The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 626 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 626

"Ding dong." Izuku rang the doorbell of Bakugo's house.

"Come here!" Guangji quickly walked to the entrance and opened the door.

"Smelly boy, put...Huh?! Xiaojiu, why are you here?"

"Huh?" Izuku tilted his head.

"Ahhh, I said the wrong thing. It's not how you came, but why you came by yourself. I remember I called the boy Bakugo to pick you up."

"Huh? Did Xiao Sheng come to pick me up? I didn't see it."

"Oh, this brat should still be in the dessert place. Come in first. I'll call that brat."

"Okay, excuse me." Putting on the slippers, Izuku walked into Bakugo's house, stepping here without seeing Bakugo wins.

"What about uncle?"

"It's really bad to be pulled over by the company to work overtime. I thought we could eat together, hello! Brat!" Mitsuji was talking on the phone while remotely controlling the TV, lowering his voice.

"I told you to bring Xiaojiu over. Why are you so slow? He came over by himself!"

"I'm buying dessert." Bakugo Katsuki's voice was impatient.

"Hurry back when you're done!"

"Got it!"

‘The whole family is grumpy characters and it’s still the same. ’

‘Mr. Sheng is not that irritable, he has a good temper. ’

‘I’m wondering why Uncle Sheng and Aunt Guangji, two quirks who are completely at odds, can go together? ’

‘I want to know too. ’

"Xiaojiu, you can sit down and watch TV for a while. Katsuki will be here soon. I'll get the last two dishes. You can watch TV as you please."

"Okay... OK." Izuku sat on the sofa properly and looked at it with his mobile phone. The red-eyed hand stretched out from behind Izuku, took the TV remote control, and adjusted the news station to The entertainment station.

"Dear viewers, welcome back to "Entertainment I Know". The reporter of our channel just came to the host who is fighting at the forefront of the entertainment news front: the door of the real three hidden fakes. Just at 9 o'clock this morning, the inspection agency targeted one In the case of the eyeballs of the heroes secretly collected by the true three hiders, the true three hiders were arrested. The jewelry as one of the exhibits was handed over to the Institute of Analysis. The analysis is underway. Now let us connect with our reporter, Sanlianyuan. , Can you hear it?" The screen on the TV turned to the reporter's side.

"You can hear it, host..." There was a live broadcast on TV.

‘It looks like this matter hasn’t calmed down yet, it’s fun and fun. ’

"Crack." The door opened, and Bakugo Katsuki came in with a bag of desserts. Izuku turned his head and said, "Xiaosheng, you are back." Izuku's eyes are crooked, and his eyes are almost narrowed. Bakugo Katsuki Choked, put the dessert on the table, walked to Izuku, stretched out his right hand and rubbed his hair vigorously.

"Xiaosheng, why are you messing up my hair."

"Your hair was messy, old lady, I bought the dessert and put it on the table." Bakugo Katsuki said, and sat on the sofa, took the remote control, and turned the entertainment station into a news station.

"Got it."

‘Ontology, why are you looking at your phone so seriously? The TV was robbed! ’(Read more @

‘Kashber has negotiated an arms deal with Russia, and the news says that an arms race will begin soon. ’

' think too much about the ontology, let alone the fact that China has already formed a business partner with Kou Kou. With Russia's military strength, how could it be possible to launch an arms race, uh... ...I'm afraid I can't tell, the USA side...'

‘USA has the most variable. Who knows what they think. ’

‘Anyway, those guys are things that recognize money and not people. It’s difficult and difficult to deal with them, simple and simple. ’

‘Let’s take a step and take a step, anyway. ’

‘Everything that hinders the plan must be removed! ’

"Smelly long time, what are you looking at? You look so serious?" Bakugo also moved his head, and Izuku's finger just swiped upwards, and a video appeared on the phone screen.

"It's nothing, I just want to see any good-looking videos on my phone, and I want to find a few movies to pass these days."

"If you have time to watch a movie, it's better to exercise. Aizawa said that we will have a test when we go back to school. You should not fall to the last place."

"I should...I'm not that weak..." Izuku scratched his head, frowned slightly, and then quickly let go, "If you want me to say it, Xiaosheng, you only Don’t worry about it, don’t fall in the rankings."

"Huh, it is absolutely impossible for Laozi to lose the ranking! It is possible to grab the first place title! Just give up! Even if you have All Might to pave your way! You can never surpass me!" Bakugo Katsuki used his fingers Poke Izuku's forehead, Izuku slapped Bakugo's hand away, "That's not sure, I'm also working hard to become the No.1 Heroes!!"

"What are you talking about? I'm going to eat, go wash your hands."

"Okay!" Izuku ran to the bathroom first, while Bakugo Katsuki scratched his hair and walked to the kitchen.

"I started!" Izuku clasped his hands together.

"Old lady, you are not too spicy."

"Spicy is good! What do you want? Xiaojiu, what do you think of the taste?"

"It's delicious! It's delicious! Combine some of the pork chop rice made by mom!"

"Then I need to say that I have practiced a cooking skill that I don't know how long. If I can't keep up with the lead, I will be ridiculed. If it is delicious, eat more.

"Okay!" Izuku's speed of grilling rice is up to the next level.

"Hey, don't eat too much, eat more food, eat more food, this tonkatsu, and this." Mitsuji quickly walked the delicious dishes from the front of the Bakugo noodles and put them on In front of Izuku.

"Cough cough, huh...Aunt Guangji, I can't eat anymore..."

"Huh?! Where is this? There is still a big plate here."

"However, if you eat too much, it will load your body. I really can't eat it anymore." Izuku pushed his rice bowl down, a little helpless.

"If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it, brat, these are for you." Another big dish was brought in front of Bakugo, and the brat rolled his eyes.

"Hehe." Izuku grinned and smiled, Mitsuji turned around and walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of juice from the kitchen and put it in front of Izuku.

"I can’t eat, what about the digestive juice? You can always drink a little." Mitsuji said, and pour Izuku a full glass of juice forcibly, oh...your aunt or your aunt .

"Drink all of it, drink it." Mitsuji looked at Izuku like this, and Izuku's heart was a little hairy, and he had to drink up the juice quickly.

"Hiccup~" After drinking all the juice, Izuku burped a fruity burp.

‘Dry this bowl of Huiyuan water, and make a little bit of it in the next life! skr! ! ’

‘What kind of plane are you talking about? ’

"Hiccup... Ga... I'm really full."

"Really good." Mitsuji touched Izuku's head with his hand. Izuku walked off the dining table in a daze and sat on the sofa.

'So full.....'

‘You have to walk and digest. ’

‘And I have to prepare some medicine, I will need it in the future... right. ’

‘Indeed, and that big brother should also need some medicines as a spare. ’

‘Speaking of that big brother, my shadow seems to be exhausted. ’

‘Is the treatment completed? ’

‘I don’t know, do you want to go back and have a look? ’

‘Go and buy things first. It’s better to buy some painkillers. Suddenly, his head was lifted up with both hands, and it was Bakugo Katsuki.

"Sit down after eating, do you want to become a pig?"

"I want to go out and buy something, would Xiaosheng want a piece?" Bakugo Katsuki felt the anger coming from behind as soon as he was about to say no.

"Where are you going?"


"Then go."

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