The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 692 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 692

It took nearly ten minutes. Izuku and Redeye arranged the things they were going to take home and put them in a cardboard box. Looking at the empty cabinet, Izuku wiped his head.

"The vacant cabinets contain Eri's things, that red eye, I took the things home, you are here to play with Eri." Izuku said, picked up the box and walked into the portal.

"Got it." Watching his main body walk into the portal, the red eye took out a row of brushes and white paper from behind, and looked at Eri grinningly.

"Eri, shall we paint?"

"it is good!"

Holding the box, Izuku cautiously walked into the portal. This end of the portal was his room.

"Huh, it's fortunate that Red Eye didn't open the portal in the living room, so I have to clean it up quickly." Izuku quietly and quickly packed his clothes and books.

"Uuuuuuu..." Suddenly, a cry came from outside the room, it was my mother's voice.

"Huh? Mom, are you crying?" Putting down the figure in his hand, Izuku carefully opened the door. There was no one in the living room, and the voice came from his mother's room.

"Uh..." Leaning carefully against the wall, Izuku tilted his head slightly and looked into her mother's room. Midoriya was sitting on the floor of the room, her head resting on her clenched hands, tears crying. From the corner of the eye.

‘Mom, I seem to have lost a lot of weight. It looks like my mother when I was a child, but what is mom crying about? ’

"Dingling bell, Jingling bell." The landline phone at home rang, Yinzi quickly threw the things in his hand into the bedside table and ran out of the room, ran to the living room, Izuku stood against the ceiling of the corridor and watched her mother go from the room. Ran out.

‘Huh, fortunately, come up early, or you’ll be discovered, but what was mom crying just now? 'It fell to the ground without a sound, rolled on the spot, rolled into the room of the introduction, looked at the unclosed bedside table, and slightly opened the bedside table. Izuku saw a group of crumpled photos and used two carefully. Pinch the photo flat with your index finger.

‘Is this a photo of Hongjun and I when we were young? But when was this shot? Why am I not impressed? ’

"Hmm! I'll be ready." The voice on the phone was getting closer, and Izuku quickly squeezed the ball of paper into a ball, rolled over and rolled into the portal.

"Huh? Just now, didn't I close the cabinet?"

"Huh!" Izuku rolled back to the dormitory again, and saw the shrunken red eye and Eri lying on the bed painting.

"Huh?" Redeye turned his head.

"Ontology? Did you come back so soon?"

"I was almost found out by my mother, what are you doing?"

"We're painting! Right!" Red eyes dangled his feet and picked up the painting he had just painted.

"Nah! Ontology! I painted pretty well, right?" A rather abstract training cabin was drawn on the red-eyed drawing paper, and the guy with a lot of red body was locked in the training cabin.

"Is that, Deadpool?"(Read more @

"BINGO!!! You guessed it!"

"Brother Midoriya! Guess mine!" Eri also picked up her drawing paper. A black-haired villain painted a long white cloth around his neck.

"This, should it be Aizawa teacher?"

"Brother Midoriya is super smart! You guessed it!" Eri happily moved his feet and put the drawing paper on the bed.

"It's almost time, the main body, if you let go of the pigeon of the teacher, you will be remembered."

"That's right! Let's go to the training ground!"

"I also want to see..." Eri whispered, holding his pants with both hands, Izuku squatted down and looked at Eri.

"Do you still want to see it?"

Eri nodded and shook his head.

"Can't... trouble Midoriya brother..."

"Don't worry, it won't be troublesome, Red Eye, let's go." Izuku picked up Eri and Red Eye and walked into the portal again.

"Hey! Papa." Not long after Izuku and Redeye left, a figure fell from the big hole above Izuku's room.

"Smelly long time! That kid, huh? What about people?" Bakugo Katsuki touched the bed, which was still a bit warm. It should have been a short time after leaving.

"Cut! That guy! I can't let that stinky kid stop me!" Bakugo Katsuki said, hammering Izuku's bed hard with his hands.

"Hmm...that guy, he should have gone to the training ground to find an ethereal ghost teacher for special training. You have to find him before that yin and yang face." Turning the door open, Bakugo Katsuki rushed to the first floor.

"Ah! Bakugo! Did you see Midoriya-kun and Kaminari-kun?" Ashido Mina waved to Bakugo Katsuki who came down the stairs.

"Shangming's idiot face should still be in his room. If it's stinking for a long time, I... cut! He opened a small stove in the training ground, and Laozi will go too!"

"Eh? Open a small stove? Didn't he say to teach me and Shangming to learn Chinese?"

"Then catch him quickly." Bakugo Katsuki quickly put on his shoes and ran out of the dormitory.

"Huh?! Wait for me!" Ashido Mina hugged his textbook and quickly followed Bakugo Katsuki.

On the beta training ground, the ethereal ghost looked at the red eyes that moved the body with slightly unhappy eyes.

"[ quirk] Do you want to train too?"

"Oh, let me play it once, and I really want to see how far I can do it. I have to use my full strength, okay?"

"Hmph, see what tricks you can play. I have a hundred clones. If you can't get rid of them within ten minutes, you won't be able to set foot in this training ground." The ethereal ghost waved his cloak and counted. Ten clones appeared in the training ground.

"It just means that I can't show up, don't worry! I have red eyes!" Red eyes turned to look at Izuku who was holding Eri watching the game.

"Ontology! Please cheer for me!"

"Red eye, hurry up and go back. I have to teach Shang Ming, Ashido, and Hong Jun to learn Chinese."

"I know, I will try my best to solve it within ten minutes." Redeye rolled over and jumped, and fell into the crowd of one hundred ethereal ghosts.

"Hey! Nirvana! One man becomes an army!!" More than a dozen black vortexes appeared beside the red eye, and the red eye's eyes completely turned blood red.

"Give me all out!"

"Roar!" What emerged from the black whirlpool were class A classmates and a school teacher. They were all red-eyed people who felt that they had considerable advantages and efficiency in this battle.

"Kill them all! Don't leave me a trace of scum! Eat them all into your stomach!" Sawtooths appeared on the red-eyed arms and calves.

"Roar!" More than a dozen shadows rushed towards the clone of the ethereal ghost.

"Hahaha!" Red eyes rushed to the face of a clone in an instant.

"Poof bared bared puff puff puff bared bared!" This moment to spare limbs cut, red-eye look of grim grabbed the avatar's head.

"Hahahahaha! Human stick! Eat you!" The red eyes opened his mouth wide, and gnawed a large piece of meat from the avatar's neck. The avatar instantly became a white liquid.

This training, no, or hunting, was more terrifying than the ethereal ghost thought.

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