The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 586 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 586

"It's been a long time, Midoriya, no, Mr. Jonah." The opposite Mr. Ender, wearing a house uniform, was sitting in his own home office.

"You have been in contact with sister Kou Kou."

"The WORLDSNAKE project, I want to be interested." Ander put his hands on the table.

"If the plan goes well, the world will fall into a state of forced peace, right."

"I am only responsible for carrying out the plan, and clearing the obstacles, and the betrayers." Izuku nodded the table.

"Can you still play as a Heroes now?"

"Is there a contradiction between achieving world peace and me being Heroes? Or is there any obstacle?" Izuku made a cross gesture.

"No, cough cough, okay, let's talk about it from the beginning, since Mr. Di Qi was found betrayed, Kou Kou has been looking for a partner who can replace him, so I just nominated myself."

"You are a man of knowledge, Mr. Ender."

"I believe in the character of people who want to make the world peaceful. I also have many companies that conduct scientific research and development. However, I am a businessman. You should know what the businessman wants."

"Investing a small portion of money to obtain greater benefits is a common problem for businessmen."

"It really feels offended to be said so plainly by you." Mr. Ender stood up and poured himself a glass of red wine.

‘The rich are all merchants who can play. "Kou Kou was right.

"So, what do you need?"

"I don't need you to do anything for me. You are not my subordinate, but in exchange for investment, I hope you will participate in the "My Island" [quirk] Science Summit Forum in April. Of course, Koko will also participate."

"'My Island'? Science Summit? Whom does Kou Kou want to poach?"

"Who knows her?" Ender shrugged, and Izuku let out a sigh and raised the coffee cup.

"I will go, if Eve also goes, I will be her security."

"It's not just Eve, some famous celebrities and investors in the scientific community will participate, and of course the betrayer. I haven't figured it out yet. Obviously, it will be fruitful in a few years."

"Who knows, anyway, happy cooperation." Izuku raised his coffee cup to Mr. Ender, and Ender, who was across from the screen, also raised a red wine glass.

"Happy cooperation. By the way, if you can, use that company's materials to make a combat uniform. After all, it is a special investment project. It would be a shame if you don't use it."

"I tried my best. After all, the combat uniform I am wearing now is not bad."

"Then there is no way, if you want to use it, just use it."

"Got it." Izuku drank the coffee in the cup that hadn't cooled down, and the tablet screen went black.

"So, Mr. Jonah, do you need me to help you?"

"Your company, no, you are Mr. Ender's assistant, I just want to ask you one thing."

"Please speak."

"In any case, protect my mother's safety." Izuku said, putting the cup back on the table.

"This is natural. We will definitely protect the safety of Miss Yinzi. Our private forces are on standby at any time."

"Thanks." Izuku stood up and made a military salute to the assistant.

"For world peace."

"It's worthy of being a Heroes. The figure is good. It barely exceeds the standard value. You can leave after the design drawing is given to me."

"Okay." Shinso Hitoshi said and handed the blueprint to Klaus.


"Let's go, let's go, I just have an idea now, don't disturb me."

The number of heart-worried people was disgusted, he curled his lips and walked out of the measurement room.

"How's it? Fuck you? Are you ready?" Izuku stood by the elevator.

"Um... it's done, and it will probably be available when I go to the office the day after tomorrow."

"Whhhhhh~That's great! I am looking forward to the finished product." Izuku clapped his hands.(Read more @

"Let's go back."

"OK, but before going back, can you go to the temple with me?"


"Pray for everyone, so that the virus can be resolved by the doctor as soon as possible, okay?"

"Good." Shinso Hitoshi scratched his head.

"I don't know if there is a temple nearby. If it is too far away, it will take too much time." Izuku said, looking at the female assistant.

"Uh... if there is a temple nearby, there is indeed a temple, but... there not only handles the affairs of the temple, but also handles the funeral. There, it is better to stay away, especially in this special period. "


"Go and come back soon? I can make protective clothing." Red eyes suddenly appeared, sitting on Izuku's shoulders.

"Do you use shadows for protective clothing? Will it be infiltrated?"

"You can try it." Red Eye stretched out his hand to put a shadow-like protective cover on the two of them. The black protective cover enveloped the two of them. The red eye made a sharp blade with the shadow and pressed it against Izuku's neck.

"Crunch~Crunch~Crunch~" The sound of the sharp blade rubbing against the protective cover was quite harsh.

"Yeah, the protective performance is good, Dang!" The sudden stabbing was firmly blocked by the protective clothing.

"In this case, it should be fine. Bacteria can't get in, and it can provide air for half an hour."

"This look is so cool, so, where is that temple?"

"At the junction of S Street and K Street, it is a big temple. I heard that asking for a wish is quite effective." The female assistant said earnestly. She believed in God and not the gods here, but she was still informed There is a good collection.

"K Street? Where is it?"

"Without the company's left hand, just keep walking."

"Ari Gado, then, worry about you, let's go together."

"Yeah." The two walked onto the elevator.

Seeing the elevator door slowly closing, the female assistant also made a military salute to the elevator door.

‘For world peace. ’

Half an hour later, Izuku and the two walked to the temple. Indeed, as the female assistant said, this temple does handle funeral affairs. There is a large tombstone outside the temple, the tombstone is full of names. Izuku and Shinso Hitoshi are standing on the tombstone. Outside the group, a little dazed, suddenly, Izuku stretched out his hand and patted.

"Everyone, excuse me."

"Excuse me." Shinso Hitoshi learned that Izuku clapped his hands.

The two slowly walked into the temple. The monks in the temple seemed to be absent. The whole temple seemed quiet. The god body enshrined in the middle of the temple was a magical instrument, a tin stick.

"Tick, tick." After washing his hands and gargle in the hand-water house, Izuku took out a few notes and put them into the game cash box, and put his hands together with Shinso Hitoshi to worship the god and body enshrined in the temple.

‘I hope the gods can hear, and may the world be peaceful as soon as possible, and that this virus incident will subside as soon as possible. ’

‘Xiao Zun, the incense here is really strong, you will soon be able to return to the state of appearing in the world. ’

‘Hush~What if they hear it? You Liuxian, keep your voice down. ’

‘It’s really troublesome to solve the beholder in this parallel world and find a way back.’

"Please, please be sure to fulfill my wish." Izuku said, seriously bowing to the gods and the gods.

"It will happen."

"Hmm!" Izuku smiled and nodded to Shinso Hitoshi.

"Namaya Nadala Yanamo Ali Yajana Sagara Beljana Yuhala Yada Tagadaya Alahata Sanya Sambutaya..." Just in Izuku When the two were about to leave, a faint chanting sound sounded, and a stream of black people came over.

"I'm here for funerals, I'm worried about you, let's avoid it."

"Okay." The two retreated a little to the side.

The chanting sound continued, and the misty smoke echoed in the temple.

"May the deceased rest in peace." Izuku lowered his head, speaking in a low voice, and occasionally heard the sobs in the crowd.

In this depressive atmosphere, young people always don't want to stay too long. After a while, several eleven or twelve-year-old children left the team and approached the two of Izuku.

"It's really troublesome. Wearing these things, even our school plans to ban them recently." One of the boys flicked the mask on his mouth with his fingers.

"This is no way, and not having to go to school, isn't it cool?"

"How about finding time to play video games?"

"The electric city in the city has been sealed, and I can't get in at all, ah, there are two people here."

"They didn't actually wear a mask."

"It's better to stay away from them, do you want to play PS4 at my house?"

"Now Double X is the most popular game console. Your PS4 will soon be OUT!"

"Cut!" Watching these boys and girls pass in front of him, Izuku remembered himself at that time.

‘I’m tired of seeing corpses. ’

"Let's go, let's go back, the air is running out."

"Good." The two left the temple.

After walking for another half an hour, when the sky had dimmed, the two of Izuku returned to S Street.

The street lights were already on, and Izuku looked at the slightly blurred stars, resting his hands behind his head.

"Sir, do you cook at home at night?"

"Yes, so I have to go back first."

"Then, let's separate here."

"Actually..." It's okay to have dinner out with you.

"Beep~beep~beep~" Shinso Hitoshi's cell phone rang, and his mother told him to go back for dinner~

"Uh...Mom, um...I'll go back now, okay, okay."

Izuku patted Shinso Hitoshi on the shoulder.

"Then I'll go first. Be careful on the road." After retracting the barrier from Shinso Hitoshi, Izuku smiled and walked to the pedestrian street next to S Street.

"You must also pay attention to safety." Shinso Hitoshi put down his phone and shouted at Izuku, who waved his hand.

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