The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 555 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 555

The next morning, when Izuku was completely awake, his sleeping appearance was quite poor. He kicked the half-bed quilt to the side. There was still saliva on his right thumb, and there was a Bakugo Katsuki next door on his face. Big feet gifted by family.

"Uh...what did I do last night? My head was dumb..." Putting aside Bakugo Katsuki's big feet, he sat up from the bedding and scratched slightly. Scratched his hair.

"Good morning! Midoriya-san!" The super vigorous voice came from the monitor of our class A, Ida Tenya.

"Good morning, Ida-san, now, what time is it?"

"At 4:40 in the morning, there is more than an hour left before the teacher came to ask us to get up. Do you want to go with me to practice in advance?" Ida Tenya has already taken care of herself at this time, and the bedding and everything are in order. I don’t know what time he got up at all.

"Okay~ha~" Izuku scratched his face with his fingers and directly changed clothes on the spot. A minute later, Izuku put on the clothes for training in the morning, packed the bedding, and the two carefully walked out of the room.

At 4:50 in the morning, Izuku and Ida Tenya were doing warm-up exercises at the entrance of the hotel.

"Ha, even the sun hasn't come out now, so I can't see the way." Izuku stretched his waist.

"I have a flashlight. Let's run two laps at random. The idea of ​​my new trick requires a little practice, so can I ask you Midoriya?"

"Hahaha, we thought of going together, and I also have new ideas to practice." The two of them finished their warm-up exercises, and their fists collided in mid-air.

At 5:28 in the morning, Shoto Todoroki woke up before Bakugo Katsuki. After not seeing Midoriya feel a little regretful from sleeping, Shoto Todoroki started to wash herself.

At 5:32 in the morning, Bakugo Katsuki woke up. Amidst Bakugo's roar of "Where did he go?!", everyone in Class A was quarreled. For a while, they were in the room of the boys in Class A. very messy.

"Wait a minute, Ida? Shouldn't he come out to maintain order at this time?" The messy room suddenly became quiet.

"Follow them, I'm so sleepy, let me go to sleep for a while~" Shang Ming pulled on the blindfold and continued to sleep.

"Bakugo! Now that I'm awake! Let's go training! The training in the morning is really super-manly!!"

"Don't just put things on the heads of men, I also want to make up for it. Are you tired from yesterday's training?"

"I didn't feel too tired, but now I am very energetic! Now it is super manly!"

"Hey!" The black rabbit who was sleeping suddenly jumped up and kicked directly on Kirishima Eijiro's arm.

"Oh oh oh! Do you even have to train with the rabbit? It's almost a man at the top!!" Kirishima suddenly hugged the black rabbit and shouted.

"No, I simply thought it was just disgusting you and disturbing it to sleep." Sero was also a member of the retreat.


"Ahhhhhhh! Excuse Ben Shiny's sleep and beauty sleep!"

"Bakugo! Let's go training together!"

"Damn! What the hell are you still holding a rabbit for with the training! Why don't you change your clothes soon?!"

"Oh."(Read more @

At 5:40 in the morning, Bakugo Katsuki and Kirishima Eijiro Shoto Todoroki met on the first floor of the hotel. Kirishima was still applying gel to his hair.

"Wow!! Exercise begins! Exercise begins!!" Kirishima Eijiro shouted and rushed out of the hotel like the wind.

"Let's run five laps!" Bakugo Katsuki twisted his wrist, blasted out with both hands and rushed out.

"Can I use the flame to try it? Hmm..." Shoto Todoroki looked to his left hand and stretched it backwards. Like a rocket ejector, the flame slowly burned and finally formed momentum to push Shoto Todoroki out of the hotel.

"Boom! Hiss~" I ran into a tree, and I was still not very proficient in using it. Shoto Todoroki stretched out his right hand to the place where he hit, and covered it with a little bit of ice.

"I still need training."

"Todoroki! I can teach you how to use flames!" A calm voice came from the hotel, and Shoto Todoroki turned his head slightly in disgust.

"I just don't want you to teach! Endeavour." After Shoto Todoroki finished speaking, he turned around to create an ice path and drove quickly, leaving Endeavour helplessly away from the hotel.

On the other side, Izuku and Ida Tenya are practicing skills with each other.

"High speed kick, third company!" Two kicks hit Izuku's arms, and the last kick hit Izuku's stomach during a turn of Ida.

"I can react!" Izuku grinned, barely avoided Ida's foot, and easily fixed Ida's foot with both hands.

"How is it? Then you can't move!"

"Huh!" The other foot was activated in an instant and kicked Izuku's face.

"Boom!" Izuku took two steps back sharply. Ida Tenya fell to the ground, but quickly stood up.

"No way, no, Ida-san, your speed is still too slow, even if you use your other foot to remedy it, it will be too late. What if Villain's strength is so strong that you twist your other foot? So your speed I still have to speed up a little bit."

"But once the speed rises again, there is a possibility of losing control, what should I do?" Ida Tenya sighed and sat down on the ground.

"If you don't want the last kick, the attack frequency can be faster." Izuku exhaled, and took out two sets of iron wristbands from the inside of the training suit. The iron wristbands were both kicked and recessed.

"Even my iron braces can't stop Ida-san's kicking skills. If this kind of high-speed kicking skills can last longer, no one can withstand it. Then it's time to change me!" Izuku's mouth A smile was raised, and his feet kept rubbing against the snow.

"Okay! I'm ready!" Ida pushed the glasses, put on the helmet, and made a defensive posture.

"Yo Xi! Take the move!" Izuku's feet suddenly kicked to the ground and jumped high.

"Bite!" Both feet opened like a crocodile's mouth.

"Scissors? It's easy to hide." Ida Tenya narrowed his eyes and stepped back abruptly.

"Uh! Boom!!" Izuku's feet stepped on the ground forcefully, splashing large swaths of snow and mud.

"Midoriya, your move is too far away, Villain can easily avoid it, Midoriya, what is the main purpose of your move?"

"Bah, baah, huh? My main trick is to defeat Villain, or to make Villain incompetent." Izuku took a puck twice and vomited the mud out of his mouth.

"But your falling speed is too slow. If you are fast, your attack power is not bad."

"Do you want to speed up the fall?" Izuku rubbed his nose.

"All the boys in class AB! Come gather at the entrance of the hotel!"

"Puff, Ida-san, it seems that the teachers have asked us to gather, and we are also hungry."

"That's what I said." Ida and Izuku walked back to the hotel while talking.

A minute later, everyone gathered at the entrance of the hotel.

"Everyone, good morning!"

"Good morning! Teacher Mike!!" Izuku responded loudly.

"OK! So our training today! That is! Rescue training! Interesting!"

"Do you want to take people hostage from us?"

"No, no, no, today we have to go down the mountain to pick up people, and the people we received are the members who were taken as hostages in today's training subjects. They will stay and eat in the hotel with you, above!"

"Wait! Teacher! Are we going down?"

"Whoever gets down the fastest can get a hand-signed All Might figure!"

"Wow!!" The green figure rushed down the hill like the wind.

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