After putting Izuku on the bed, Izuku slowly closed his eyes, and his breathing gradually became steady.

"Hey ah ah~ click." The door was closed, and the mobile pegasus slowly walked to the utility room of the house, and took out a mop. The mobile pegasus was dragging the mop seriously like a housewife. Izuku's blood stains on the ground.

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