The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 544 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 544

"It's so noisy, you guys." Shibamu sat up from the bed.

"Yeah, boss, you are awake!" Twice turned off the phone alarm, and suddenly slapped himself with one hand.

"You fucking want to die, don't you?! You can make a quarrel with Shitingmu at random?! I don't want to die yet! Baka Yalu!"

"If you wake me up in this way, I'll be the first to kill you."

"Twice, Mr. Shigaraki, breakfast is ready." Kurogiri walked into the room, first glanced at Twice who was slapped, and said respectfully to Shigaraki.

"Have you found out where the little ghosts are?"

"I found out that their location is quite conspicuous, just two kilometers away from our station, they basically have no defensive capabilities, but..."

"Are you trying to talk about traps?" Deadwood put a black coat on.

"Yes, the defensive and vigilance capabilities are horribly low."

"That's because their Perception Heroes have not arrived yet, but the opposite is because their Perception Heroes have not yet arrived. Their vigilance will be higher than usual. Pay attention to the movement down the mountain. Once there are vehicles and similar Heroes showed up and immediately notified me that we would go in at that time." The chapped lips curled up, and a few pieces of skin fell.

Shigaimu walked out of the room where only a small bed could be placed, and Kurogiri followed him.

"Mother Kurogiri~What do you have for breakfast today~ I'm super hungry~" Himiko Toga groaned while gnawing on the table with his mouth.

"Eating indiscriminately, the gums will bleed." Kurogiri grabbed my hair and asked her to retract her teeth. I can already see the tooth marks.

"Kurogiri! There are few hairs pulled by you?! I'll be bald!"

"Today's breakfast is bread and candy eggs."

"Hmm! Is there no meat?"

"The medium-cooked meat you want is not available now. Let's honestly eat some luncheon meat." For the subordinates of Shiganmu, Kurogiri's mother was not so kind.

"Hmm~puffpuffpuff~why is there a steak in the dead tree!! Just because he is the boss?!"

"Yes." I was choked and puffed up my mouth. I am not happy now! Don't mess with me!

"When are we going to get rid of those little ghosts?" Stain picked up the bread sandwich, glanced at Snape who was eating happily, and shook his head slightly.

"Wait two more days. If you can't wait, you can go first and then be caught." Shigaimu picked up the sword and fork with four fingers and began to cut the steak.

"Hmph, the new sword you gave is easy to use."

"Hey, hey, it tastes good, since you don't want to go, then you stay here, ferry me, Kurogiri, Dabi, and I will check the situation first."

"It's going to be so busy in the morning~ but I'm happy! Hahahaha!" I quickly ate the luncheon meat and sweetheart eggs in the bread, and was pulled by Kurogiri when she was about to rush out of the wooden house. come back.(Read more @

"No waste."

"Hey~ I was found!"

On the other side, Dr. Amada Minami's temporary residence.

"Doctor, even the vegetables are hard to get, you can't waste it."

"Hmm, what does it matter, Jonah, stretch out the bowl."

"No, I don't like eating vegetables either." Red eyes took the iron lunch box away with a cold face.

"Eh~ don't be so stingy~ come open your mouth~"

"Doctor, don't force anyone else what you don't like." Lant held his forehead helplessly.

The mothers on both sides are very helpless, their own dolls are not easy to manage.

At 8:30 in the morning, everyone from the AB class who had eaten the salty porridge and bread came outside the hotel, and Bubble Girl stood in front of them as today's trainer.

"Ahem, Mina, I am today's training teacher. I don't like to talk nonsense, because I am especially good at talking nonsense. Okay, so today's first training subject, rescue mission."

Everyone followed the Bubble Girl to an artificially made cliff, which was about twelve meters in height, about the height of a four-story building.

"Everyone has to be divided into five groups, one of which has to be divided into six people, and one group has to do it twice, once for rescuers and once for injured people. After five minutes, if there is no team, I will force those who are not in the team. In a team, start forming a team." Bubble Girl finished speaking and leaned on a rock.

"A team?" Izuku squeezed his chin and whispered, and suddenly a hand was slapped on Izuku's shoulder.

"Xiaojiu-kun, do you want to form a team?" It was Uraraka Ochaco.

"Okay, let's go to Mr. Ida again, and there will be fragrance from the ears."

"What about another one?"

"Let's go to Monoma Neito from Class B."

"Huh?! Why do you want to find that stinky mouth?"

"For rescue, Uraraka your [quirk] is very important. The scented [quirk] can detect the number of survivors. Ida and I can use the rope to pull the wounded up, and the classmates can [copy] Uraraka, your [quirk] can bring the wounded up quickly, so I have to ask my classmates." Izuku said, and Uraraka came to Class B with Uraraka, and the people in Class B were also discussing team formation.

"Ha? The people in Class A still want to find me to form a team? Pupupupupu~have the people of Class A begging for a day in our Class B?! Ahahahahaha!!!!" Monoma Neito grinned Laughing, the whole face is pretty, Kendo Itsuka can't bear her fists again.

"Puff~ If you don't form a team, you don't form a team. Do you know that your expression is more like Villain than Bakugo? Xiaojiu-kun, let's go and ignore this guy."

"Eh eh eh! I didn't say I didn't agree!"

Five minutes later, Bubble Girl looked at the people who had been divided into groups and announced the start of training.

"Before the training begins, I have one more thing to tell everyone." Everyone looked at the bubble girl.

"Everyone should not only treat this as a rescue place, but also a battlefield. You must know how to react accordingly. From now on, one group will go down to the bottom of the cliff as the wounded, and the second group will prepare for the rescue of Heroes. We only provide a rope. It’s up to you to do it afterwards. The play should be better, everyone."

Basically, the first group of people are from class B, three of the second group are from class A, and two of them are Liu Lingzi and Lin Feilong from class B.

"Yo Xi! Let's go!"

"Send me down first." The leader of this group seems to be Mineta Minoru.

"What is Mineta-kun going to do?" Izuku squeezed his chin and thought.

Mineta Minoru was struggling to tie the rope to himself, and his face gradually paled, and Shang Ming could also see Mineta Minoru's state.

"Minida, do you want to change me?"

", if you come, I don't know if it will go wrong, Gulu, Shangming, Shoji, you two must hurry up for me."

"Got it."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Liu Lingzi, who had a low sense of existence, confirmed the rope on her body, and jumped down first, taking Mineta Minoru with him.

"Wow!!" The screams resounded through the cliff, directly covering a group of calls for help.

"This group of... the calls are quite striking." A huge figure was sitting on a rock in a corner of the woods, holding a mask in one hand.

"Just let this group go first."

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