The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 566 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 566

The next morning, when the Bubble Girl came to the third floor with her feet carefully poised to flood the room, Izuku opened the door.

"Sure enough, the whole body is sour, and it's crackling, going to the toilet...Uh, teacher Bubble Girl, good morning."

"Uh, hahaha, good morning, why did you get up so early?" The Bubble Girl slapped away the bubbles she made with an awkward smile.

"It's almost 7 o'clock now, it's not early, breakfast is only available at 8 o'clock.....changing clothes and practicing it is almost ready to eat...please let Jean." Izuku drooped his eyes and walked towards The toilet.

"Is it really that tired? It won't be..." The bubble girl scratched her hair and quietly glanced at the boys' dormitory. The scene she saw made her swallow, and everyone's faces were covered. A white cloth looks like a morgue.

"Everyone, what's wrong? Are you still alive?"

"Fuck! Which bastard covered Laozi's face?! Looking for death?!" Bakugo Katsuki pulled away the white cloth on his face and cursed loudly.

"It's not good to swear in the morning, Bakugo classmate." When Ida Tenya heard Bakugo Katsuki talk foul language, she stood up and stopped.

"I still feel that I can't move my whole body, so I'm not a man at all!!" Kirishima said while struggling.

"Minasan, haven't you gotten up yet? Do you remember how I told you to get up last time? It was boiling water this time. If you don't get up, you will be scalded into a pig's head!"

Bubble entered the boy's room. The heat inside the bubble is definitely boiling water.


"Wow!! I don't want to be a hot pig!!"

"It's not too shiny to be scalded by boiling water!!" A group of people ran out of the dormitory noisily, almost crushing the bubble girl.

"You... actually do this to a girl...too much..."

"Ah?" Izuku walked out of the toilet after going to the toilet and saw the bubble girl collapsed on the floor.

"You guys..."

"Bubble girl, you are a professional heroes, and professional heroes won't be defeated by this situation, right." Izuku said while helping Bubble Girl up.

"Ahem, I am indeed a professional Heroes, but..." Bubble girl straightened her hair, indeed, after all, she has been a professional Heroes with several years of patrol and combat experience.

"Now, bubble girl teacher! I'm going to train!" Izuku waved at the bubble girl and ran into the elevator.

"Hey! I haven't finished speaking yet!!!"

"Hamm?" Black ears stuck out of the room. The red eyes glanced at the petrified bubble girl.

"Haw, haw." Hungry.

"One, two, one, two, one, two." Just after Izuku ran less than half a circle around the hotel, he saw a man in a white shirt practicing kicking against a big tree. The tree was trembling constantly when he kicked it.

"Good morning! Teacher Yeyan!"

"Huh." Yeyan glanced at Izuku, took off his glasses, and snorted coldly. Yeyan didn't care about Izuku, but Izuku leaned forward instead.

"Uh... Teacher Yeyan, can I ask you a question?" I don't know when, Izuku took a small notebook and a pen and leaned forward.

"Huh?" Seeing Izuku approaching, Yeyan couldn't help but step back two steps.(Read more @

"what are you going to do?"

"I just want to ask Mr. Yeyan, how did you exercise? Can you exercise your physical fitness?"

"Huh?" Yeyan raised his eyebrows.

"Because Mr. Yeyan’s [quirk] is [Foresight Eye], this [quirk] I don’t know how to fight [quirk], but Mr. Yeyan still became the former assistant of All Might. There is absolutely any secret! Can you tell me Is it?" Izuku looked at Yeyan with starlight in his eyes.

"Don't get too close to me." Yeyan said, pushing Izuku away disgustingly. The moment his palm touched Izuku's body, Yeyan's [quirk] suddenly activated.

The scenes flickering in his mind made Yeyan couldn't help but froze in place.

"Ms. Yeyan?" Izuku took a step back.

"Uh...I have something to find All Might, so go and train yourself first."

"Okay!" Izuku didn't have any doubts for too long, and because he was looking for All Might, there must be something important, and he was not easy to inquire, so he had to answer and continue to exercise.

After Yeyan bypassed Izuku, he quickly ran to the basement of the hotel.

"Bang!! Is All Might here?!" A group of professional Heroes looked at him, and Spiderman stood up.

"Senior Yeyan, All Might was called to a meeting in the city in the morning. I am today's trainer. Is there anything wrong?"

Yeyan rushed to the front of Spider-Man and picked up his collar.

"Hurry up and call him back! Villain will attack here today!! If they succeed, the students will be killed by them!!"

"Brush!" A cold light touched Yeyan's neck.

"Relax, Yeyan, first put your hand off the little spider, otherwise, I'll move your head first!!" Deadpool's voice became hoarse and his eyes tightened.

"Damn it!" Yeyan murmured softly, letting go of his hand holding Spiderman's collar.

"Yeyan, what the hell is going on? Make it clear." Aizawa Shouta pulled the binding cloth and pressed Yeyan on the sofa.

"Call first and let All Might come back quickly!"

At 8:20 in the morning, everyone in class AB was talking while eating breakfast.

"I dreamt last night that I was still being chased and beaten by the clay puppets, which scared me to death." Mineta Minoru said seriously.

"Me too! There are too many clay puppets, and I also dreamed that I could not move when I was hit by a big rock." Kaminari Denki patted his chest.

"I've been fighting with a group of earthen puppets for a long time! Super bloody!" Kirishima raised his arm with a bulge of biceps.

"You can only fight the clay puppets. Laozi blows up all the trash!" Bakugo Katsuki said as he gnawed off a piece of bread.

"Izuku, what did you dream about? Are you fighting with the dolls too?" Shoto Todoroki asked, raising his head, while drinking soba noodles.

" doesn't seem to be." Izuku said, taking a bite of the porridge.

"Then what did you dream of?" Bakugo Katsuki's gaze turned around without knowing when.

"I dreamed of a girl Yo!" Izuku's mouth curled up.

"Nani?!" The eyes of a crowd quickly converged on Izuku.

"Midoriya, you are so unkind! We are all fighting with the clay puppets in our dreams! Why can you dream of a girl! Bastard!!" Mineta Minoru almost snapped a bowl of soup on Izuku's face, watching It seems that the resentment is quite deep.

"Enough or not, I just dreamed of it."

"Didn't you do something in your dream?!" Mineta Minoru's tone was quite suspicious.

"Really didn't do anything." Izuku waved his hand again and again, but sometimes, too much explanation was to hide it from others. Shoto Todoroki's hand on the trouser leg was clenched, and Bakugo Katsuki directly hammered the table with his right hand .

"Then...what kind of girl Xiaojiu-kun dreamed of? Is it pretty?" Uraraka, is this what you care about?

"I can't remember the specifics. I only remember that she was very short, eleven or twelve years old, and her hair was golden yellow, brighter than Xiao Sheng's hair! The eyes are blue, just like Hong Jun's left eye. same."

"Hey~ I can't imagine it at all..."

"Eleven or twelve years old, please beg a sack!! That is to say!! You actually like Midoriya! Young girl?!" Mineta Minoru caught Huadian.

"Ah! It's a dream!"

"Wait a minute, I remember there is a theory that everything in the dream is the opposite." Ashido said after picking up a piece of meat with a fork.

"Huh? Is there such a theory?" Everyone was attracted by Ashido again.

"Yes, I have another example of myself. When I was in junior high school, I once dreamed that I had won a lottery ticket. The numbers were thirty-two and eighteen. Only when I woke up from the dream, I realized that it was me. English and math scores.” Ashido put the meat in his mouth as he said.

"Um... the opposite? I can't imagine it." Izuku put down his chopsticks and thought seriously.

"Don't think about things that you can't think of for so long. Eat breakfast first. You may have to train later." Shoto Todoroki continued to slurp noodles. Although Ashido's words have no scientific basis, they are quite reassuring. .

"That's what I said." Izuku clapped his hands, picked up the spoon and continued to drink the porridge.

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