The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 69 The Final Exam is Near

Izuku walked in the direction of home while thinking about it.

"As long as you finish your homework, you can rest. I don't need the exercise for today. It's exhausting. As long as it's tonight and tomorrow, I can give it back to the body." Izuku yawned again and used his pocket The key inside opened the door.

"I'm back." There was no one in the house.

"Mom has three days to come back. I'm so annoying and sleepy. I don't want to eat dinner at all." Thinking like this, Izuku rubbed his hair and walked into the room, finished his homework and took a shower as quickly as possible. Then he wrote a note to the main body, and Izuku lay on the bed and fell asleep.

‘Finally I can rest, ontology, see you tomorrow. ’

When I got up the next morning, Izuku felt very hungry.

"What did I do yesterday? Didn't you eat dinner?" Izuku touched his hair, got up and looked at the note on the table.

"Sure enough, it was the other me who went to class yesterday. You are already lazy to the extreme! You don't even eat dinner!"

‘Oh, you can just cook whatever you want to have breakfast. By the way, I didn’t change my textbook last night. You can do it yourself. I’ll go to bed when I’m sleepy. ’

"Ah! I don't even know what you did yesterday? Did you cause trouble?"

'stir up trouble? Is it counted that the noisy Xiaosheng and Hongjun punch SMASH by one person? ’

"Ahhhhh!!! You really caused a big deal!! Xiaosheng will definitely hit me!!!" Izuku yelled in the room, covering his face.

‘No, Mr. Aizawa said, if Xiaosheng and Hongjun fight again, you can give them both a punch SMASH. ’

"Is that so?"

‘If you don’t go out soon, the morning exercise time will pass. ’

"Don't you say I almost forgot!!" Izuku hurriedly changed into a morning exercise outfit and ran out of the house.

At 7 o’clock in the morning, Izuku was still the first to come to school. At this time, Izuku was quite panicked because he smashed Xiaosheng and Hongjun into the wall with two punches yesterday. Although teacher Aizawa allowed it, it was still quite Panic.

"It's over! It will definitely be targeted by Xiaosheng and Shoto Todoroki!" Izuku sat in the seat, thinking nervously while reading.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Bakugo kicked open the door of the class with a bandage on his nose and a super unhappy expression on his face.

"How can it be repaired! He was hit by Feijiu on the wall, Laozi must kill him today!!" ‘That guy dared to hit me! waste! waste! waste! (If he sells me cute, maybe he can forgive him.)’

Bakugo sat directly on Izuku's table, carrying Izuku's untied tie.

"Crap! Let's talk! How the hell do you want to die!!" ‘Cry! Cry! Cry! fast.....'

"Hmm...How about old death?" Izuku twisted his neck flexibly, and the tie that had not been tied was loose in an instant. Izuku happily ran out of the classroom without tying the tie.

"Damn, you fucking dare to run!!!" Bakugo immediately chased it out, ‘I’m going to you, Banana Barra, how dare you to resist! ’

"Bakugo and Izuku students, you can't run around in the hallway!!" Ida student carrying a schoolbag just walked into the hallway when he saw Bakugo chasing after Izuku student, his expression was quite hideous.

"I don't want it either! Ida-san, the point is that Xiaosheng asked me how I want to die as soon as he came over! I don't want to die!!" Izuku's run was called a smooth run.

"Trash! Nishiuchi!!" ‘Let me fight and die! ! "Is it really going to die?"

"Hey, I can't burst!" Izuku easily escaped a Bakugo explosion.(Read more @


"You guys are very noisy!" Teacher Aizawa didn't know when she suddenly appeared in the corridor, and two restraints directly bound the two who were fighting.

"Good morning, Mrs. Aizawa." Izuku greeted Mrs. Aizawa nicely.

"A thousand words of review, neither of them want to escape."


"Wai Jiu, I blame you!! Sinai!!"

"Bakugo Katsuki, two thousand words review."

Bakugo was very unhappy and was brought into the class by teacher Aizawa with a binding cloth.

‘Aren’t you pretty skinny today? ’

‘Once in a while. Thinking like this, Izuku put on his tie again, but of course he still couldn't play well.

"Okay, I don’t want to say anything more in today’s class meeting. In short, there are only two weeks left before the final exam. If the final exam is not successful, it is not allowed to stay in the forest after participating. ."

"Hill in the forest? What is that?" Izuku shook his head.

"Special training for you."

"Special training?! I want to participate!!"

‘You’ll write the 1,000-word review first. ’

'Oh. Izuku continued to write a review.

Shoto Todoroki looked at Bakugo secretly...Izuku behind.

‘Izuku is also very cute when he is immersed in his review. 'Hey! Are you the devil?

Bakugo wrote a review with an uncomfortable face, and suddenly he noticed the sight of Jun Jun falling on his young tame (old po.....), and turned his head to stare at Shoto Todoroki.

‘Yin and Yang face, what the fuck are you looking at! Feijiu is me! ’

‘He didn’t say who’s who, it doesn’t matter how I look at it, and Izuku is mine! ’

‘How can it be repaired! ! ’

‘Slightly! The two big guys started to look at each other, and the other students were very happy eating melons.

‘It’s really troublesome, as long as you don’t make trouble anyway. Aizawa Shouta glanced at them and lay down in her little yellow sleeping bag.

‘Ah, it’s still comfortable in the sleeping bag. ’

‘Hey, main body, Xiaosheng and Hongjun seem to be making trouble again, SMASH prepares! ’

'is it? Izuku raised his head and looked at the two of them. There is no problem.

‘Is it wrong? ’

‘That’s right, the restless atmosphere in the air can open a barbecue stall. ’

'atmosphere? Izuku raised his head again. The atmosphere is okay. Everyone is studying hard. Classmate Ida is taking notes. I can’t write a review here. Let him copy the notes after class.

‘Forget it, since you’re blind, then I can’t help but, the body, can you buy me a sleeping bag, just like Mrs. Aizawa. ’

‘Please, I don’t have enough pocket money to buy that pipa. I don’t have enough money to buy a sleeping bag. ’

‘Or, do you want a sleeping bag from Mrs. Aizawa? ’

‘Let’s study hard first, and I’ll see if I can buy sleeping bags online after I stay together in the forest. ’

‘No problem, who made you the main body. ’

Izuku quickly completed his one-thousand-word review. He raised his hand and stretched out, and then looked at the emotionally unstable Bakugo Katsuki in front of him. Izuku curled his lips. Anyway, he couldn't chase him anyway. Xiaosheng’s [quirk] is so powerful, I was originally a [quirk-free] waste, but just inherited [ONE FOR ALL] waste, Izuku thought so and lay down on the table. Daily autism.

'Ruined! The body is stunned and autistic again! ’

‘The other me, I sometimes think, are you my [quirk]? ’

‘How is it possible, isn’t there a scientific basis for such things as split personality? Of course I am not your [quirk] anymore. ’

‘Then no matter how I look at it, it’s still nothing [quirk]. ’

'Don’t say that, at least as a waste, we are still somewhat useful, at least we can shield people with a powerful [quirk], such as All Might, and Xiaosheng and Hongjun, not to mention we still have Killer, don't be so depressed. ’

‘Do you think I will be depressed? I want to become the NO.1 of the new generation! ! ’

‘That’s good, ah, I’ve said so much for the first time, and I’m so sleepy, go to sleep. ’

There are still two weeks before the final exam.

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