The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 655 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 655

The red-eyed right hand was held high, and the left hand holding Izuku's arm swung fiercely. Izuku was thrown out and stepped on the railing.

"Induction technique! Launch!" It was another dozens of shots that accurately hit the weakness of the four of Hecks.

"Hex! Give it to me! Die!!" Izuku stepped on the railing with his feet on the railing, and black sharp blades extended out of both forearms.

"Woo!" Before he could make extra moves, Hecks had to raise his arms for emergency defense.


"Damn it!"

"Rescue Hex!" No.2 clutched his wound and quickly turned and opened his palm, aiming at Izuku's head.

"Don't want to get in the way!" The black sickle pierced the concrete wall and struck it all the way to Number Two. The red eye was like a Shinigami at this time.

"Don't think about it!" Hundreds of scissors are like white whips, facing the hard, red-eyed black sickle.

"Oh!!" No. 3 seemed to be mad, hundreds of rattans waved in this building constantly, smashing pieces of cement from time to time.

"It's the same as a wounded beast. Dispose of it first! Team A1-A4, dispose of this crazy guy! Let it be silent and prepare for collective induction!"

"Wow!" Izuku, who was in close combat with Hex, suddenly stretched out his right foot and tripped Hex in an instant. Hex also reacted instantly, fell to the ground and rolled on the spot.


A straight fist blasted the ground directly out of a big hole, and Izuku's fist and eyes were dripping with red blood.

"Now, don't run, Hex! The accounts of the two of us have not yet been counted for playing!"

"The body! Bow your head!"

He lowered his head subconsciously, and a figure hit the wall with a sickle.


"Cough!" Number Two spouted a mouthful of black blood.

"Number two!"

"Remove one in the way!"

"Dang!!" Under the control of No.1, the silver-white long whip directly cut off the sickle.

"Number Three! Bombard this guy for me!!!" Number One's feet stepped on two high-speed rotating scissors, while controlling the long whip to attack the red eye while commanding Number Three, wanting him to attack together.

"Collective induction technique! Launch!"

"Hey hey hey!! Boom!!" The eight-shot induction technique assembles into a super-large shot and blasts towards the number three in the induction technique. "Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

"Huh Lulu!" The beast-like intuition of No. 3 made him form a three-layer protective shield with cane in an instant, and it also made this huge inducement technique deviate from the track.

"Boom!!" A big hole was blasted out of the high and low buildings.

"Did not hit the target!"

"damn it!"


"Call a fart!" Redeye snapped his fingers at No.3, and No.3's body instantly fell to the ground.

"Die!" A javelin suddenly appeared in the red eye's hand, and the javelin shot instantly and pierced towards the number three.

"Don't even think about it!!" Under the control of No.1, the silver-white scissors instantly formed a silver shield to block the javelin.

"Have you remembered yet?! Hex!"(Read more @

"Ahem, I really didn't think of it. You can recall it to me." Looking at Izuku, who was close to a madman in front of him, Hex smiled. Although he said that the barrel of his left hand had been cut off for a long time, it did not hinder her. Fire at Izuku

"Then let you remember it again." Izuku rushed towards Hex, his body was surrounded by black shadows in the next moment, silver hair and brown skin appeared in front of Hex, Hex His eyes shrank slightly.

"Ha, who am I talking about? It turned out to be Jonah. I remember who R is. Isn't it just a nail that the CIA puts on your side? Hey, hey~ It seems you care about him... ."

"When you think about it, then you can go to death! SMASH! KICK!!!"

"BlackGodcannon!!" The black energy cannon and the green revolving kick hit Hecks directly.

"Fuck!! Goo! Poof!!!"

"Give it to me! Die!!!"

"Boom!!" The skin on the left side of Hex's body exploded instantly, splashing parts and gears.

"Ha!!!" Hecks and No.2 were directly blasted out of the high and low buildings by these two attacks.

"Kungfu, not bad!!" Hecks raised his left arm, and there was a bullet in the barrel.

"You can't avoid it at such a close distance! Jonah! You will also die under my hands!"

"Collective inducement technique! Launch!" The inducement technique that was one size smaller than before hit Hex's body, directly blasting Hex and No.3, and Izuku fell to the ground, watching BlackGodcannon and inducement. Hex and No.2, who were flying in the art style, felt a little vomiting.

"Damn! Number two! Ahem! Number three! Retreat!"

"Want to run now?! It's late! Bang bang bang!!" Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki both shot at the same time.


"Bing Thousand Cones!"

"Induction technique! Fired a precise shot, directly punching a blood hole in the left leg of No.1.

"Ah!" One suddenly lowered his head and covered the blood hole in his leg.

"There is a flaw!"


"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!" No.3, who was lying on the ground protected by silver-white scissors, suddenly exerted force, and hundreds of rattans broke through the silver-white scissors and bound No.1.

"Can you move?!"

"Roar!!" The cane slapped the walls of the building indiscriminately again, and the smoke that had just subsided became messy again, blocking the view.

"Boom!" The wall was blasted out of a hole again, and No. 3 and No. 1 rushed out of the high and low buildings quickly and brutally.

"Report to the major, Villain... Villain was beaten away, do you want to pursue it?"

"What are you pursuing?! Find the target! What happens to the target! We all have to be shot!"

"Yes Yes!"

"Ontology, how are you?!"

"Oh!" Izuku knelt on the ground, and the vomit and blood from his eyes fell on the ground.

Red eyes fell to Izuku's side in embarrassment.

"Ontology, is your body okay?"

"It's okay, but they ran away, red eyes, cough, go to the survivors who are still in this building, and let Mr. Yagi and others go out." Izuku closed his eyes and stood up.

"I just use the portal, the main body, let's go out first." The red eyes hugged Izuku and jumped out of the hole they made.

"Kurogiri, quirk: Portal!" In the next moment, Toshinori Yagi and others fell from the portal to the outside of the high and low buildings.

"Ah, why did we come out?"

"Beep beep beep beep~" The ambulance drove over under the protection of the police car.

"Hurry up! There are wounded here!"

"Save me! Save me first!"

"Bring this up first! The remaining minor injuries will be temporarily treated here." Four ambulance personnel sent the security guard whose skin had been corroded to the ambulance.

"Well, who can tell me about the situation at the scene?!" A high-ranking policeman lifted his hat.

"Let me do it." All Might's body squeezed through the crowd.

"Ahhh!! It's All Might!"

"Really! But why didn't you see him before?"

"All Might? So can you tell me what happened?"

"Actually you have to ask my students, I mainly protect the people on the negative first floor, Class 1-A! Assemble!"

"Yes!" A young voice came from the crowd. A group of gray-headed children squeezed out of the crowd. Both Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki had holes in their clothes. Nineteen people stood behind All Might.

"Uh...I feel that there is still one person missing?" Uraraka looked at the people near him, "Where is Xiaojiu-kun? Why didn't he see Xiaojiu-kun?"

"We, here..." The red eye held Izuku's body with one hand, and slowly squeezed away from the crowd. Izuku's right hand was bleeding continuously and his eyes were closed tightly.

"Midoriya boy?!"

"Smelly long?!"



"Damn it! There are wounded on the doctor's side!"

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