The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 582 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 582

When the time came the next day, Izuku sat up from the bed with a dazed expression.

"Ah, didn't you dream of anything? That girl is really obedient, red eyes, she should get up." Izuku rubbed his hair, and a doll's head emerged from Izuku's messy hair.

"Oh, big, big, get up or something! Don't do it! Oh! The body doesn't take me out of the quilt!!!"

"Hair is all messed up by you."

"Puff~ The main body's hair is already messy."

"Um...whatever, it's time to get up and train."

"Eh~ I really wish someone would call the main body suddenly."

"It should not be there, after all, I am not a being liked by everyone."

"Om~ Om~ Om~" The phone on the bedside suddenly rang, and red eyes waved his hands.

"YES!! I have awakened a new ability! A word becomes proverb!!"

"It's just a coincidence." Izuku picked up the phone.

"Mosimosi? Who is it?"

"I'm Uraraka, Arnold, I said yesterday that Xiaojiu-kun can accompany me to go shopping..." Uraraka said, covering his face first, just verbal! ! Is it really good to be so shameless? ! And the sentence Xiaojiu-kun said yesterday is a polite! It should be polite, right!

"Yes, can you tell me what time we will meet?"

"Huh?!" Uraraka raised his head sharply.

"Well, after all, I promised classmate Uraraka. What I promised must be done."

"Right!" The red eye raised the index finger of his left hand and touched Izuku's outstretched finger.

"Now, at nine o'clock this morning, we will gather under the big camphor tree in the city center! I think Xiaojiu-jun can accompany me to buy new clothes."

"Buy new clothes? But didn't you buy them at the promenade supermarket last time?"

"Ahhh, Xiaojiu-kun is really dull. It's a kimono! You still have to wear a kimono during the New Year."

"Swish." Izuku squeezed his face with his fingers.

"That's it! You still have to wear a kimono for the New Year! I have to tell the rest of my class!" Uraraka said, picking up the plan on the coffee table in front of him, and after hanging up the phone. I struck out the first few plans of the plan and wrote this paragraph in the last line of the plan:

Try to wear couple outfits at kimono shops and Xiaojiu-kun.

"So what kind of clothes are you going to wear today?"

"It's better to wear thicker clothes in winter, or you will have a bad cold,'s even worse if you are sick!" Redeye kicked the bedside lamp that didn't illuminate with his foot.

"Indeed, I don't like going to the hospital either." Izuku chose a thick coat and fleece pants.

"I'm going to cook breakfast, red eyes, please turn on the TV."

"Oh, do you want to watch the news?"


"Click, good morning, everyone, this station has just received a piece of medical news. Recently, some patients with pneumonia caused by a novel coronavirus infection of unknown cause have been discovered in some cities of the country. Now statistics have infected hundreds of people. Citizens can improve their awareness of prevention and control. If symptoms such as fever, cough, and lung discomfort occur, please seek medical attention as soon as possible. Do not delay the treatment time. Try to avoid crowded places when you go out. Please wear a mask when you travel. The following is the detailed news. ......"

"Ah, ontology, do we need to wear masks when we go out?"

"Well, don't be afraid of ten thousand just in case."(Read more @

"But it doesn't seem to be at home, I can do it."

"Then buy it when you go shopping. By the way, you have to tell the classmates about this." Izuku took out the phone.

Midoriya Izuku: Everyone! Are you there now?

Ida Tenya: What's wrong?

Midoriya Izuku: Just now a piece of news was broadcast on TV, I think it is very important.

Ashido Mina: I just said something about the new type of coronavirus pneumonia. I just saw it here.

Kirishima Eijiro: It’s not that exaggerating. I’ve been doing exercises with the upper body naked near my home for the past few days, but I haven’t had any pneumonia! Super man! !

Ida Tenya:! ! At this time, Kirishima-kun, you still dare to bare your upper body! ! Hurry up and get dressed!

Kaminari Denki: There is nothing wrong with heroes like us who exercise regularly, mainly family members and civilians.

Ida Tenya: Cough cough, then, I have already thought about it. How about tomorrow our class will go to the streets to promote prevention and control knowledge?

Yaoyorozu Momo: I have no problem. The masks and brochures are provided by our family.

Aizawa Shouta: Are you free?

Midoriya Izuku: Teacher Aizawa appeared suddenly! ! !

Ida Tenya: May I ask Mr. Aizawa, can we go?

Aizawa Shouta: I don't have any comments, but you are afraid of being powerless.

Midoriya Izuku: What does Mr. Aizawa mean?

Aizawa Shouta: Find someone who has the strength and breadth of publicity to make your publicity effective.

Mineta Minoru: Uh...I thought of someone, but he might not participate.

Midoriya Izuku: Who is that?

Mineta Minoru: All Might... Could Mr. Aizawa trouble you to ask?

Aizawa Shouta: No problem... I will ask.

Ashido Mina: I hope the special effect medicine can be made quickly, I am a little scared now, mum~

Tsuyu Asui: It will be fast, and it will be fast.

Tokoyami Fumikage: What Heroes firm did you choose? I chose Hawkes' office.

Lai Lufan too:!

Mezo Shoji:! !

Koda Koji:! ! !

Ashido Mina:! ! ! !

Yaoyorozu Momo: What happened to you?

Midoriya Izuku:! ! ! ! !

Mineta Minoru: Surprised +10! ! Chang An actually didn't say that classic saying today! ! !

Kaminari Denki: It's the one that I often say after we finish the topic every time! ‘Feast of Darkness’! !

Kaminari Denki: It's always dark! If you are kidnapped, you blink! !

"..." Shoto Todoroki looked at his phone and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was so lively this morning.

"Knock, Todoroki, can I come in?" My sister's voice rang Dongmei from outside the paper door.

"Please come in." The paper door was opened, and Hong Dongmei brought in a plate of fruit.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Shoto Todoroki was sitting at a table at this time. There were a few books on the table. Shoto Todoroki was holding a copy of "One Hundred Chasing Hands".

"Yes, Dad, he wants...let us have lunch together."

"Um... I don't have any comments, is it just noon today?"

"Yes, at noon today, at home, it's really great that you can agree! I'll ask Brother Xia Xiong, I hope he can agree."

"Brother Xia Xiong? I don't think Brother Xia Xiong will come."

"It's hard to tell, then I'll go and ask first, wait a minute, Todoroki, what are you looking at?" Hong Dongmei suddenly saw the book in Shoto Todoroki's hand, and suddenly became interested.

""One Hundred Kinds of Chasing Hands"? Todoroki~"

"Sister, I don't think the above methods of pursuing people seem to be good." Shoto Todoroki closed the book and looked at his sister.

" want to ask me?"

Shoto Todoroki nodded.

"Love this kind of thing, just like your exam, every time you answer a correct one, you will add a point to the other person's heart, if you reach the passing line, the other person may agree to associate with you, but no matter what kind of love you are in. Every time, the score must be one hundred points. Only when one hundred points are reached, can the other party agree to your marriage proposal, then the next question is for both parties to discuss."

"You said so many opinions, how about yourself? Sister?"

"Yeah...for the time being, there is no one worthy of me taking the exam, but there should be some. I don't want to be a yellow-faced woman. Now, I'm going to find Brother Xia Xiong."

"Okay." Shoto Todoroki watched as the paper door slowly closed, and Shoto Todoroki glanced at the ceiling.


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