The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 599 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 599

Reinstalled the command chip on the phone with the belt, and FAIZ pressed the button on the flip phone.

"ONEZEROSIX" FAIZ pushed away the mobile Pegasus and fired at the two Orphnochs against the cactus needles and gas bombs.

Two rays of light hit the two Orphnochs, and the last one was blocked by the toadstool Orphnoch with a staff.



"Useless things! I still have to rely on me!" Kicking away the cactus-type Orphnoch and the barnacle-type Orphnoch, Qianxia raised his hand and aimed at FAIZ.

"Come and try this? Whoops!!" The grenade ejected from the muzzle and slammed into FAIZ's body.

"Boom!!!" The projectile exploded in the chest, blasting FAIZ straight, and falling far to the ground.


"Boom!!" Another bullet ejected from the barrel and plunged into FAIZ's thigh.


"Give me! Die!!! Bang! Bang! Bang!!!" Three consecutive shots! Three bullets directly shot SMARTLADY hiding in the woods.

"Those who dare to hurt the body! Kill! No mercy!!" The red-eyed figure pierced through the clouds and rushed to the ground, his eyes completely stained with blood.

"Wow!!!" All the shadows in the forest were attached to him under the full control of the red eye. The murderous creature spread its wings and stretched out the limbs with sharp claws, and the eyes of the skull were bloody red.

"Ohhhhhhh!!!" The giant beast flapped its wings and slammed into the ground.

"Boom!!!" The ground was shaken. All the guys still standing on the ground were knocked to the ground by this impact.

"Oh!!!" The giant beast's figure shrank at that moment, and his red-eyed hands held two huge weapons and stood in front of FAIZ. A mask and a bloody ghost face appeared on his face.

"Now!! You guys! Come and bear me! Delta's anger!!"

"Hey hey hey!!" The muzzles of the two weapons spun up.

"Fuck!" The two Orphnoch jumped from the ground and rushed towards the red eyes.

"Da da da da da da da da da da!!!" The bullet hit the two Orphnochs like raindrops, splashing sparks and black blood.


"Gan!!" Two Orphnochs were knocked down directly by bullets.

"Hahahaha!! Go to die, die to die!!"

"Hiss~" Just in the violent storm of bullets, a gray-white python passed through the layers of bullet rain and reached the side of the red eye through circuitous tactics. The python opened its huge mouth and was about to bite into the red eye.


"BIUBIUBIU!!!" Three rays pierced through the python-shaped Orphnoch. After a scream, the python-shaped Orphnoch collapsed on the ground.

The gunfire finally attracted All Might and Kasawa Shouta, and they both squatted halfway behind a tree, observing the situation.(Read more @

"Yagi, those guys are Blue Butterfly people? They look like monsters."

"It should be, that kid, is it red-eyed?"

"Who is that lying on the ground?"

"That guy...yes..." All Might reluctantly opened his mouth.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhqh Centipede Orphnoch, a centipede worm, can't die.

"Master! Are you okay!" The mobile Pegasus that took off all the cactus thorns on his body came to FAIZ's side and helped FAIZ up.

"Can't die, cough cough! It's just that my head is a little faint, what about All Might and them?"

"The radar reacted to two people squatting in the woods not far away."

"Boom!" The thunder was getting closer, and the sky was slowly darkening.

"It's about to rain, it can't be dragged on any longer." FAIZ reluctantly leaned on the mobile Pegasus and pulled out the bullet stuck in his leg.

"This, it doesn't look like an ordinary bullet, and I feel quite tired now, like sleeping... Now that Teacher All Might has arrived, let's start, speed up the fight, Delta! Mobile Pegasus! Cover me! "FAIZ took off the command chip on his left-hand watch and inserted it on his belt.

"READY." The two ragged breastplates moved to the shoulders, forming a shoulder armor. FAIZ shook his right hand and picked up the lightsaber that fell on the ground. FAIZ squatted down and pressed the button on the left hand watch. .

In the next moment of "STARTUP", FAIZ disappeared in place, and a group of Orphnochs had their limbs removed within a few seconds, leaving only the torso falling to the ground, and black blood spewed out, corroding a piece of concrete.

"Boom! Boom!" The sky was completely dark, and in a flash of lightning, FAIZ's figure stood in the wailing Orphnoch, like a ghost.

"There are three more? I can't let them go." In the next moment, FAIZ disappeared again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!" Three brown figures were beaten back to the ground, and FAIZ pointed the lightsaber at the face of one of the brown figures.

There was a spark when the "THREETWOONETIMEOUT" shoulder armor folded back to the chest.

"You guys of blue butterflies! What is the purpose!"

"Puff!" SMARTLADY's armored arm armor suddenly opened and sprayed out a puff of white smoke, and FAIZ's vision was blocked.

"Pop!" Qianxia suddenly kicked away the lightsaber in FAIZ's hand, and kicked FAIZ away with a fierce kick.

"The anesthetic has worked! Catch him!"

"The three of you are thinking about fart!" Red Eye and Mobile Pegasus shot in an instant, and the two directly smashed Qianxia and SMARTLADY.

"Damn!!" Xueyong jumped up fiercely, and FAIZ also reacted. The two punched at the same time, hitting the helmets of both sides.

"Crack!" Two cracking sounds sounded, and their helmets split in an instant.

'bad! Was the last damage not repaired? ’

"Hmm!!" Izuku's eyes shrank sharply at the moment when he looked at the blood surge, it was a face almost exactly the same as himself! ! !

Before Izuku could react, Xueyong grabbed FAIZ’s shoulders with both hands, ten fingers sticking out spikes, and piercing Izuku’s shoulders through the gap between the metal of the Sun God. At the same time, the blood surge directly gave Izuku a rather fierce push knee.


"Boom!" Red eyes flew out from the shadow between the two and hit the bloody chin with a stern uppercut.

"F*ck exploded!!"

"Red eye!" In an instant, Izuku took the baton and hit the blood surge's abdomen with a combined punch.

"Puff!" The armor on his abdomen was cracked, and the blood rushed back two steps, spouted a bloody saliva, and his legs knelt down involuntarily.

"Damn! The blood is pouring down!" Qianxia avoided the whip leg of the mobile Pegasus and looked at SMARTLADY, who was half squatting on the ground.

"What are we going to do now?!"

"Pack the active guy! Retreat!"

"Huh?! Do you want to run?! Puff! Gan!"

"Blood surge! Know what to do!" SMARTLADY looked at the blood surge knelt on the ground.

"Blue Butterfly! You guys today! Don't even want to run any of them!!"

"Blue Butterfly?! What kind of shit name!" Xueyong hammered the ground with his hand, and stood up shaking, looking at Izuku with gray-black eyes.

"We are, great, conquer the world! Overhaul card!!!" The blood surge raised his hands fiercely.

"Overhaul card! Onboard!!!"

"The self-detonation device is starting, three, two, one."

"Bang!!!" Izuku only had time to cover his head with his arms when the explosion occurred, and fell to the ground amidst a ringing of tinnitus, and passed out. The moment I passed out, Izuku thought in his mind. There is only one problem.

‘Overhaul card, the person who founded this organization has very problematic aesthetics. ’

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