The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 629 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 629

"Guru Guru Guru~" White gas was blowing from the corner of the steamer, and when the white porridge steamer made a harsh sound, the Sky Temple who was lying on the sofa also slowly woke up.

"Cough, cough, cough! Nah~ I feel like my five internal organs and six lungs were blown out of place by that missile! Huh? Where is this?"

"This is my house." A bowl of porridge was placed on the coffee table in front of him. Sky Temple looked up and a pink apron appeared.

"How do you feel now?" Izuku moved a chair and sat across from the sky temple.

"You are the kid holding jewelry at that time." The Sky Temple stood up straight, and he glanced around. It was not a monastery full of runes.

"Why am I here?" Sky Temple patted his head with his hand.

"You fell from the sky with a bang, and it happened to be at the door of my house. I will pick you up. OK, you have answered your question. Now take a bite of porridge and take a moment."

"No, I have to leave now! Otherwise, the beholder will chase him over!" After speaking, the Sky Temple was about to stand up, but he was pushed back on the sofa with his hands on his shoulders and made him sit back on the sofa again.

"The main body lets you sit, you just sit." In an instant, the hair on the whole body of the Sky Temple exploded, and he didn't feel anyone behind him. How did he appear? !

"Let’s eat the porridge first, you've been fainting for so long, those beholders would have come if they could come."

"Okay...Okay." The Sky Temple tremblingly picked up the white porridge bowl, wait a moment, aren't you a ghost? Why are you still afraid?

Sky Temple: Are the two of them I'm afraid of? What I fear is that this porridge is not delicious!

At the entrance of the white porridge, the slightly salty taste excited the sleeping tongue, and the Sky Temple respected the white porridge.

"This porridge! So delicious!"

"Sure enough, I was hungry, so I put a little salt in the porridge." Izuku reached out and patted the chair, and then put a hand on his face.

"By the way, I've thought about the gaze you mentioned, maybe, I can fix it for you."

"Huh?! How are you going to do it for me?"

"Look at this person." I took out a poster from his pocket, a poster that came with the box, and Izuku pointed his finger at All Might on the poster.

"Yeah." The Sky Temple nodded.

"Now that Heroes ranks No.1 in Heroes, they have incomparable strength, and I don't know the rest."

"Do you only know about All Might? Although you know that you are from a parallel universe, you don't know too much?!" Izuku wanted to throw a cane directly on this guy's face.

"I just came here just a few days ago. Of course I know less."

"Okay, okay, this is my mistake, red eye."

"I hate being a courier." The red eye snapped his fingers, and a book appeared and fell into the hands of the Sky Temple.

"He made his debut in the Silver Age and saved countless people and families. It is called a symbol of peace, because his appearance has led to a reduction in the original soaring crime rate. You can say that All Might is not in line with the number one eye and soul. Standards?"

"Uh, uh."(Read more @

"Then the main body is the most pious person who believes in All Might, at least the most pious one I have ever seen. This second condition is barely up to the's quite up to the standard." The red eye was stared at by Izuku and swallowed the words barely up to the standard. Went back.

"The second one is up to the standard, and the third one is my belt! If that's the case! Wait...Why are you helping me? We two are unfamiliar, right?" Sky Temple put down the bowl, crossed his hands and looked at Izuku.

"Haha, at this point, just treat you as if I'm bored and help you." Izuku clapped his hands, "As for the price of exchange, it's..."

‘Is it still a deal? ’

"You have to patrol the streets with me for two days."


"Because I am also a Heroes, although it is only a temporary one." Izuku took out a temporary license.

"Okay, the transaction is established, then how do I patrol with you in these two days?"

"You can just live with me. You can't find it here for a day or two. Don't worry."

"Um... Okay." The Sky Temple still didn't figure out what was going on.

"Sikasi.... If someone comes to my house, whether I am at home or not, you will become transparent and hidden."

"I am not transparent!"

"Knock, knock!" There was a knock on the door, a pistol appeared in the hand of the red eye, and the figure of the sky temple vanished consciously.

"Who is it?" Izuku got up from the chair and walked to the house.

"Hello, Fengshun Express! There is a package for Mr. Midoriya Izuku." Izuku waved at the red eye, and the red eye went through the ceiling to the top of the building.

‘It’s indeed a delivery car. ’

'it is good. ’

"Come now!" Izuku walked to the door wearing slippers.

"This is your thing, the chapter should be stamped here."

"Oh, okay." Stamping the seal on the receipt, Izuku walked in with a small box. The red eyes hung upside down on the ceiling, and the temple statue in the sky gradually showed his figure.

"Ontology, what is that?"

"I don't know, take it apart and take a look?" Redeye sent a sword, and the sword quickly slashed open the box. As soon as I opened the box, Izuku cheered with a nearly crazy voice:

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!! It's actually one of the fifty ultra-out-of-print All Might figures!! USA version of the ultra-out-of-print figures!!! Ah ah ah ah!!! Long live dad!!!" Izuku said After turning around the house dozens of times with that figure, he almost fainted at the sight of Hong Yan and Sky Temple.

"I want to go into the room and play with my superb version of All Might figures, red eyes, this big brother asks you to take care of it, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so lucky! Today is a lucky day to explode!!!" Finished howling, Izuku rushed into the room holding the figure.

"Yes, the main body is crazy again, but since he is so passionate about All Might, then I can't help it, come and watch TV." Redeye leaped over and landed on the sofa, picking up the remote control quite naturally. Click, the TV show begins.

OK, OK, no matter what big sand sculptures are playing on TV, let’s take a look at Shoto Todoroki, the high cold ice mountain. At this time, the three brothers and sisters of the Bang family drove to the hospital. This morning, Dongmei Bang Helping her mother through the discharge procedures, Hong Xiaxiong changed the procedure in the car while listening to the song.

"Mom, we can go now." Shoto Todoroki put on a warm coat for Heng Leng, with the hospital gown inside. After they settle down, they will change Heng Leng into some comfortable clothes.

"Although you have gone through the discharge procedures and the patient's condition is relatively stable, I still want to remind you that once the patient becomes ill, it is very scary. My suggestion is for someone to take care of it for a long time and take medicine regularly." The doctor will A white bottle and a prescription were handed to Hong Dongmei.

"Hold this jar of medicine and there are prescriptions. Buy them at the medicine cabinet every time you finish eating them. This thing is not cheap. You have to be mentally prepared."

"How long should I take this medicine?"

"I don't know. I will come to my door every Sunday to do a psychological examination and treatment for Ms. Hong Leng. If there are signs of recurrence, please go to the hospital in time for medical treatment."

"Ok... OK, you did the previous treatment? What exactly does this bottle of medicine do?"

"The previous treatment was not done by me. I was just a psychiatrist who was in charge of following the progress. As for the effect of this bottle of medicine... a large part of it is used to relieve insomnia, but most of the patients taking these medicines are used to relieve insomnia. Keep your spirit stable."

"Spirit, is it stable?"

"Okay, mom, let's go." Hong Dongmei helped her mother into the elevator.

In the elevator, he looked at Shoto Todoroki coldly.

"Todoroki, where's your dad?"

"He is still at the company, and he also said that he will build another house near the city center. He will not come back where we live."

"Really?!" For some reason, Hong Leng suddenly became excited, her body trembling, Hong Dongmei carefully patted Hong Leng's shoulder.

"Mom, it's okay, we're going home, we're going home." The three of them got in the car together, Hong Xiaxiong put away the computer, and started the car.

"Mom, we went home. The three of us cleaned up your room. You will love it!" Xiao Xiaxiong didn't notice the emotional changes of his mother. Go to the house.

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