The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 547 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 547

As Ida Tenya and Monoma Neito were pulled up the cliff by the zipline machine, the bubble girl clapped her hands and announced that the morning training was officially over.

"Others can go to prepare lunch, and a classmate who was injured during training should follow me to the infirmary." It's you! Don't run! Midoriya Izuku!

"I'm fine, let's forget about going to the infirmary or something, boo~" Before the quibble was finished, Izuku was enveloped in a big bubble.

"This is something that All Might-senpai personally decided. Midoriya Izuku, you should know that you can't disobey the teacher's order."

"Hi~" Izuku lowered his head in the bubble, accepting his fate.

"You go to prepare today's lunch, the sooner the better, after all, you still have training to complete this afternoon, oh, yes, don't forget the task the teacher gave you, three nirvana~"

"Finished!!" Mineta Minoru knelt on the ground, and was dragged towards the hotel by Ida Tenya.

"What do you want to eat at noon?"

"Curry rice?"


"beef noodles."

"Cut! Super spicy fried rice! Do you like it or not!!" Speaking of soba noodles, it seems that the best food in your class is Bakugo.

"Teacher Bubble Girl! I'm really okay." Izuku patted the bubble carefully, but it didn't break, and then poked it again. Hey, it's pretty fun.

"No, the treatment girl is already on the way. In fact, everyone has to be checked by the treatment girl at night, that is, you are really injured, so I was taken away in advance."

"Ah~" Izuku's face was put on the bubble, he was dazed for a few seconds, and then rushed towards the bubble girl below.

"Teacher Bubble Girl! How long can you use the oxygen in this bubble?"

"Oxygen? It can take about three hours, I haven't tested it."

"If it can be used for three hours, then rescue missions and exploration missions can be carried out. How much pressure can this bubble hold?"

"If the pressure is not much, it will be about two meters into the water."

"What if a bubble is surrounded by a bubble?"

"I don't like matryoshka, it's too much trouble."

"Each bubble can go down to two meters underwater, um, it's not right, the pressure of water is not calculated like that..." I don’t know when, Izuku took out a pen and a notebook and sat cross-legged. In the bubble, what was written in the notebook while muttering, the bubble girl had a little smile at the corner of her mouth, didn't she originally hate going to the infirmary? Why did you talk about the pressure of the bubble? It's totally out of reach.

‘Strange child. ’This is Bubble Girl’s first view of Izuku. Bubble Girl is walking around with Izuku.

The infirmary is not far away, and it is only one or two hundred meters away from the hotel. The exterior is covered in white. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that it is a house. It is a supernatural shelter.

"Kacha." The bubble girl said interruptedly, dragging the bubble that hadn't burst into the infirmary.

"Midoriya boy?" All Might scratched his head while looking at Midoriya Izuku, who was writing happily. Is this doll again?

"N+2X (pv=mRT/M+3S) plus the thickness and quality of the bubble... No way, I can’t figure it out. It may be a false proposition. You have to count it with the Spider-Man teacher. Forget it, uh..." Izuku just closed the notebook and raised his head, when I saw the familiar skull face, Izuku was stunned.

"It seems to be reacting, Midoriya boy, the reaction is not good."

"Uh...not enough stuff, Toshinori Yagi." Izuku put the notebook in his pocket, patted his butt and stood up.(Read more @

"I should be the one who is sorry. If I didn't start too hard, you won't have to come over. Then, lie over there and let the treatment girl check me."

"Okay!" As soon as Izuku met All Might, his IQ and EQ were halved, and the BUFF was immediately buckled on his head, lying on the hospital bed obediently, the treatment girl came in a wheelchair, and the disciple of the treatment girl was pushing the wheelchair .

"Meet again, kid Midoriya, I thought my agreement with you would last a little longer." The healing girl supported the armrest with one hand, and reached into the pocket with the other hand, and took out a bottle of candy from her pocket.

"Just check it, it shouldn't be considered as breaking the agreement..." Quite unassuming.

"Have a candy, after all you have to stay here for a long time."

"Okay." Izuku stretched out his hand, took two candies, and put them in his mouth, very well-behaved.

As the sugar cubes melted in the mouth, a touch of sourness adorned the tip of the tongue.

"It's a bit sour, delicious~" A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Izuku half-squinted his eyes, waiting for the treatment girl's examination.

"Ms. All Might..." Izuku turned his head slightly to look at the skull face sitting next to the hospital bed.

"I'm sleepy, can I sleep for a while?"

"Go to sleep, I'm here to let you have a good night's sleep, just check it by the way." Yagi smiled slightly, he coughed twice, and touched Izuku's hair. Izuku squinted his eyes and turned his head. Turn, lay on the bed, and fell asleep.

"Huh~" A piece of incense was placed beside the hospital bed, and the bubble girl fanned the smoke from the incense with her hand, trying to let the incense condense on Izuku's face.

"It's almost time." After a minute, Toshinori Yagi whispered looking at Izuku's sleeping face.

"It's almost there." Another male doctor in a white coat walked out. At the same time, Yeyan and Centipede, some policemen and some nurses carrying medical tools came out.

"Wait for the result, hehe~ This kid makes me a little curious, unrelated personnel, go out, don't disturb me, please." The male doctor is a guy who looks only in his thirties, with triangular eyes. The same rays as X-rays radiated from his blindfold, and Izuku was seen from the inside out.

"Oh, the body structure is similar to that of ordinary people. It's really a great examination, huh? Interesting ~ interesting ~ this is it." The doctor stretched out Izuku's right hand, and the medical staff hung a white cloth beside Izuku's bed, Yagi Jundian stood with the police.

"Hey, Yagi, although you said it yourself this time, I am still very worried." Tsukauchi took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth.

"But we have to rest assured, don't you? And I only said let the dangerous guy study the thing on the boy Midoriya."

"So, what exactly is'that thing'?" Tsukauchi looked at Toshinori Yagi again.

"You don't need to know about this kind of thing, Tsukauchi-kun."

"Hoho~ Come in with a hammer." A voice came from Baibury, and the medical staff took out a small hammer from the toolbox.


"Unrelated personnel, no entry is allowed." The doctor stretched out a hand through the white cloth, waved it at Toshinori Yagi, and then took the medical staff's hammer.

"I think that a guy like this will be detained for an indefinite period next time, no, it's better to be sentenced to death directly."

"Hey, this can be regarded as a private revenge."

Taking the hammer, the doctor looked at the tattoos on Izuku's right hand and waist, the corners of his mouth curling up.

"A pretty complete tattoo, what's the point? No, it's like a belt~ Then this one on your hand is... Try it!" The doctor raised the hammer and hit Izuku's waist with a hammer. !

For the unknown, humans will have fear, but once the fear is conquered, then humans will want to use the unknown, and Izuku's belt becomes the unknown, and the doctor holding the hammer becomes the spying on the unknown. .

"Boo~brush..." The hammer turned into white sand after being excited by a small trail of red light.

"Oh, damn it! Very interesting!" The X-rays from his eyes seemed to be brighter.

The sand fell on the ground smoothly, making a noise.

"It's almost done! The incense is not enough!" Toshinori Yagi couldn't wait any longer, he just lifted the white cloth.

"Have you found anything?" The mound waved to the medical staff and the police in the room, letting them all go out.

"It's very interesting." The doctor took off his gloves but didn't take off the mask, so his voice was a bit muffled. The doctor stretched out a finger and poked the tattoo on Izuku's belt with his fingertips.

"It's quite interesting, it's just a tattoo from the outside." Cold fingertips swiped along the tattoo, and the tattoo gradually disappeared.

"Tattoo seems to have the ability to turn some metal objects that touch it into sand. This is not something ordinary tattoos can have. Can I study it further?"

"[Creative Doctor] Don't forget your current identity." Tsukauchi pressed a button, and the doctor's hands were suddenly pressed together.

"Good, good~ But if you need it next time, I'm happy to help."

Uh... Toshinori Yagi had a chill all over his body, and the boy Midoriya must not be exposed to this [scheming doctor] again.

"After talking about the deep level, let’s talk about the superficial ones. The left arm was newly born and took no more than two years. There was a gunshot wound on the left chest that was repaired no more than two years ago, but the repair was very good. Professional technique, there is a stab wound on the right back, the repair technique is quite rubbish, it is estimated that it was a temporary stitch, but the recovery of the skin and flesh is good, cluck, it is getting more and more interesting." [Scheme] raised his hand and took it off. Masks.

"Hey, I said, this kid’s [quirk] won’t be [recovery] or something, sneer, the healing [quirk] is quite Heroes? But it’s very hard work.” The idea was completely crooked.

"You don't need to talk too much." Tsukauchi escorted [Scheme] out of the infirmary. The disciple of the treatment girl removed the white cloth, and the treatment girl pretended to have been examined and sat beside Izuku.

"Okay." The bubble girl removed the aromatherapy, and the healing girl reached out and patted Izuku on the shoulder.

"Um..." Izuku pursed his mouth and turned around.

"It's time to get up, Midoriya boy." All Might reached out and patted Izuku.

"Um... let me sleep for another five minutes..."

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