Within five minutes after SMARTLADY disconnected from the live broadcast, the content of this terrorist attack preview was quickly circulating on the Internet, with various versions available, and public opinion on the Internet began to ferment.

A forum.

1L: Hello, did you see the previous live broadcast of less than five minutes on the whole network?

2L: Do you really want to blow up the Sapporo Tower?

3L: That is a landmark building in Hokkaido. If it is blown up... what are Heroes and the police doing? !

4L: That's right, get rid of that major repair card organization quickly! Really

5L: Do you know that the leader of the giant bear team, the biggest firm here, [Beilanhai], was seriously injured by the same overhaul card. His strength looks so strong.

6L: I know I know! The shootout yesterday scared me so much that I did not dare to go out all day.

7L: I found a bullet shell outside.

8L: Even if they really dare to bomb it, it doesn't matter, we still have NO.1 All Might!

9L: In case, I said in case, what if even All Might can't beat this overhaul card?

This post was suspended for spreading terrorist incidents.

As the world-recognized NO.1 All Might, it is natural to see the replay of the overhaul card crime notice.

"All Might, what do you think?" On the other end of the phone, Tsukauchi was directing the deployment of police while chatting with All Might.

"I don't know if they want to bring me out or what, you should contact NO.2 and NO.3 first, it is not possible, I will go there myself."

"Okay... By the way, how is your body recently?"

"It's okay, but the medicine that the treatment girl made for me is really bitter, and I can hardly drink it."

"I can't save the guy I don't pay attention to. Take care of yourself. As for the overhaul card, I will contact you when necessary. Sapporo Tower can't be blown up. Hang up first."

At seven o'clock in the morning, Izuku used the portal to transport himself back to the dormitory. By the way, he also brought back their breakfast, two hamburgers and two cups of hot milk.

"Eri, are you up?" Hearing the sound, Eri raised his head, sat up from the bed and rubbed his eyes with his hands. The sleepy Eri yawned.

"Morning...good..... Brother Midoriya..."

"Good morning, come down quickly, let's wash our faces and brush our teeth, and we will go to class later."

"Okay..." Eri jumped off the bed, Izuku put the burger and milk on the table, holding Eri to the first floor to wash.

"Swish, Swish! What's the matter?" While brushing his teeth, Izuku suddenly felt a tearing sensation from the corner of his lips. Izuku touched the corner of his mouth with his hand, and a tingling sensation appeared. , Izuku quickly leaned towards the mirror.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Ah, what's the matter? Did you hit somewhere yesterday? The corner of your mouth was torn apart. Fortunately, there was not much blood flowing."

"Grumbling, pooh, brother Midoriya, what's wrong with your mouth?"

"It's okay, it's just broken skin. Brush your teeth and go for breakfast. It's almost time for class, Eri, are your schoolbags ready?"

"It's ready! Today we have a cooking class. I will make lunch. Brother Midoriya wants to eat it?"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your lunch with an empty stomach~" Izuku squatted down and kissed Eri's horn. Eri smiled happily.

"I like Brother Midoriya the most!" Izuku smiled and hugged Eri, put his forehead to Eri's forehead, and turned it slightly.

"I also like Eri very much~ Okay, let's go eat."


Using the newly learned method of tying hair, I tied a beautiful ball head to Eri, and then put on two pretty pink ribbons, but the cute little Eri appeared.

"Let's go." Izuku hugged Eri and jumped out from the balcony.

"Oh! Go to school!"

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" Izuku hugged Eri and carried his school bag, and his figure kept jumping between the trees.

"It's really cool! Brother Midoriya is amazing!"

"What are you talking about? There are more people who are better than me. Today, I just forgot to put on the weight belt on my feet. I'm about to land and hold me steady." A long whip was stretched out from the back of Izuku's hand. Hooked a branch and dropped his feet smoothly on the ground.

"Marksman teacher? The third grade seniors have no class today?" After Izuku fell to the ground, he realized that it was the third grade head teacher, the marksman teacher, who was taking Eri to school today.

"Yes, so I have to hurry up today." Izuku glanced behind the sharpshooter teacher, then glanced around.

"Teacher, where's the car?"

"Oh... I didn't drive the car without getting the driver's license, but well." The marksman teacher moved out an electric car from behind a tree.

"I have this. I don't need a driver's license to ride this thing. Eri hurry up and get in the car. I'm going to give a class session to the students in my class today."

"Okay~" Eri looked a little awkward as soon as she left Izuku, but she quickly got into the back seat of the electric car.

"Study hard." Izuku smiled and waved to Eri. He stood there watching the marksman teacher riding an electric cart driving Eri out of the school gate.

"Be careful on the road!" Izuku looked at the electric car until it disappeared from sight. At this time, the students in other subjects also slowly walked into the school gate. Izuku waved to several classmates and smiled. Laughing turned and ran to the teaching building. The student who was said hello didn't turn his head a bit, and waved to Izuku.

At 7:50 in the morning, Bakugo Katsuki and Kirishima Eijiro walked in with their school bags, Kirishima's hand holding the love letter from Yamada Lumenko.

"But having said that, this letter is really fragrant. Is it perfumed?"

"Do you like that girl?" Bakugo Katsuki frowned and snatched the envelope.

"I don't like it, I think that girl is a little weird." Kirishima rubbed his nose with the back of his hand.

"If you have this idea, it proves that your head is not broken." Bakugo Katsuki threw the envelope on the chair, raised an eyebrow at Izuku who was looking at the textbook, and sat down on the chair directly, putting the school bag away. Kirishima looked at Kaminari Denki and Ashido Mina who were sitting relaxed behind, and screamed in surprise.

"Shang Ming, Ashido, you didn't copy your homework today?!"

"Hmph, we will become stronger! The homework was finished last night!"

"Isn't it a copy of Midoriya?"

"If you talk nonsense, the two of us will join hands to beat you up! We all wrote it ourselves!"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Kirishima Eijiro apologized to the penultimate and penultimate with his hands folded.

"Smelly long, how did you sleep yesterday?" Bakugo Katsuki asked knowingly that the corners of his mouth curled slightly, wanting to know Midoriya's answer.

"Huh? I slept very well, but I don't know when the corners of my mouth were torn, and now there is no bleeding, it hurts! It hurts." Izuku said and touched the corners of his mouth with his hands.

"Tsk, it's been a night and it will still crack? Duanjiu is duanjiu, do you need medicine?" Bakugo Katsuki opened his schoolbag.

"No need, it will be better if you hurt yourself a little." Izuku waved his hand.

"Huh." Bakugo Katsuki took out the textbook from his school bag, put the textbook on the table, and then looked at Izuku, and looked at Izuku directly. Izuku was looked at by Bakugo Katsuki for two minutes. Unable to bear it, Izuku raised his head.

"Xiaosheng, don't always look at me, you can see that I'm hairy..." Izuku said more and more quietly.

"Smelly long time, do you want me to write you a love letter?" Bakugo Katsuki approached Izuku, with his mouth cocked, and whispered, his deliberately low voice highlighted Bakugo Katsuki's sexy.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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