The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 558 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 558

Because there were no extra seats on the bus, Eri and Yutai still sat in the car. The car followed behind the bus. The two cars slowly left the parking lot and headed to the training site.

Shoto Todoroki didn't know why I was sitting with Izuku. Bakugo Katsuki had to sit behind Izuku because of being dragged down by Kirishima, and he sat with Kirishima with his arms folded and unhappy.

"Thank you so much! Bakugo!" Kirishima thanked Bakugo with shaking hands while looking at the phone that was almost restored in his hand.

"Tsk! Put your phone away next time!"

"Thank you so much! Oh oh oh! It works! Bakugo, you are an all-rounder!"

"Shut me your stinky mouth!!"

"Xiaosheng, don't swear."

"You fucking just shut up for me! Did Laozi ask you to save me?!" Bakugo Katsuki reached out and grabbed Izuku's chin.

"Do you think you can kill me with that big centipede?! Do you look down on me?!"

"Puff, no, not puff~"

"Huh!" Bakugo pinched Izuku's face again, and Shoto Todoroki, who was sitting next to him, turned very bad.

"Puff, ha, the situation at the time was that Xiaosheng's was more critical. I didn't react, so I went straight on. It hurts to pinch." Izuku stretched out his hands and rubbed his face. Shoto Todoroki looked at Izuku. Rubbing his face with his hand, rubbing the index finger and thumb of his left hand, he turned to look at Midoriya.

"Izuku, can I ask you a question?"

"Huh?" Izuku turned his head.

"what is the problem?"

"If I, um...or someone else in the class had a situation like that, would you save me like"

The sound in the carriage suddenly became much quieter.

"That said, they are all classmates. I will never let it go when I need it!" Izuku clenched his fists and waved vigorously.

"Quite a man's consciousness! I also want to learn from Midoriya!" Kirishima suddenly stretched his head to the front seat, patted Izuku's shoulder with his hand, and the stabbing hair touched Izuku's face.

"Sit back for Laozi, do you want to die?!" Bakugo Katsuki grabbed Kirishima by the collar and pulled it back.

"Hahahaha!" Izuku smiled, continuing to rub his face with his left hand, and relaxing his right hand on the armrest.

‘There is one more medicine in the belt. The medicine in the bag is probably enough for me for two weeks. Don’t dispense it. ’

Ten minutes later, the bus carrying Izuku and others came to the gate of the training ground. The car stopped at the back of the bus and everyone got off.

"Then, Midoriya boy! Who is your partner of choice?" Before everyone lined up, All Might, who got out of the car first, looked at Midoriya Izuku.

"Huh? Uh..." Izuku reached his chin with his right hand.

"There are only ten seconds to choose from~ ten, nine, eight..."

‘Only seven seconds left! You can only choose one! ! Um... you need someone who can detect people in all directions and has a certain amount of force... Yo Xi! Choose this time! ’

"Five, four, three."

"Teacher All Might!! I choose! Erlang Xiangxiang classmate!!"

"Eh eh eh?! Choose me?!" Erlang Xiangxiang was the first to be surprised, followed by the other people in class AB.(Read more @

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhay?!) the one who actually chose the earphone? I thought I had a chance."

"Erlang sauce's hearing can be very useful in the maze."

"That's it."

"But choosing Uraraka will also produce good results."

"My sticky ball can also be used as a trap, um...there are many tricks."

"But I still didn't expect to choose the ear man."

"I thought I was so worried that you would be selected, your [quirk] is simply invincible."

"Yeah." Shinso Hitoshi lifted the restraint cloth, and responded with a muffled voice.

"After choosing, Eri and Yutai will enter the maze with you. Five minutes later, the first group will enter the maze and look for you. If they can't find it, the Midoriya boy group will continue to hide and change to another group. Until I found it, did you hear clearly? Midoriya boy?"

"Hi!! Then let's go first!!" As soon as Izuku finished speaking, his eyes were covered by a black cloth.

"We will send you in." Yeyan and Mandalay cat put two layers of black blindfolds on Izuku, and one layer for Jiro Xiangxiang and the two children. Yeyan dragged Izuku with their hands. The Mandalay cat took the hands of the three of them and walked into the maze together, followed by a transport robot with their combat uniforms on it.

All Might looked helplessly at Yeyan's rude behavior.

‘Ah, it’s a different treatment, it’s such a grudge. ’

"Ahem, I'm talking to you next." All Might turned his head and coughed twice.

"Each group of you is two people, and each group has ten minutes to find someone. No, it is to rescue the hostages. You need to defeat the hostage kidnapper'Villain'. When'Villain' is defeated and the hostages are rescued, The identity of Heroes is transferred, and the group that rescues the hostages becomes the hostage-capturing'Villain' until it is defeated by the next group. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone nodded.

"Free team formation for five minutes! Five minutes later, I randomly order one group to be the first group!"


On the other side, there are four Dr. Amada Minami.

After walking in the snow-capped mountains for two and a half days, the four doctors finally came to a place that kept warm in winter.

"I saw it! There are butterflies!! Rand! Insect net!!!" The doctor kept touching the ground with his feet, and Rand smiled helplessly, took the insect net out of his backpack and handed it to the doctor.

"I'm rushing!! Oh oh oh! I'm coming for the rare butterfly!!"

"Rand, thank you for your trouble, leave it to me here, you go and take care of the doctor." Redeye walked to Lanter with M4 and took the rope from his hand.

"Aren't you going with the doctor?"

"I'm afraid I will slap the butterfly and scratch it."

Oh roar, you treat me as not afraid to roar.

"Okay, then this captain will be handed over to you, please take good care of him."

"Don't worry, sit down, Captain." Red Eye took the rope and sat down on the snow.

"Ugh~" The captain struggled for a while and finally sat down on the snow.

"Is it very helpless? The mouth is sealed, I can't speak, and the socks are quite smelly, right?"


"Hahaha, it's fun, do you want to talk? Please me~" The red-eyed monster smiled, and M4 leaned on his shoulder.

"If the luck is bad, we can go back this afternoon. If the luck is good, then I am sorry, the doctor may stay here for several days~ so please be honest, please? In exchange, I will The sock from your mouth is pulled out."

‘Repairable! The captain who thought so in his heart finally nodded.

"It's a good boy." Izuku smiled and took the smelly socks out of the captain's mouth.

"Then, in order to express that I am a good listener, please tell me your point of view first."

‘Exchange information? interesting. ’

"I only came to execute it because I received an order. I don't know much about it."

"Oh, did you get the order? I'm afraid it's a long-planned beating...Is it down to the bottom, eh?" Redeye squinted his eyes.

"For children who don't really want to tell the truth, I don't mind telling a complete story to help sleep, but I will make up the details of the story casually, after all, there is no evidence."

"So, what's the matter?"

"I think about it, where is the better way to say it? For example, the government obviously opened a weapon purchase agreement with Kou Kou, only to be caught by a bait thrown by Mr. (Pizzabi.b. Di Qi). Ship, and then, the government not only ate the weapons supplied by Kou Kou, but also cooperated with the gentleman's plan to completely eliminate Kou Kou. Is this story I tell good?"

"Hmph, just say it, there is no evidence anyway." The captain said so, some cold sweat was already coming out of his back.

"That's true. But it's not certain whether Kou Kou will believe it. After all, it is necessary to return Kou Kou's important partner, Japanese scientist, Dr. Amada Minami, but you are the Japanese Defense Force Reserve. Rounding up, That’s what the senior government meant."


"OK, assuming the above is true, then Kou Kou's revenge for you will be very cool, after all, she has come out of the predicament~ And, Long, also got a good chess piece." These messages All Red Eye knew from Izuku.

"That's all, no matter if it's you or what I haven't found on your body, Minasan on the opposite side of the monitoring device~ What I have to consider now is how to apologize." Redeye smiled, holding the M4's muzzle. It hits the captain's head.

"Now, give yourself some time to think, close your mouth, and think about it."

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