The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 604 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 604

"The above is the information that has been sorted out temporarily."

"Can it be understood that the doctor performed a cloning experiment after taking my arm away?"

"Almost, but one thing is very strange. According to the details of the cloning experiment, the blood surge should be [no quirk] like the main body, but why does the blood surge have [quirk]?"

"Variate it, Cell Upgraded, don't care about this for now, after all, we don't understand biology very well, OK. Next is the strategic deployment for the overhaul card."

"Ontology, how do you want to fight? One pot?"

"Without this battle, I want to understand a reason." Izuku took a sip of the cold porridge.

"What's the reason?" Red Eye sat on a chair made of shadows.

"You should know what Koko's World Snake Project is like."

"Yeah." Red eyes nodded.

"Then we will follow the way of the world snake! Collect evidence, do not report the intelligence of the overhaul card to the police station for processing, and publish it on the Internet for 20 years, and see what everyone thinks. Finally, after collecting enough evidence, Catch them all at once!"

"Well....... Will it be blocked by some departments if it is posted on the Internet, and what if it is discovered by the organization that overhauls the card?"

"That's also...but what can I do if I found it? Red eyes, your shadow..."

"But I can ignore most of the physical attacks, hehehehe! Interesting! Interesting! I want to play!!" Redeye jumped off the chair and jumped in place several times excitedly.

"After the opponent's organization is shaken, it is very likely to carry out a major cleansing of its own organization, which can reduce the enemy's combat power."

"Can't stay in one place for a long time, Kukuku! I have already thought of a new way to play! You wait for the main body! It won't be three days! I will definitely let those guys mess up! Ouch! I love this game so much, hahaha !!!"

"The funds are self-collected, so I don't need to say anything more."

"As a result, Ontology still used these funds."

"I have calculated. The funds I used are about 10,000 to 100,000 U.S. dollars."

"It's not Japanese yen? It's a lot of money~"

"This time the equipment budget is 100,000 yen. Don't spend too much money on me. Have you heard?"

"Hi hi~"

"Uh... I kind of want to go to the bathroom."

"The injury on the foot, is it okay?"

"If you don't try it, you won't recover, will you?"

"But ah, it's a coincidence that the only toilet in this room was occupied by someone else." Red Eye pointed his finger at the only toilet in the ward.

"Walk more to the public toilet on the first floor."

"Okay." Redeye helped Izuku lift the quilt, his feet landed, and slippers were put on. Redeye and Izuku walked out of the ward slowly.

On the first floor, an ambulance stopped at the door.


"Thank you so much!" A stretcher was carried in by four nurses. There were many wounded behind, and even a few Heroes were also injured.(Read more @

"What's going on?" A doctor wearing a mask came over and asked a Heroes who looked healthy.

"A few lunatic Villain accidentally pressed the protective measures of the bank vault when robbing a bank. Two Villains were killed on the spot and three Villains were seriously injured. In your hospital are all police officers and Heroes who were affected by the explosion. Don't worry about the treatment."

"Huh, that's good, well, you nurses, hurry up and help bring the wounded into the treatment room."

"Oh! Good!" Several nurses in the lobby on the first floor hurriedly stepped forward to scatter the wounded into the treatment room of the hospital.

"You are fortunate enough, take a good rest here." The doctor patted the Heroes on the shoulder.

"Well, excuse me." The Heroes took a deep breath and sat on a chair in the lobby on the first floor and began to close his eyes to rest. For a while, the voice on the first floor became much quieter.

"A good corporal, the goal you need to hand over has already come down from upstairs."

"Come down? Isn't he seriously injured?" The Heroes opened his mouth slightly, and his voice was too small to be heard.

"We don't know, anyway, do your job well."

"Got it."

On the other side, U.A High School, staff dormitory.

"Oh!" Deadpool finally went crazy after being beaten up by Spider-Man again.

"I said! You are super excessive! I am very angry now! Super angry! FUCK!!!"

"You keep ruining my research results again and again! And the copywriting that I have worked so hard! I should kill you!"

"SHIT! What's so fun about that kind of thing! Doesn't he enjoy playing games?!"

"You don't care, all I do are work!"

"I don't care about me for work, I really came to a good place!" Deadpool cursed as he walked into his room, and closed the door fiercely.

"When can you be quiet! Let me do my job well!"

"Boom!" Deadpool kicked open the door of his room. He didn't know when he had an extra backpack on his back.

"I'm really super angry this time!" Deadpool made an uppercut and hit Spider-Man in the stomach directly.

"Hmm!" Spider-Man didn't react, his feet trembling, his eyes pale, and he fell to the ground and fainted.

"I'm going away from home now! Slightly! Little spider, stay in your pig nest!" Taking off Spider-Man's pants, Deadpool walked away, not even closing the door of the apartment.

"I wanted to go to the red light district here for a long time. Let me know if there are any beautiful girls here in Kangkang, hehehehe~"

OK, let's just ignore the undead player who is always looking for death and death, let's take a look at the situation in the hospital.

"Huh? Ontology, look at your way."

"Redeye, come and see this." Izuku threw the phone at Redeye.

"Wow." The red eye caught the phone, glanced at it, and cried out in surprise.

"Hey, ontology, we are red!"

"Fortunately, your face is hidden by trees. If you are seen by others, something might happen." Izuku stretched out, and the loose medical gown fell on his shoulders, with blue arms on his arms. Colored suture thread.

"LUCKY!" Red Eye made a gesture, and the two slowly walked to the first floor.

"Hey, don't sleep, the goal is here."

"Yeah." The Heroes also stretched and yawned.

‘What are they going to do if they come down? Heroes took out his mobile phone from his pocket, flipped it, and watched Izuku walk up to the first floor and toward the public toilet on the first floor.

‘Is it going to the toilet? Isn't there in the ward? ’

"The target is walking towards the toilet and is following up."

"Understood." Heroes stood up and followed Izuku into the toilet.

"Oh, it's you guys, what a coincidence." Heroes waved at the two of them.

"Who is this?" Red Eye tilted his head.

"Ah, I was hit, I forgot so quickly."

"It's the Heroes that we two met last time eating barbecue. The 308th [Ground thorn bamboo] is a Heroes who can control the soil." Izuku looked at this Heroes, his eyes flashed.

"Hey, it's actually not that strong. I can only control about five meters of soil, so I am more accustomed to close combat." Heroes rubbed his nose, walked into a urinal, and pulled off his pants chain.

"By the way, why are you here? Still wearing a hospital gown?"

"I was accidentally injured. Being a Heroes is really dangerous."

"Yeah, I'm exhausted this time." [Ground Thorn Bamboo] stretched out a hand.

"It's really tiring to be Heroes. Sometimes I wonder when I can retire early."

"But, it feels good to be a Heroes to protect the people, isn't it? What was the original intention of Mr. [Ground Thorn Bamboo] as a Heroes?"

"Ah...that kind of's been a long time ago, a little forgotten, how about you?"

"I, my original intention of being a Heroes was to be like All Might wherever you are! No matter where you are! No matter how strong Villain is, I can protect everyone! Let everyone smile Heroes!"

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