The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 7 Training Time

On the second night of changing the training plan, Izuku received a text message from All Might, asking him to take part in training at the Shixueduo Guchang Waterfront Park at six tomorrow morning.

"Really?... Then do I need to throw away my training plan? No, it should be possible to integrate All Might's writing with my own training plan, then... ..." Another series of thoughts.

"Well, no matter what, tomorrow's affairs will be known tomorrow." Izuku pulled out his diary and wrote:

‘February 13th Diary: Tomorrow will begin to accept All Might's (suddenly crossed out) tomorrow, I will become a different me. ’

At 5 o'clock the next morning, Izuku, who woke up a long time ago, has already done the 20 sets of push-ups to be done at night. He has a hunch that today's training intensity will be even greater than before!

At 5:30 in the morning, All Might came to the seaside park. He originally wanted to wait here for a while. He suddenly saw a familiar figure in the seaside park where almost no one went.

"Is it Villain?" All Might immediately turned into a strong HERO form, and a big jump appeared on the trash mountain in the seaside park, intending to see who was here.

I saw that the dark green-haired boy was clearing an empty field.

"I don't know if All Might is here, forget it, before he comes, let's complete his training goal first, today's 20 kilometers have not been run yet." Izuku took off his pants and clothes. Only a white vest and a pair of big pants were left, and sandbags were tied to the elbows, wrists, and calves.

"So, let's get started." He started running around the three garbage mountains. This morning he ran to the target location and then to Binhai Park and ran 11 kilometers, which made Izuku, who has a sense of responsibility and obsessive-compulsive disorder, very uncomfortable.

"This boy, has this kind of training been continued?" All Might was a little surprised.

"But why does All Might want me to come here? Do you train? But how do you train? Does All Might want me to clean up this trash here?"

You guessed it right.

"All Might said a few days ago that my body still needs training, which means that his body is not innate, but also depends on continuous training. According to data and videos, All Might's body My muscles are in a state where they can explode at any time, and here is also famous for being messy and dirty, so All Might trains me with so many different kinds of garbage!!" Izuku who thought about it finally got it. Out of All Might's plan to use so much trash to train his body, I have to say that Izuku's little head turns fast.

"There is nothing wrong with the boy!" All Might jumped off the trash mountain with a sudden jump, and plunged straight into the beach.

"All Might! You came so early, it's not six o'clock yet."

"Didn't you also come early? Boy." All Might greeted Izuku coolly.

"Why every time you say hello to me, I will unconsciously make up for the scene of your vomiting blood in the next second..."

"Hey, don't be so horrible!" All Might was frustrated when he heard Izuku's complaint, but this time he didn't vomit blood.

"Boy, Midoriya boy, your wish is U.A high school, right?"

"Yes! Because...Because UA school is All Might's school, so if you want to go... I must choose UA...!" Izuku clenched a fist and said .

"Huh~ the little otaku of action!!"(Read more @

All Might continued.

"I said before that Heroes is not a competent job [without quirk], but it is a pity that this is the case. Moreover, U.A is the most difficult task in Heroes, that is to say..."

"There are still ten months before the entrance ceremony. You have to train yourself...!" Izuku slammed the brakes and said loudly.

"Then it's this turn!" All Might took out a large stack of paper and tapped it with his finger.

"My planned goal is qualified AMERICAN DREAM PIAN!!!"

Izuku took the plan and looked at it carefully.

"This is an exercise plan conceived on the basis of the subject, and your life is going to be carried out according to this!!"

"...So...Speaking of which...I have to work harder than usual!!" Izuku was a little excited when he saw this.

"To tell you the truth, this is super difficult, can you follow it?" All Might patted Izuku's body.

"It's really to sleep..." Izuku looked at All Might's plan and thought of his own training plan. He couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. As expected, NO .1 HERO, the plan was really comprehensive.

In this way, ten months like hell began.

"Move to the gate of the park! Load the truck!" All Might yelled at Izuku who was moving the big iron cabinet.

‘Sure enough, train your body according to the size of the garbage. While thinking, Izuku was carrying an old wheel. The iron and sandbags on his body were not removed. He thought that if he allowed himself to accept this kind of weight, he might be able to play a big role.

"Hurry up, hurry up!!! Ten months is fast!"

In class, he listened to the teacher while writing his own things.

“Sure enough, it’s hard work to persist for ten months, but is this kind of training really effective? There are 249 days left, and the super-recovery of muscles must be calculated in about two days. Even if the efficiency is good, the actual training is also It takes 98 days. Five hours a day in the morning and evening is 490 hours."

"Furthermore, the garbage removal is not to exercise a specific part but to exercise the whole body without leaving dead ends...It is not that it is not good, but time is too late to create a body that can adapt to all situations... ...Really to become a special training for Heroes."

"Olu Might can't be accompanied all day long in real time. If I can't carry out self-training efficiently, I can't catch up...First of all, I have to reduce sleep time, but that will happen..." Izuku's Sui Sui Nian shocked the class including the teacher. The teacher directly used a long hand [quirk] and knocked it on Izuku's head.

"Hey, Midoriya, did you get a brainstorm after you met Villain? Concentrate on class!!!" Izuku nodded, covering his mouth with both hands.

"It's really arrogant to say that I want to go to U.A."

"Is it really crazy?"

"Villain short-circuited the brain."

"Cut, waste a long time..."

Izuku's living arrangements since then have been roughly like this:

Get up at four in the morning, go for a run for 20 kilometers, and then go home for breakfast.

At five o'clock in the morning, go to the seaside park to handle garbage and train

At 8 o'clock in the morning, I went to school for class and held grip training.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, after lunch, go to the rooftop to practice leg and boxing.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, we have class, and we also have grip training.

School ends at three in the afternoon, running home, doing self-training,

At 5:40 in the afternoon, I went to the seaside park to deal with garbage, train,

At seven o'clock in the evening, go home for dinner and start writing homework and diary

At 7:30 in the evening, continue training after finishing homework and diary.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, take a shower and go to bed.

Izuku's time is filled up all the time, and the arrangements on Saturday and Sunday are even crazier than this.

Over the past few months, Izuku's body has undergone drastic changes. Although there is no change in appearance, Izuku's physical fitness is much better than before.

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