The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 697 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 697

"Welcome to take this flight, I wish you a pleasant journey." As the connecting channel was connected to the door, Tongxing Million carried his suitcase and walked to the airport exit.

"It didn't give me any hint at all. Well, the boat will go straight to the bridge." Passing Million thought so, walked out of the airport to the temporary taxi passenger station, and found a taxi.

"Please drive me to the city center."

"Okay." The driver pressed his hat, started the taxi, and turned on the radio at the same time.

"Zizizi~ This is North City Radio. I just received news that a Villain who claimed to be an overhaul card was shooting around in the city on a motorcycle, threatening the lives of citizens. Now, this Villain is still driving. Motorbikes are racing in the city."

"Huh?" Tongxing Million frowned. Was Villain picking things up? He touched the suitcase beside him.

"Sir, we may have to detour to the city center." Mr. driver stepped on the brake.

"Because I just received the news that the road from the highway outside to the city center was blocked by the police. There are police officers controlling the intersection. We can't get in."

"No, you just need to put me at the intersection of control and control."

"Huh? Is that all right?"

"Yes, and I also want to prevent the phantom change of that overhaul card."

"Huh? But you're not a Heroes, the guest? It's life-threatening."

"Sorry, I'm actually an intern Heroes."

"Huh?!" The driver turned his head abruptly, and saw that Passing Million had changed his combat outfit and sat in the back seat.

"I'm here for an internship, so I can't be absent from this action of retiring Villain." Pinned the temporary license to the clothes, passing Million looked at the driver.

"Mr. Driver, please park your car at a controlled intersection. I can just walk the road behind."

"Is that all right?" The taxi slowly stopped at the control street.

"Thank you." Putting two one-thousand-yuan banknotes on the back seat, Million picked up his suitcase and opened the door.

"Then, start execution, justice, I will not tolerate the guy who hurts the personal safety of citizens!" Tongxing Million frowned, and a powerful momentum erupted from all over his body. The driver and the traffic police have not yet The moment he reacted, he rushed through the control railing and ran towards the city center.

"Please keep the suitcase for me!" The red cloak was flying in the air.

"Hey! Even if you are a Heroes, you can't just break through levels!"(Read more @

"Sorry! I will apologize after I quit Villain!" Passing Million waved to the police guarding the checkpoint, and he ran towards the city center at high speed.

‘Although it’s okay to follow the Phantom Car, it’s not fun at all. There is not even a Heroes that can keep up. Is the speed of Heroes in Hokkaido so slow? ’

"There aren't any interesting guys, and they haven't kept up with this speed, even the living dead can catch up." Huanchang rode the motorcycle while putting the UZI in the pocket of the off-road motorcycle.

"Hoho ho ho ho ho!" The sound of the helicopter's propeller sounded above them, and the phantom and red eyes looked towards the sky, with a phantom tsk.

"Unexpectedly, I used a helicopter to chase me? These Heroes offices are also rich enough, can you keep up? Da Da Da Da Da Da Da!" UZI was pulled out again, while Phantom was driving a motorcycle. Use UZI to hit the helicopter flying above.

"The motorcycle below! Stop right now and accept the punishment! Otherwise, we will be rude!"

"If you have the courage, you will come down and be beaten!" Huanchang raised his middle finger at the helicopter.

"It looks like he doesn't want to park, so he can't let this performance be robbed by other firms. Go up and up!" Several Heroes jumped off the helicopter, all of them wearing a thicker combat uniform. It's pretty strong.

"Boom bang bang!!" There was a heavy landing sound, and the three figures completely sealed the direction and retreat of the magical advancement.

"We are from the Giant Bear Group of the [Beilanhai] Office! Your behavior is illegal! Now we want to arrest you!"

"Yes, yes, but what if I don't plan to listen to you?" Huanchang raised UZI in his hand.

"A group of garbage that only uses [quirk]! Go and die!" Huanchang raised UZI in his hand and fired at the guy blocking the road in front of him without hesitation.

"Da da da da da! Dang Dang Dang!" The people in the giant bear group had no idea that the phantom would actually dare to fire. Several bullets penetrated the clothes of the guy who was in the way in front of the phantom and directly hit the body.

"Ah! Bang." Professional Heroes, one of the members of the giant bear group, fell to the ground, life and death unknown!

"Fuck! She really dared to shoot! Team leader!"

"Cut, the guy in the way, look for death." Turning the handlebar again, the phantom directly ran the motorcycle over the body of the giant bear group leader and rushed into the distance.

"Hahahahaha! Sure enough! I really still have to sway here to be comfortable! All those commands and instructions are fucking out of me and eat shit!"

'Oooo! That's it! Crazy! Flip them! Oooh! ’

"Buzzing!" The motorcycle was driving on a high-speed road, and Mengchang had to make a large circle along the highway and return to the sub-base.

"Wow! Wow!" Another figure was blocked on the phantom forward path.

"Bah~" The brake sounded again, and Huanchang elbows her brow.

"Really, you don't come when you come, and don't want you to be in a nest when you come. It's annoying enough."

"Your evil deeds! I will never tolerate it! Just grab it!" The red cloak danced in the wind, with a bright yellow 1000000 on his chest with that super shiny smile, red eyes could not help but sighed.

‘Please, why do you pass, Million senior, come here, do you have an internship? Luck is too bad, no matter what, he can't make trouble. It's troublesome, but the senior is superb, and he shouldn't die so easily. ’

"I still want to go back and have a good drink, really, please hurry up, can you go GODIE? Da da da da da da da!!!!"

"You can't kill me with only bullets! Obediently do it!" Passing Million step by step toward the phantom, the bullet passed through his body, splashed to the ground, and bounced again.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, is it the [quirk] of [penetration]? So what will happen to the kick?!" The muzzle held by Phantom Change slightly pointed downward at the muzzle of the passing Million.

"How can I be hit by you!" Passing Million started instantly! The figure disappeared instantly, only the bright red could be seen.

‘Ah.... I can’t let Phantom know that I’m here, and I have to protect the passing senior. It’s a super dilemma! Well, just pretend to be a Vigilante and help pass Million. ’

"Wow!" The black eyes glowed, and a heavy punch hit the phantom, and phantom turned sideways in an instant, and changed his appearance to avoid the punch.

"Can [quirk] change my appearance? But in this one-on-one state, your [quirk] is super useless!" Tong Xing Million turned his body around and landed on the highway .

"You don't hesitate to take action against girls, you really don't have a gentlemanly demeanor~"

"Have you become a girl this time? It's really difficult [quirk] but that's it!" Passing Million's body quickly escaped into the ground.

‘Oh, are you going to come like the trick you used to train in school? So exciting! Don’t help. After all, you can’t see such a beautiful frame all the time~’

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