The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 610 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 610

"Kacha! Kacha!!" Deadpool and Milt were biting the steak, and the other people in the store couldn't help but frown.

"Hey, how can this kind of people eat steak here."

"It just pulled the steak down."

"What does it matter to you for others to eat steak? Just eat your own, what nonsense?!" Just when some of the guests wanted to say something, a man in a brown trench coat walked in.

"Huh, it's really cold in this kind of weather, it's really rubbish in winter, trouble, please give me a black pepper steak."

"OK, I'm full." Deadpool slumped on the chair, took a piece of paper and wiped her hands. Milt hadn't finished the steak yet, but she had already pulled out two ten thousand yuan notes from her pocket. , Patted on the table.

"I said, how about that idea?" The bottom half of Deadpool's face was still that pitted and chapped, and there was a scar on his chapped lips.

"Huh?" The brown figure was sitting in a position by the window, his eyes turned to Deadpool.

‘It turned out to be fooling around with a woman, huh, isn’t it slow? ’

"At twelve o'clock tonight, I will gather in front of the old-fashioned vending machine on Y Street. I have to find a place to digest." Milt also slumped in his chair, looking at Deadpool.

"You can give you some information in advance. The purpose of this time is the power of a bunch of ‘special weapons’, which will definitely make you happy."

"I smell gunpowder. If there are such good things, I will cooperate with you~"

The two of them held their hands in mid-air, and they cooperated happily~

‘A ghost! There are such good things! Of course it’s black and black, black is coming down! Do you really think I am a good person? Or do you guys really are too kind? ! Are you stupid? ! you guys! ! Hahahaha! ! The corner of Deadpool's mouth cracked into a horrible arc. One hand pulled down the mask, and the two got up and walked out of the steak shop. A miniature nano spider quietly covered Deadpool's trouser chain.

"Find a place to play? Is there any game console or something here?"

"Little Steel Ball~ Do you want to go play around?"

"That kind of thing is totally deceiving! Even blackjack earns more than it~ Hiccup...I'd better find an izakaya for a few drinks, the whiskey here is expensive Damn it."

"Remember to gather there at twelve o'clock."

"Understand and understand~" Deadpool rushed into the crowd with a careless attitude, Milt lighted himself a cigarette, and the smoke flew up into the sky, being blown by the wind, and disappeared without a trace.

"At 11:28 in the middle of the night, this is the time for the main body to fall asleep this time, huh~ that is to say~ until five o'clock tomorrow morning!! It's all my time!!! Let's play! Let's play!" A portal was opened, red eyes rubbed his face, and walked in.

"It's been a long and long hunting~ It's started~ Hahahaha." Red Eyes laughed wildly, and walked out of an alley. He also had a loaded p90 in his hand. The figure slowly flows into the shadow made up of neon lights.

"Stop for me!! Don't run!!"(Read more @

"Baga, why should we listen to you!"

"Continue?" One of the Villain looked at his accomplice.

"Take them over there and kill the two Heroes, we will get a lot of praise~"

"Our [quirk] is more than just stealing...hahahaha! Damn Heroes! Have something to come!!"

"These two babies really don't even know how to write dead words. Sure enough, the game is still playing too much. Why can you save them? They are so arrogant. Well, then this time according to the rules that the body can't kill people, I simply Come to dig a hole to bury people, although there is no such pleasure in killing...Ah, I really am a bad person~" Sitting on an electric light, red eyes grinned and watched the two Villain rush into one. In the alley, behind them were a few Heroes.

"Isn't it good to surprise Heroes? Click!" The red eyes snapped their fingers, and the two Villain's exclamations could be heard, and their bodies gradually sank to the ground in the strange pulling of the shadows.

"Ah, forgot, in fact, this is fine! Use cement board to seal all Villain to death and sentence them to life imprisonment directly~ Isn't that much cooler? My idea is great! I have to tell the main body! Uh! .... No, no, you still have to test it first, GAME, let’s start!!!"

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, but police cars and Heroes, and there are more and more concrete pillars.

"Ah, it looks really useful, write it down..."

"Yeah, little bastard, why didn't you go back to sleep at night and came up here?" A red figure also fell on the electric light.

"Aren't you, running away from home or something without authorization. I'm just testing my new idea, it seems quite interesting."

"Are those pillars your new toy? It feels a bit wasteful."

"What's the matter? Anyway, I'm boring to die at night." Redeye pulled out one of his eyes and put it on his hand to play with, both eyes turned to Deadpool at the same time.

"Could it be that you have any fun?"

"Yeah, I will let you interrupt my work no matter what."

"Baga of bad taste." Red Eye raised his eyebrows, and didn't know when there was a revolver in his hand. Red Eye used the revolver against the temple of Deadpool's head.

"The guy who won't die is really a blasphemy of the rules of this world. How about the last time I gave you Western Bliss?"

"Dumb, if you hit your head, your appearance will be unsightly. It's better to hit here." Deadpool turned his muzzle to the position of his heart.


"Horrible!" Izuku sat up abruptly from the bed, gasping for breath, Redeye also sat up from the bed.

"Dapu~ Gulugulu! What's wrong with the main body?" Red eyes sniffed his sleeves, um, very good, no smell left.

"I was scared by Xiao Sheng, red eyes. Xiao Sheng didn't call me yesterday, right?" Izuku's eyes still trembled a little.

"You guessed it wrong, he did call the main body, but it was really a very bad joke."

"Hey!!!" Izuku's entire face was almost deformed, and he was very frightened.

"But the main body shouldn't feel this kind of thing right now." Red Eye stood on the ground from the bed and yawned.

"Ontology, you can sleep for a while. I'll make breakfast for today. By the way, do you still need to train today?"

"I don't know, let's do some rehabilitation training at home." Izuku also sat up from the bed.

"How about a sandwich with milk today?"

"Trouble you." Izuku put on a vest and began to stretch his muscles and bones on the ground.

"No, can I watch TV?"

"OK, by the way, what time is it now?"

"Let me see, 5:08, I woke up earlier than before." A hand stretched out behind the red eye and grabbed the remote control placed on the coffee table.

"So early, even entertainment news is nothing to watch. You can only watch traditional news."

"Last night, Heroes and the police fought together and arrested a total of 53 Villain, including several C-class wanted criminals. The following is a detailed report..."

"Ahhh, did you get the spotlight by the police?" Knock boring~’

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