The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 533 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 533

'Eh? ! ! Also at Mount Fuji? ! ’

‘Yes, so, you and the doctor must pay attention. ’

‘It’s really troublesome. The buildings along the way can’t be used as a resting place. ’

‘Have you found a place to rest? ’

'No. ’

‘Then what are you talking about? ’

‘Hey. Red Eye took out a face towel from the backpack he was carrying and wrapped it on his face.

‘In short, we will officially enter Mt. Fuji in two hours, pay attention to caution. ’

"Jonah, what are you stupefying? Hurry up and go."

"Understood!" Jonah carried a backpack in one hand, and walked forward following Dr. Amada's footsteps.

‘I’ll follow you for a while. ’

"Will you be teased by others if you can't wake up for a long time?" ’

‘Everyone is asleep because it’s so boring. ’

"Kacha, Kacha." His head passed through a tree branch blocking in front of him, and his footsteps did not stop.

"Huh..." Izuku's body was still sleeping peacefully on the seat.

‘This feeling is pretty strange, isn’t it? ’

‘That’s, I feel sick now. ’

‘So it’s better to go back soon. Suddenly, Red Eye's half-flopped eyes opened sharply, and before Rand raised the gun, he pulled the trigger.


"Whoo! Boom!" A white body fell to the ground.

"Come on? Which way?"

"I don't know, camouflage uniforms should not belong to the military."

"So, someone is coming to bother me catching butterflies?" Amada took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit the fire.

"Hurry up, the gunshots will attract people."

"Aren't all silencers installed?"

"The silencer can't completely make the sound disappear, okay?"

"So Jonah knows."

"I'm not deaf either." Red eyes cut his ears.

"Go ahead."

"Rand, you keep going, I will be behind the house." Redeye pulled out a Short Sword from his waist.

"You have to stretch the distance away."

"I see, give me the backpack."

"Woo! Da." The backpack steadily landed on Rand's hand.

"Just give one?"

"That's enough to carry the weight, you go quickly." The corners of the red eyes and lips curled up, and after a few vigorous steps, he rushed to the unknown person who had fallen on the snow before.(Read more @

"Ah, it's me, it's me, it's a hot commodity everywhere." Amada spit out a smoke ring.

"Can't waste any more time, Doctor."

"Hurry up and go away~"

Seeing the blood flowing from the legs of the man who fell on the ground, the red eyes and Izuku's mind did not fluctuate.

"Huh~" He opened the camouflage uniform, and his red eyes saw a person who was twisting.

"Falling down from such a high tree is absolutely painful, right? There is also a leg injury. Do you want to help you get rid of it?" Redeye squatted down slowly.

‘I seem to have said, you can’t kill. ’

‘It’s not the body you did. ’

‘No way, no way. ’

‘Hey! It's so boring. The red eye kicked the twisted person, then took out the bandage from the backpack and put it on the ground.

"I don't need it anyway. I'll give it to you. I don't have to wear so little in winter and I am not afraid of catching a cold." Putting on camouflage-like uniforms, his red-eyed feet slowly moved away from the ground and ran towards the woods.

"How can it be repaired! This bastard kid! The intelligence doesn't say that this guy is so powerful!"

"Beep~beep~Hey! Beep, have you found someone?!" The communicator on his body made a sound.

"That stinky boy! Very strong! There is a guy in his hands!"

"Fuck! You are not dead when you were discovered?!"

"Gan! Are you cursing me to die faster?! Go away! You can't get rid of that guy!!"

"It's just a little bit, I'm too nervous to call you." Several people holding revolvers and wearing camouflage uniforms were walking in the mountains and forests. One of them was holding a communicator, with a print on the revolver in their hands. Butterfly.

"Damn! Cough cough cough!" The guy called Ming Huan sat up from the ground, stiffly took up the bandage and tied it to his wound.

"You guys do it for yourself, anyway, Laozi quit this time."

"Cut, let's do it ourselves." Turning off the communicator, the man also raised the revolver.

"It's just a kid, how can it be so powerful?"

"It's so amazing...." A voice suddenly remembered. With the sound, there were more than a dozen black human figures. The human figures have no eyes, only the red light on the head, their mouths. Constantly opening and closing, no tongue, white to black teeth make people feel like they can bite their throats.

"Gab, gab, gab!"

"Hey! What the hell are these!"

"It's my subordinate, be happy..." A white figure appeared in front of these people, and he stepped on a branch full of snow.

‘You can’t kill, then, bite them. ’

"who are you?!"

"Who am I? Guess it? Hint, I'm a trash~" The white figure stretched out his hand and waved downwards. The figures opened their mouths and rushed towards these people.

"Damn it! Boom!!" Someone couldn't help it, raised the revolver and fired. The huge flame spewed strange bullets from the muzzle. The moment it hit the human form, a violent explosion occurred, and the whole forest shook. a bit.

"Revolver, is it so powerful? Interesting, I want to study it."

‘Even if the revolver is modified, it’s impossible to be like that, red eye. ’

"I see, those guns are ours." Redeye rolled over and jumped, doing a forward somersault in mid-air, and landed on the ground.

"Damn! I didn't expect the power to be so great! Then don't care! Open fire!!"

"You have no chance to pull the trigger anymore." Several black lashes protruded from the white camouflage uniforms, tying the revolver's gun body and bullet slot, so that these people could not fire even if they pulled the trigger. bullet.

"Take it here!" With a strong pull with both hands, the black long whip snatched all the revolver over.



"Don't lean over!!"

"Wow!! Calm down! Fight with [quirk]!!" The person holding the communicator violently drew a tactical sword from his waist, threw the communicator away with his left hand, and revealed a sharp section from the back of his hand. Bone spurs.

"Come on!!"

"Crack!!" One side is not a person, the other is not a good person, the two sides collided with each other.

"Yeah, it looks no different from a normal revolver, oh, there is a cute butterfly pattern here." Red Eye didn't know when he squatted on the branch again, muttering while looking at the revolver in his hand.

"Could it be the blue butterfly thing?" ’

"It's possible, so you have to grab your tongue." The red eye said, and the humanoid attacks became more fierce.

‘No killing is allowed. ’

‘Understand, understand. ’


"Kap, bang, bang!" The vehicle seemed to be crushing something, the whole vehicle bumped, and Izuku's body leaning on the chair involuntarily fell to the side.

"Papa." His head hit Kirishima's shoulder, awakening Kirishima who was sleeping positively.

"Huh?" Kirishima's bewildered reality rubbed the corners of his drooling mouth with his hands, and cast a half-stunned glance at the green hair leaning on his shoulder.

"Midoriya... don't take the sneak attack while sleeping........whoo..." Rubbing Midoriya's hair with his left hand, Kirishima moved his face by the window. Fell asleep again.

‘Then put it away first, and all the remaining bullets are used as spare ammunition. ’

‘Oh, this little revolver is not as powerful as my M4, so let’s leave a gun for you. A handful of revolvers were left, and all the remaining red eyes were thrown into the shadows on the ground.

‘Okay, it’s time to keep a tongue. Red Eye stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Papa!" The human figure suddenly stood upright and turned into black smoke after a roar, which dissipated in the air, leaving only red blood and unconscious humans on the ground.

"Oh, it seems to have done it too much, but just throw them to the hospital." Redeye waved his hand and opened a portal in mid-air.

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