The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 541 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 541

Putting on All Might limited edition pajamas and a white dressing gown, Izuku wore a white towel on his head and ran out of the locker room holding a wooden barrel. The speed was super fast. When Shoto Todoroki came to the locker room, he only saw A curtain blown up by the wind.

"high speed."

"Oh, I remember little bunny, you didn't eat anything, let's go find some leaves to eat." Izuku wore slippers and ran out of the accommodation holding a wooden barrel.

"This is the basement, please reply to the fourth group."

"Cough cough cough! This is the hands of Spider-Man and Shinsō. We walked along the Bloodline. We didn't find the hostage and the person from Eraser Head. We are about to return."

"Go back." Aizawa Shouta pressed the switch of the communicator and the computer, and turned to look at the heroes who were eating their dinner.

"Any thoughts?" Aizawa Shouta leaned against the table and looked at the heroes.

"Hey, hey, grunt, either they were too fast and Spiderman and others didn't catch up, or they still have accomplices." The bubble girl said with a bite of a piece of chicken.

"Sucking, Eraser Head, are you sure that the only person is taking the hostage of the Ba Zhai Hui, and there is no one of his accomplices?"

"I'm not sure." Aizawa Shouta walked to the dark part of the basement, took out the photo from a slightly scarlet iron basin, and clamped the photo to an iron wire with a hanger clip.

"Although it will be a bit distorted, you should be able to see who they want to find after drying."

"Although I don't know who it is, it must be very important to Ba Zhai, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"Aren't you the same as not saying?"

"But is it possible that the person you are talking about is protecting the person Ba Zhai would want?"

"Bodyguard?" Aizawa Shouta thought about the red-eyed figure and shook his head.

"Although there is a certain possibility, I think it is unlikely."

"So, who is on duty tonight?"

"The priority of not drinking!!"

"Aizawa, do you want to smoke one outside?"

"No, stop smoking." Aizawa Shouta touched his nose and walked out of the basement. Aizawa Shouta returned to the lobby on the first floor. He walked to a white painted wooden door.

"Knocking, All Might."

"Huh? Who is it?"

"How is my rest? Can I come in?"

"Oh, it's Aizawa-san, please come in." Aizawa Shouta nodded, pressed the doorknob, and walked into the room.

In fact, the room for All Might in this hotel is not big. It can only put down a bed, two single sofas and a small coffee table. Aizawa Shouta consciously sat on the sofa opposite All Might and picked it up and put it on the coffee table. I took a look at the cover of a book.

""Counseling"? Who are you going to give counseling?" Aizawa Shouta said, putting down the book in her hand.

"Just take a look, cough." Tosunori Yagi put down the book in his hand with a slight embarrassment. Put down Jiro's legs and looked at Aizawa Shouta who was sitting opposite.(Read more @

"So, Aizawa-san, what's the matter?"

"Tomorrow's training session has to be led by you. This is the task." Aizawa half-squinted a pair of blind fish eyes, took out a half-folded paper from his pocket, and handed it to Toshinori Yagi.

"I have to take both classes AB?"

"Almost, tomorrow's training, you have to lead the team."

"Why didn't you lead the team?"

"It seems that the Eight Seasons Association has restarted. I have to take a few Heroes who don't need to perform the task tomorrow to patrol to ensure safety. Endeavour will also go, so I have to ask you here."

"Dying Hui Ba Zhai Association? Hasn't that organization been banned long ago?"

"I'm talking like."

"Okay, then leave it to me for tomorrow's training." Toshinori Yagi put the paper in his pocket as he said, and then he picked up a piece of information on the coffee table.

"Aizawa, I need your opinion."

"Is this edible?" Izuku pulled off a slightly dark leaf and placed it in front of the little rabbit's nose.

"Chip! Chip, chirp." There is no grass to eat in winter, so I can only eat some leaves.

"You can eat as much as you like." Izuku squatted on the ground with a smile, rubbing the rabbit's ears with one hand, and a small amount of black gas floated out of the rabbit's eyes.

"Hush, I can't come out at this time." Izuku whispered, covering the rabbit's eyes with his hand, and the black gas was squeezed back.

"Hammer?" What are you doing? Pick the leaves quickly.

"Brush!" A thick piece of snow fell from the branch and hit Izuku's head.

"Ah-yo!" Izuku was almost smashed to the ground.

"Huh~huh~" The transparent wings flapped constantly, and the red eyes jumped between the branches like a monkey.

"Squeaky ~ oh oh~" Uh, red-eyed you are really a monkey?

"Squeaky~cough cough cough cough, bah bah, monkeys are really difficult to pretend, forget it, let's be quiet." My feet touched the branches again, and my body floated in the air.

"The patrol starts, the range is centered on the station, and the distance is one kilometer. Once there is a situation, report to me quickly." The red-eyed monster smiled and raised his hands. In the next moment, he flew out of his fingers Dozens of dust that can be seen with the naked eye, the dust flew in mid-air and turned into sparrows, and the red-eyed body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Please, go on patrol."

The sparrows flapped their wings and flew around, and the mechanical butterfly was caught by the red eye into the pocket of the junior high school uniform.

"The butterfly must be obedient, or it will be torn to pieces by bad guys." After the red eyes said, he put his hands behind his head, floating in the air looking at the pale yellow meniscus in the sky.

"Today is also the shift in the first half of the night, the moon looks pretty good."

At the same time, Dabi, who had undergone surgery in the city, put on a leather jacket and walked into Kurogiri's [Portal].

"The speed is too slow! Dabi."

"Mr. Dabi is not slow!"

"Obviously as slow as a pig, hehehehe~"

Ignoring Twice's daily precision, Dabi glanced at his surroundings with his hands in his pockets. It was a small wooden house.

"This is the house temporarily arranged by the company in Mount Fuji. How does it feel? Mr. Dabi?" Kurogiri said as he walked in through the [Portal].

"Huh, it's normal." Skillfully took out a cigarette from the leather jacket, held it on his mouth, lit it with 【quirk】, Dabi took a puff of cigarette hard, and looked at Dume, who was playing UNO with Twice. .

"Ferry me, where's the dead tree?"

"He said that he would wait for the company people to find the specific location of the UA school person and the security Heroes, and then take a shot. Now, they should rest there, UNO! I won! Twice! You are LOSE again!" I am happy to go. She raised her hands, and there were traces of blood on both sides of her mouth. The dim light shining on her face gave a sense of horror.

"Cut! I would have played this card if I knew it!"

"Now, what's the use of this?! Rubbish!"

"Is there a place for me to sleep?" Dabi shook the ashes on the ground.

"No, only sleeping bags."

"What about the dead wood?"

"As the boss, he naturally has a small wooden bed."

"Dabi! Let's curse the nightmare at night with death handle wood, how about dying ourselves NENG?"

"Puff puff~" Dabi spit out a smoke ring and turned his head to look at Kurogiri who was standing by the window quietly watching the scenery.

"Kurogiri-san, do you have earplugs? I don't want to hear the mentally retarded at night."

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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