The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 595 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 595

Naturally, the three of Izuku at Endeavour Office didn't know what happened in the city center. At this time, they were still playing mobile games.

"Yo Xi! Now even the 8--8 three-person level has passed! Race high!!" Izuku looked at the phone and held his right hand high.

"Cut! Had it not been for Laozi to carry the injury in front, you and Yin Yang face would have been cold!"

"I'm sorry, because my support and meat shield were destroyed in the early stage." Shoto Todoroki looked at Izuku apologetically.

"It's okay, even if you lose, it's just a game. There is still a chance." Izuku smiled and put away his phone, and he looked at Bakugo Katsuki who was drinking a drink.

"Thank you Xiao Sheng for helping me resist the injury, otherwise we will definitely not get through."

"Huh! Just know it." Bakugo Katsuki drank the drink in one breath.

"Tingling bell! Jingle bell!" The bell rang quickly.

"Mosimosi, this is Endeavour Office, eh?! What?! Okay! Okay! Let's set off now!!"

"what's happenin?"

"A large-scale Villain raid occurred in the city center! Notify the patrol team and the mobile team! If possible." The answerer looked at Endeavour's office.

"Heroes from other offices should also be dispatched, this kind of thing."

"This kind of thing should call me even more!" Endeavour pushed open the door of the private office. He was already wearing a combat uniform. All of the Heroes sitting on the chairs stood up all at once, and the boss wanted to talk. .

"I have heard what you said just now. The city center is a place where the entire city must not be lost, whether it is our Endeavour office! Or other offices! We must do our best to subdue Villain! Take back the city center! "

"Yes!!" The atmosphere in the entire office was ablaze.

"The opportunity for the three of you is here!" Endeavour looked at the three of Izuku.

"No matter what tricks you use, subdue Villain before me, even if you succeed!"

"Huh!! Can't ask for it!!" Bakugo Katsuki burst into flames with both hands.

"A large-scale Villain? Huh, I don't like to pick up leaks."

"They won't let you pick them up. They have their own skills." Endeavour walked to the window.

"A large-scale Villain? Xiao Sheng and Hong Jun must pay attention to safety."

‘Will it be the Villain Alliance? ’

"Humph! Take care of yourself for me!"

"I'm leaving first!!" Endeavour stamped his feet and flew out of the window.

"Sure enough, big-name Heroes like to walk through the windows!" Looking at Endeavour's figure, Izuku thought of Spider-Man and Deadpool who also like to walk through windows.

"Then, we should set off too! If all the work is contracted by Mr. Endeavour, we will feel uneasy if we lose our salary this month."

"Let's go! Xiaosheng, Hongjun!"

"Don't drag Laozi!"

"If you need help, remember to shout, Izuku."

"Hehe! I will take care of myself!" Izuku smiled and lifted his gloves, and walked into the elevator with the others.

I wish Wuyun prosperity~


"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

"Da! Da! Da~"

"Damn it! When will the Heroes arrive!" A policeman knelt down and loaded the bullet into the empty pistol.

"How do I know! Oh!!" The bullet hit the body armor, and the policeman fell backwards violently.

"Damn! It hurts! Bastard!!"

"Da da da da da! Boom!" The engine of the police car that was used as a cover was punctured, and flames burst out fiercely.

"Fuck! The engine was blown up! Damn it! Laozi doesn't care so much! Click, I'm on! Cover me!!" The bullet was loaded, and the policeman who replaced the bullet tore off the car door and held it in one hand. The door of the car rushed towards the crowds of Villain with a pistol in one hand.

"Fuck! You fucking really want to kill you!" The policeman who was hit by the bullet before stood up, slapped his left hand with a snap finger, and a few phantoms came from the policeman who was holding the car door. Separate, disperse part of the firepower.

"Boom boom boom!!" The policeman holding the car door turned over and hid in a jewelry store.

"Puff! Puff~"

"Hey, blood surge, are you done?! There are more and more people getting in the way."(Read more @

"It's done." Xuesong threw away the last empty test tube and looked at the twenty Orphnoch standing in the cabin with admiration.

"Is the stage ready? Go down." Kicked down an Orphnoch, and the remaining nineteen were just like the flock of sheep carried by the head sheep, and jumped to the ground at the same time.

"HENXIN." The last person in the helicopter jumped out of the helicopter.

"Auto-navigation begins." The helicopter's wing told to rotate, slowly raising it.

"Is such a big thing really not going to be tracked? Maybe we should prepare for it first, right?"

"Of course we have a back hand, which will not be discovered by these pawns."

"Roar!! Click!" A living dead was trampled to death by Orphnoch. This Orphnoch's feet became extremely large, and a huge nose and two stars appeared to be sour from the bandage on the head. Fangs rusted by liquid.

"Puff! Swipe!!" The ribs were made up of six white bones. The gray cartilage tore the bandage to form a weird half-mask. A long whip popped out of the spine and landed on its hand. Go, the second Orphnoch, landing.

"Cuckoo." It was also gray-white, his hands turned into wings, his feet grew sharp, and his head grew a bird's peck.


"Pattern!" More than a dozen Orphnochs of various shapes landed on the ground, and they all waited for the next step with their heads down.

"Swipe." The last figure fell on the ground, and the blood surge clapped his hands.

"I will take ten to walk, and the goal is the road ahead. You can divide the rest of you."

"You! You! And you guys, come with me! I'll go on the left side!"

"Then I'll go to the right."

"After encountering the target, you must notify each other, the living dead can leave them alone, but Orphnoch must retrieve all the living or dead bodies!"

"To understanding."

"You are very long-winded! Send me the return address."

"The retreat will be sent to the armored display during the action for an hour, now! Start the mission!"

"Ahhh! Troublesome guy! I ordered someone to follow me!!" Qianxia put her hat behind her head and rushed to the left road in the center of the city with her holding "Qianxia".

"Then I will go to the road on the right, the living dead on the right, and Orphnoch will come with me." SMARTLADY is holding an mp5 and an unknown sniper rifle on her back. She wears a sniper rifle on her face. A blue butterfly mask.

"Then, all my staff, attack forward! Kill all the people in front of us, humans!"


"Om!" Under the full pressure of the Orphnoch, the sporadic shots set off by the resistance forces on the front road have all been misfired.

"Damn! Counterattack! How can I stand out if you don't counterattack?! Hey! Speak!"

"They have all retreated, leaving you here alone, huh~"

"How do you know...Fuck!!! Villain ah!!!" The policeman hiding in the jewelry store was shocked by Orphnoch, who suddenly appeared behind him, jumped out of the jewelry store and fell onto the road. .

"I'm Orphnoch, no, huh ~ Villain... such a low-level thing, brush!" Two white spears directly pierced the policeman's hands.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Hollow screams rang out in the street.

"Puff!" Another sharp thorn directly pierced the body armor and weak skin worn by the policeman.

"Ah..." The policeman's mouth opened wide, and the pain in his body reflected his brain, causing the brain to crash and shock in an instant.

"No blood came out, my artwork! Hahaha!!!"

Xuesong looked at Orphnoch, who was laughing wildly. The camera on his face quickly captured it, and the computer that came with the armor was running at high speed for quick analysis.

‘I remember, this Orphnoch’s prototype should be a male. The previous injection was the queen bee’s evolution potion. Is the male’s physical signs covered by the evolution potion? Quite interesting data, evolution potions can cover up the protomorph potions, that means...’

"You guys! Stop it!" A Great Fireball fell from the sky and knocked the Queen Bee Orphnoch away.

"Hey! How are you? Are you okay!"

"Hush~ Heroes, just watch the righteous policeman die in your arms! By the way, you will die too!" With a scream of the queen-bee Orphnoch, ten Orphnochs One after another launched their own attacks on the fireball.

"Shadow barrier!!" Just when Endeavour decided to retreat temporarily, the shadows of the surrounding buildings suddenly gathered in front of Endeavour, blocking the attack.

"Nani?!" The queen bee Orphnoch opened its mouth, and its fine teeth gave a strange feeling.

"Oh!!!" The elephant-shaped Orphnoch roared, and Ju Shuo's feet stepped on the ground. The ground was shaken.

"Fortunately, I can fly!" Endeavour raised his head, his red eyes were directly above him, with the voice that called the shadow barrier just now, holding two sharp blades in his hands.

‘Ontology, I have seen Villain, no, it’s a monster, it’s a monster under the hands of Blue Butterfly, and the living dead. ’

‘Nani? ! ! What about Endeavour? ’

‘He is protecting a wounded policeman. ’

‘Blue Butterfly’s goal is me, to take them to a spacious place. ’

‘Dispose of them with FAIZ? That speed is definitely faster. A sharp blade in his hand turned into black smoke, Red Eye took advantage of the blood surge and Orphnoch did not react, and quickly disguised himself as his own body.

"Brush! Cough cough, you have violated the "Quirk Use Regulations"! "Criminal Law"! Now you are all arrested!"

"Found the target." The brown figure raised his head under the protection of the living dead.

"I am sending intelligence to the other two, and the target person found out. Start fighting, everyone! Catch him!"

"Woo!" A long nose flew from the ground to the red eye, binding his feet in an instant.

"Buzz!!" Queen Bee Orphnoch flapped the wings behind him and flew, holding two gray and white spears and flew towards the red eye.

"Ah, you want to catch me? You can't do it if you don't have the ability." He cut off the nose that bound his feet, and he could hear the screams of the elephant-shaped Orphnoch on the ground, and the black blood dripped on the ground, constantly Cement corroding the ground.

"Huh!" The red eye rushed towards the flying queen bee Orphnoch with a sharp blade.

‘Ontology, I have met the enemy and will lure Villain to a spacious place. ’

‘It’s hard work. It’s still the old rule. Find a place like a park to kill them. Monsters and the living dead can’t stay! ’

"Wait, wait~ the body, it's not an agreement with All Might, it won't kill people~"

‘Then hand over the monsters and the living dead to All Might! Change the kill and change it into a uniform! How much can be subdued ’

‘That’s my specialty. ’

"Dang!! Dang! Brush!" Turning over and avoiding the two long spears of the queen-bee Orphnoch, the jetpack behind the red eye sprayed out a lot of flames, and the jetpack rushed towards the blood surge with red eyes.

"Mr. Endeavour!! Please leave with the wounded! I'm dragging here!!" Red eyes snapped a finger while speaking, and a black whirlpool appeared under Endeavour's feet.

"Ah?! Whoosh!!" Endeavour and the injured policeman were sent away by [Portal].

"Next!" The red eye passed over the sky above the blood surge and the living dead, and the shoulder of a living dead was cut off with a sword, and the blood surge lowered his head subconsciously.

"Have the ability to chase me! Ba Ga Ya Lu!!"

"Give me the gun!" Xueyong snatched the M4 in the hands of a living dead, and stared at the red eyes flying in the sky.

"Eh, eh! It’s not a normal way to shoot casually. It’s not a good idea to kill someone if the cartridge case hits the flowers, flowers, and grass. Well~ the queen bee can fly so far, it’s really scary~ lie to you. ~"

"Om!!" Queen Bee Orphnoch flew away after chasing red eyes.

"Damn!! Bang!" A shot smashed the head of the living dead who was missing an arm, and the blood surge threw the gun to the face of a living dead forcefully.

"Fuck it for me!"

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