The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 658 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 658

"! I want to buy this phone!" Just as Red Eye turned his head, he saw that his main body was chatting happily with a guy he didn't know, and he was a little unhappy. .

"Oh, well, I'll come right away." Izuku looked at Red Eye, threw the empty paper cup into the trash can, got up and walked towards Red Eye, "Which one do you want to buy?"

"This one." The shopping guide took out a mobile phone. "The performance and price-performance ratio of this GJ20 is the best among several newly released mobile phones." Izuku looked at the counter while listening to the shopping guide's explanation. The price tag in here is 19,999.

"The price is tricky enough, just this one." Izuku happily took out two ten thousand yuan notes from his pocket.

It took three minutes to buy this phone, and the red eyes of the new phone looked quite excited and happy.

"Hey! I have a mobile phone too! YES! The body! What is your phone number?"

"Do you still ask this? Go back quickly, and I will be scolded by Xiao Sheng if I don't go there to meet other people."

"Ahhh, why are you still talking about that guy?" Redeye put the phone in his pocket, and drew a circle with his hands in the air. A portal appeared, and the two quickly walked into the portal.

At Rinjinji, Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki stood at the gate of Rinjinji, waiting for Izuku.

"That guy, so slow!" Bakugo Katsuki's head was propped up with several veins.

"If you don't want to stay here, you can go inside and ring the bell yourself." Shoto Todoroki folded his arms and shook his head at the temple.

"Laozi's matter, what's the matter with your yin and yang face?!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry! Xiaosheng! I'm late! Ah, you are here too, I thought you had already gone."

"Ah! Xiaojiu-kun!" A figure floated into the air, Uraraka Ochaco.

"Uraraka, didn't you guys go?"

"We are all waiting for you." Shoto Todoroki walked to Izuku.

"Huh? Are you all waiting for me? It's a bit too troublesome for everyone." Izuku scratched his head, it's really a bit too much trouble for everyone.

"Huh! You know the trouble too? You take it in the toilet for so long, I wonder if I can ask an excavator to dig you out."

"Huh? Not so exaggerated, is it?"

"Hurry in, everyone is waiting for you."

"Oh, good!" The three of them quickly entered the Linshen Temple,

"Oh, Izuku, you are here." All Might stretched out his hand and patted Izuku on the shoulder. "Everyone takes you very seriously, and everyone doesn't want to ring the bell before you come."

"Ah? Why? You don't need to wait for me in fact."

"That won't work, we are classmates." Ida Tenya pushed his glasses.

"That is to say, it would be too selfish if one of your classmates left behind without permission." Kirishima Eijiro gave Izuku a thumbs up.

"After all, we are classmates!"

"Yes, yes, we are in the same class, we can't leave any one behind! Eh~ there are young ladies in kimonos!"

"This is not possible, Mineta-kun, quack." A tongue pulled Mineta Minoru back, and 20 classmates and two teachers from Class 1-A walked into the temple.

Looking at the deity enshrined in the temple, Izuku took a deep breath and folded his hands together.

‘Although I don’t know which god you are, I beg you, beg you! Please bless my teachers and my classmates so that they can retire smoothly and become Heroes safely, please! When Izuku opened his eyes, several classmates looked over.

"What wish did Mr. Midoriya just make?"

"Xiaojiu-kun seems to be the first to close his hands and close his eyes. What wish did he make?"

"If you say your wish, it won't work." Izuku squinted his eyes and laughed. For a while, the candle was brilliant, and the candle shining on Izuku's back, like a kind-eyed Buddha.


"Huh? Uraraka, what's the matter?" Izuku's mouth turned slightly down to look at Uraraka Ochaco.

"No no, I just think..." Uraraka's cheeks flushed slightly.

"Xiaojiu-kun was like a Buddha just now."(Read more @

"Buddha? Hahaha? How could it be possible!" Izuku spread his left hand, "Buddhas are all kind and compassionate people, how could I be?"

"Izuku, I'll pay my respects, do you want to eat soba noodles with a piece?" Shoto Todoroki walked over at this time, "you have to eat soba noodles during the Chinese New Year."

"I'm talking about the soba noodles that my family used to eat during Chinese New Year."

"Everyone, let's eat soba noodles together."

"I just saw it happened to be sold over there."

"Then everyone, let's eat together, eh, what about All Might teacher?" Izuku's gaze swept across the temple, but he didn't see All Might.

"The guy All Might left early because of something. He asked me to take you not to run around." Aizawa Shouta stood by the door frame of the temple, looking at the people in the temple, while raising a finger.

"No noise is forbidden in the temple, come out quickly."

"Yes." The children walked out of the temple, Izuku raised his head slightly, and saw Yagi Shunnori's thin body walking towards the soba sales area.

"Let's go buy soba noodles."

"Yeah, good!" Izuku nodded and walked towards Toshinori Yagi, and Shoto Todoroki quickly followed.

"Please give me a portion of soba noodles." Tonsori Yagi took out a few coins from his pocket and bought a portion of soba noodles.

"Okay, here you are, I wish you a good year for the donor."

"Thank you really." Taking the soba noodles handed by the monk, Toshinori Yagi looked up at the sky and the stars in the sky were constantly shining.

"It looks like tomorrow will be a good day, Mr. Yagi." A green figure suddenly appeared beside him, Midoriya.

"Yes, tomorrow is a good weather."

"Didn't you want to confess with everyone at dinner?"

"As soon as the guys with the'overhaul card' came out, I decided..."

"Will you hold it for a while?"

"Have you guessed it? You are quite smart..."

"No, I'm stupid, sucking, I still have to eat hot soba noodles during the Chinese New Year."

"Really? If it cools down, the taste will be a bit worse." Tonsori Yagi took apart his chopsticks and began to eat soba noodles.

"Sucking and sucking." The slightly cold soba noodles really didn't taste very good.

With the arrival of Midnight, more and more people came to Linshen Temple to worship and pray for blessings. The class 1-A students gathered together and took a group photo at the request of Teacher Aizawa.

"At that time, I will wash this photo into twenty copies for everyone."

"It's 11:20, if we hurry up to see the bell strikes, we might be able to catch the bell strikes for the first time in the New Year!"

"Is it necessary to be so early?"

"Now someone is waiting over there."

"Then let's go quickly."

"Does anyone want hot cocoa?"

Izuku looked at Yaoyorozu Momo and stretched out his hand, "Please give me a drink!"

At 11:45 in the evening, reporters and cameramen from the local TV station walked into the Linshen Temple and began a live interview with the people in the temple. Ask them what their New Year's resolutions are.

"Now we are here at Linshen Temple in our city. You can see that quite a few people have come here to worship and pray for blessings. Let us ask these visitors what New Year's wishes are." The host's head Turning around, I saw a handsome boy standing at the forefront of the crowd watching the clock strike, and I looked for that one.

Squeezing through the crowd, the reporter and cameraman came to Shoto Todoroki's side.

"This handsome guy, eh?! Are you not Shoto Todoroki from U.A1-A class?! Why did you come here?"

"Huh?" Shoto Todoroki turned to look at the reporter.

"Ahem, hello, I am a reporter from the city TV station, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, yes." Shoto Todoroki nodded.

"Then I would like to ask, what is your New Year's resolution?"

"My New Year's resolution? Hmm...should be to become a Heroes."

‘I want to live with Midoriya...’

"Boom...Boom..." More than a dozen monks raised the wooden pier and banged against the bell placed in the pavilion, and the bell rang.

"Sure enough, it's a very magnificent voice."

After the one hundred and seven bells rang, there are only twenty seconds left before the arrival of the new year.

"Hello, can I interview you?" The reporter came to Izuku.

"Huh? Good."

"I want to ask about your New Year's resolution in the next ten seconds?"

"Um..." Izuku tilted his head, then pointed at the extended microphone.


"My New Year's resolution."


"it's actually really easy."


"That is."


"World peace."


"happy New Year!!!"

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