The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 634 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 634

When Izuku and Red Eye returned home with the [portal door], they found that the temple god of the sky, who was supposed to sleep, was actually cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and it was just three o'clock in the morning.

"Sniff ~ main body, I want to take a bath. It's a bit stinky." Red eyes sniffed his own clothes. There was an unpleasant smell of blood. Izuku patted the dust on his clothes." I'm going to take a shower too. By the way, see what that brother is doing." After speaking, Izuku opened the door of the room.

"Quah~" The sound of the room door opening caught the attention of the temple god in the sky who was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Senior, you are back."

"Well, there is something to deal with. Wait a minute. If you call me senior, I will be very troubled. I have only become a card face for a few months." Izuku waved his hand and walked into the kitchen with red eyes. He ran all the way into the bathroom.

"Huh?! It hasn't been a few months since the predecessors came to play as a card face?"

"Yeah, I don't know which guy gave this belt to me in my dream. What are you doing? It smells good."

"Gnocchi soup made with flour, but senpai, don't you go to sleep for a while?"

"I'm going to take a shower, but forget it if I sleep, after all, it's not a big deal not to sleep all night."


"Call me when you make gnocchi soup."

"The main body! The water is hot!"

"Come!" Izuku turned and ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later, a gust of heat floated out of the bathroom.

"I'm not wrong, You Liuxian."

‘Hmm...the world also has card faces to fight, which I didn’t expect. ’

"With the help of seniors, my journey to find the soul will be shortened a lot, and I can return to my world faster!"

‘Um...maybe, I’ll see if there are other clues to the soul of the eye. ’You Liuxian floated out of this house.

At 3:42 in the morning, the two Izuku walked out of the steaming bathroom.

"It's better to take a hot shower." Red Eyes said while shaking his head, the water droplets on the hair fell to the ground.

"Are you a puppy? Haha." Izuku put the towel around his neck on his head and started wiping the same wet hair.

"Click." The TV was turned on, and the red eyes lay directly on the sofa and waved to the main body of the house.

"Ontology, I'm tired, I want a knee pillow!" Izuku smiled and sat on the sofa while wiping his hair. The red eye took off his head and placed it on Izuku's thigh.

"Hey, it's much more comfortable." Izuku stretched out his hand and rubbed his red-eyed face. "Don't take your head off casually, really."


The classic night movie "New Roman Holiday" was playing on the TV. I looked at the TV with red eyes and turned my head, "Ontology, do you like Rome?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"Because the movies on TV make me think Rome looks great."

"Does Rome make you feel good? Haha, everything on TV will be beautified to a certain extent. If you show the real Rome to you, you will definitely feel bored."(Read more @

"Where does the body want to go?"

"Well... if you want to be serious, I actually want to go to Italy, I feel that Italy is a romantic place."

"What? The body is based on its own feelings, without objective judgment at all."

"The pimple soup is ready." Three bowls of pimple soup were placed on the coffee table, and the red-eyed head and body were fiercely combined, and the pimple soup appeared in his hands, and he was not afraid of being hot and poured it directly into his mouth.

"Huh~" A bowl of hot pimple soup entered into the abdomen, and the three of Izuku breathed out.

"It's delicious." The three people sat on the sofa blankly like fools, watching the junk movies on TV.

"Dinglingling~Dinglingling~" is a mobile phone ringtone for exercise every morning. The ringtone awakens the three of them, and the three of them start to move like they wake up in a dream.

"Ha...well, I didn’t expect to watch TV for a whole night like this. I have to go to training, red eyes. If you don’t want to go, please help me prepare my suitcase, ah, yes, also Yes, bring that thing with you, you may need it."

"To understanding."

"Senior, can I exercise with you?"

"Yes." Izuku nodded and walked into his room, putting on clothes for training out.

The two walked out of the house, it was almost spring, and there was still a little bit of cold in the morning, but it was not a problem for Izuku and Sky Temple.

"It's still the same way. Start stretching from here, then go to the river or exercise and run, go around the river in a big circle, and finally sprint back. Can it be done?"

"Yeah!" Sky Temple nodded, learning the movement of Izuku to stretch his body, and stretched out his body while walking, and he could hear the clicking sound of Izuku's body joints.

When the two of them walked to the river, their bodies were also stretched and hot. Izuku used the red shoes on his feet to smash a small hole on the ground. "It's about to start, try to keep up." Picked up a small stone from the ground. Block, Izuku threw the small stone up while talking.

"Wow~" Sky Temple watched the rocks fly into the sky but didn't feel that Izuku's whole body had entered a state of tension at this time.

"Papa~" When the stone fell to the ground, a gust of wind suddenly blew up next to the temple of the sky, and the temple of the sky reacted and moved his legs to catch up.

Izuku's running speed is far from what Sky Temple can catch up, but Sky Temple, he is a ghost. Realizing that he can't catch up with his legs, he simply gave up using his legs and chased him directly with his soul body. Go up,

"Huhuhuhu! Well, the cold wind in the morning is really comfortable, and then turn right! Keep up! Hmm!" With one foot as a fulcrum, Izuku violently turned around and avoided one that was also in the morning. Man running for exercise.

"Good morning!" Izuku finished speaking, and continued to run forward like the wind.

"The last paragraph is super acceleration! Here, I'm going to use [ONEFORALL]!" Izuku's mouth curled up.

‘Red Eye, are you ready? ’

‘Test test! The 70 km/h speed test of the body is about to begin! , Please leave as soon as possible for unrelated brain-disabled people~’

‘Stop it. ’Izuku’s face was quietly blasted on the cloth, and green arcs appeared on both feet and hands.

"Starting to sprint! If it can stop me, come and try!"

"Whoo!" The green figure ran like lightning on the empty street.

"He's here, he's here!" Standing at the door of the house, Red Eye looked at Izuku who was rushing over with a telescope made of shadow.

"He is about to rush through the speed box!"

"Whew!! Chiweeeeeeeeee!!" Izuku's feet quickly stepped on the ground, and Izuku took a big breath.

"Red eye, what are you mumbling?"

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's okay to see the results." The two went to the speedometer made by shadows, and the final score was 72KMh.

"Perfect ending! Pop!" The two palms collided in mid-air.

"Huh~ Senior, your speed is really fast." The Sky Temple ran over from a distance, panting.

"It's because your speed is too slow, you need to exercise more~ junior~" The red eye poked the sky temple's sore spot indifferently.

"Don't tell me anything that hurts. Is the suitcase ready?"

"The preparation is complete, ready to go anytime!"

"Okay, when I change my clothes, I will leave for school!"

A few minutes later, Izuku, who had changed his clothes, turned off the power and gas at home, while adjusting his tie.

"Ha, it's really not good to tie a tie or something."

"The body is only suitable for bow tie."

"Tie into a big tongue again."

"That's it, brother Zun."

"Ah? I'm here." The Sky Temple was still stunned when he was called to his brother.

"Go, it's time to go to school to find All Might."

"Oh, good!" Sky Temple said in response, and he was behind Izuku. Red Eye opened a [Portal Gate] Izuku carrying the suitcase, and Red Eye walked into [Portal Gate]

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