The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 561 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 561

"Damn it!"

"Protect the people!!"

"Look at me!! Hurricane attack!!" A hurricane flew out from Yelan Inasa and blocked the Heroes and the survivors. The corrosive liquid and scissors were blocked by the hurricane, and the Heroes had time to fight back. .

"Flush!!" The digital heroes launched their [quirk] to call them at number one at that moment.

"Discuss, hate, you, guys." The number three spoke word by word and hundreds of rattans were made into a rattan wall to completely block the attack.

"One, number, me, uncomfortable, uncomfortable."

"Be patient." One controlled the scissors and flew out from the gap in the cane wall, rotating and hitting the Heroes and the survivors.


"Ah!! My legs!!"

"Puffy!!" The tips of several scissors were pierced on a [quirk] Heroes who was hardened.

"Tsk! These guys are looking for very good scissors to throw."

"Hey hey hey!!" The next target of the scissors was the neck of a certain survivor who was running away.

"Don't! Don't come over!!! Ah ah ah!!!"

"Wow!!" Just when the scissors were about to cut the survivor's neck, the survivor suddenly fell to the ground.

"Boom!" The gunshot sounded a few seconds after the bullet penetrated the knee, and the Heroes instantly squatted on the ground.

"Damn! There are more than three of them! There is one more! And there are guns!"


"Send the wounded down first!"

"I'm coming!" said the Heroes with [hardening] [quirk] and stood up.

"Whoo! Boom!" [Hardening] Heroes' face shrank a piece.


"Puff!" [Hardening] Heroes was taken a few meters out by the bullet, and he turned his head vigorously.

"Damn it! I'll be damn cold when I send it again!" [Hardening] Heroes shouted cursingly, while the survivor who picked up the broken leg jumped downstairs.

"Wow! Bah!" The bullet hit the ground and hit the wall.

"Yeah, I ran quite fast." Hex spit out a bullet from his mouth and continued to look at the sniper scope.

"How do you play the rest?"

"Puff!!" Without the protection of [hardened] Heroes, many survivors were stabbed or cut by scissors, and wailed.

"Number one, it's noisy, ah, all, corrosive, drop it, number three, open, okay, I'm ready, ready, now."

"Okay." The rattan wall slowly opened, and No.3 stood in front of No.2. He raised his hands and his cloak was raised. Everyone saw the white panties that seemed to be visible.(Read more @

Everyone: Puff! What the hell? ! Is this kid playing a hooligan? !

"Puff!" The dark yellow corrosive liquid was several times larger than before and rushed towards the Heroes.

"Damn it! Retreat back!"

"Remember to take the survivors away!!"

"Swipe!" The Heroes took two or more survivors and retreated from the way they came in.

"Boom~Boom!" The corrosive liquid corroded the wires, and the wires suddenly burned after being short-circuited.

"Ah, fire, number one, look, it's fire."

"Hmm... I got the gift, let's go."

"Okay." No.3 used the rattan on his back to fish out several bags of beef jerky, and then took No.1 and No.3 from the periphery of the department store with the rattan to fall quickly.

The flame spread rapidly on the eighth floor, and after a while, the flame burned along the life-saving corridor towards the seventh and ninth floors.

"Ahhhhh, it seems that there is nothing fun anymore." Then, the other things are ready, and it's time to go back. Use his right hand to plug the lens protruding from his left eye back, and Hex shook his left. The sniper rifle on his arm, the sniper rifle became his left arm again, and Hecks patted his face with his left hand.

"Take them back, but the Orphnoch that I brought out, let them fend for themselves, scoff, scoff! There is fun again~ Nah, how do you want to play? Or kill which important person’s toy? Let me watch him jump? Doctor~" Hex turned and left the roof of this tall building as he said, leaving behind a few bullet shells and two human heads that hadn't closed their eyes.

"Swipe! Pap, pap." The three of them fell to the ground, and the police quickly surrounded them.

"Don't move!! Raise your hands!!" A group of police officers raised their pistols

"Raise your hand? This is it, okay?" No.2 raised his hands and sprayed the corrosive liquid from the palm of his hand.


"Go back! Go back!"

"Raise, hand, one, number, also, raise." No. 3 also raised his hand in the same way that No. 2 did. The cane behind him kept beating the police and Heroes who dared to appear in front of him.

"That said, raise your hand and don't surrender." The scissors flew again, and the little bear doll was placed in the bag that No.1 picked up. The bag was tied to his white underwear by No.1 in an extremely simple way.

The rattan and the scissors opened up a road for the No. 1 three.

"Number two, number three, kill these guys."

"Okay, number one."

"Okay." The corrosive liquid was continuously sprayed to the surrounding police cars, and the rattan directly lifted up to hide from the police who were preparing to counterattack. The second sprayed corrosive liquid at the captured policeman, and the corrosive liquid passed through the body armor and The clothes were in the middle of the skin, and the policemen instantly turned into a puddle of foul-smelling liquid and fell on the ground.

"Crack, click!" The sharp scissors whirled and cut above the bulletproof of a police officer.


"Bah!!" The arm without any protection was cut with a big gap by the scissors. In the next second, another pair of scissors flew up, and the target was the neck!

"Damn!!" The police officer lowered his waist sharply, avoiding the fatal blow, and the scissors stuck to the glass of the police car behind him.


"Hey! Are you okay!" Another policeman, who was lying on the ground waiting for an opportunity, looked at him.

"My waist, flashed~"

"Goo~ One, number, I, yes, point, weird, weird, yes."

"Did you eat your stomach? Where is that guy?" After No.1 controlled the scissors to poke a blood hole in a policeman's body, No.1 approached No.3 and stretched out his hand to rub No.3's belly.

"I, too, feel a bit, not so, good." No.2 retracted his hand, and a few drops of corrosive liquid flowed down his hand, dripping onto the ground, and the battlefield suddenly seemed a little quieter.

"Where is that person?" Number One was naturally referring to the guy Hex, and he also reacted a little uncomfortably.

"do not know."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh said that the weakening reaction started in two and a half hours? On the root point.

"But the strength of those three guys is pretty good. If it can be exercised by me, it is interesting, I have to apply to the guy with only one head, sneer." Hex said as he drove the van.

"One, number, I, good, uncomfortable, uncomfortable." Number three squatted down, clutching his stomach. The cane gradually retracted into his body.

"Goo~Number one, I think, vomit." Number two covered her respirator.

"Hold on a little longer." One's body also experienced a weakening reaction.

"They seem to have stopped attacking." A policeman whispered.

"How dare you to go out?"

"Don't dare."

"Dudu! Bang!!" A van knocked over several police cars, rushed into the encirclement, and crossed in front of them.

"Huh, what are you waiting for? Why don't you get in the car as soon as possible?" Hex waved the pass the doctor gave her to them at number one.

"Yes." The three of them suddenly became silent. One by one, they walked into the trunk of the van and lay down in their nutrition bin.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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