The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 709 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 709

When get out of class was over at noon, Midoriya, Ida, and Uraraka once again formed a lunch group, and came to the cafeteria talking and laughing.

"By the way, Xiaojiu-kun, you saw the girl yesterday, too, what if Yamada Lumeno really reached an agreement with Bakugo classmates?" Uraraka Ochaco tilted his head and looked at Midoriya.

"How about what?" Midoriya was a little surprised, why would Uraraka suddenly ask this?

"Do you support or disagree?" Uraraka carefully tested Midoriya's attitude. Midoriya raised his head slightly and pressed the knuckle of his right index finger against his chin. The bright neck was exposed in the air, and the slightly protruding vocal cords vibrated. stand up.

"Actually, if Xiao Sheng really wants to be with that class I classmate, we seem to have no way to stop it, but to be honest, I think it would be very tiring to start an office with that classmate.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because that classmate seems to be a student who is eager for quick success, I think it is possible for us to use Heroes as commodities."

"Commodity? It's a bit accurate. After all, they belong to the business department."

"That means Xiaojiu-kun is against?" Uraraka got an answer that disappointed her.

"After all, no one likes people using themselves as commodities, but if Xiaosheng agrees, then we can't help it, right?" Midoriya shrugged.

"I don't think that guy Bakugo would agree. By the way, Kaku-kun, do you still want to eat pork chop rice?"

"Ah? Well, yes, I still want to eat pork chop rice, the school pork chop rice is really delicious! Hehe." Midoriya wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Well, Mr. Midoriya, you really like pork chop rice, I'll go get it, you guys go find a seat."

"Okay." Izuku and Uraraka waved to Ida and turned to find a seat.

"Excuse me, are they Midoriya and Uraraka from Class A?" The familiar voice sounded. Midoriya's tail vertebra trembled, and turned his head, it was Yamada Lumen from Class I.(Read more @

"We are, do you have anything to do?" Uraraka took a step forward and got in front of Izuku.

"Well, I'm Yamada Lumeno from Class I. I want to know something about Bakugo Katsuki, can you?" Yamada Lumeno said, his index fingers twisted and his face was slightly ruddy.

"Because, I want to associate with him, because you and him are in the same class, and you should know him better, so please!" Yamada Lumingko put his hands together and said to them. Midoriya and Uraraka looked at each other.

A few minutes later, the trio of class A was eating with Yamada Lumenko from Class I. Yamada Lumenko was in front of a dish with meat and vegetables, while Uraraka's was a greasy-looking chicken drumstick rice bowl. , Uraraka was a little helpless to distinguish between superiors and subordinates in an instant.

‘Have you been compared in such a place? ’

"Well, I understand, Yamada classmate, you really want to befriend Bakugo classmate." Ida Tenya pushed his glasses.

"Yes, I really hope to be able to socialize with Bakugo classmates, so please, please."

"Hmm..." Uraraka pouted and thought about Bakugo's behavior over the past year, and a drop of sweat was excreted on his head.

"As far as I know Bakugo Katsuki, he likes to give people a nickname, his personality is very irritable, and from time to time he likes to yell Nishiuchi, even if the distance produces beauty, he just likes Bakugo's appearance... I'm afraid not everyone can bear it."

"Bakugo classmate is indeed very strong, but his temper is very bad. Several classmates who can play with him are recognized by him because of his own personality and [quirk] reasons. It is difficult for ordinary people to be included in the law. , Yamada, do you have any ability or [quirk] to make others shine?" Ida Tenya pushed his glasses and looked at Yamada Lumen.

"My [quirk] is [data visualization], like this." Yamada Lumenko poked her temple with her finger, her left eye changed from black to bright yellow, and a screen was projected in the air.

"My math is very good. With this [quirk], I can handle the tedious copywriting work well and assist Heroes. This is the reason why I entered Class I." I clicked on my temple again, and Yamada Lumen was relieved. [ quirk] Looking at Uraraka and Ida, with a slightly confident smile.

"In this way, it should be worthy of the No. 1 sports festival." Uraraka and Ida who heard these words looked at Midoriya who was still eating pork chop rice.

"Xiaojiu-kun, you are Bakugo-classmate's young tameran, what do you think?"

"Eh? Midoriya classmate! Are you actually Bakugo classmate’s young tame-dye?!" Yamada Lumeno leaned forward, looking at Izuku, Izuku raised his head, and a grain of rice stuck to Izuku’s face. Nodded slightly in a daze.

"Then what kind of person Bakugo-san likes? Can you tell me?" Yamada Lumenko stared at Izuku. Izuku froze for a moment, narrowed his eyes slightly, and wiped off the rice grains on his face with his right index finger.

"For those who are capable, Xiao Sheng will appreciate it. But what Xiao Sheng hates most is that someone deceives him. If you really deal with Xiao Sheng, then I will welcome him with both hands, but." Izuku opened his eyes, green. The pupil looked at Yamada Lumenko's eyes, and the drowning aura rushed towards Yamada Lumenko.

"If Yamada classmates use Xiaosheng as a commodity as a prerequisite for the exchange, then I will definitely prevent it, and Xiaosheng will not be willing to be treated as a commodity, please remember." Izuku withdrew his anger. At the scene, her eyes fell on the half-eaten pork chop rice again, Yamada Lumenko sat back in her seat again, panting subconsciously, her pupils were out of focus, until the sweat on her back soaked her clothes, and a cold feeling stuck to her back. , Yamada Lumenko came back to her senses, she quickly took a bite of the untouched dish, and stood up.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to deal with, so I won't bother you to eat, I'll go now." Yamada Lumenko was still a little messy when he left, and Uraraka supported his chin with his hands. Laughing at her unceremoniously.

"I was so scared by Xiao Jiujun's words, his legs are still weak, it's a bit shameful."

"I think her [quirk] is very easy to use. It can quickly analyze Heroes' data and can help some Heroes who don't know their exact strength."

"But I think her [quirk] is a bit tasteless, Xiaojiu-kun’s analysis is much better than this Yamada."

"Papa." Midoriya put down his chopsticks, and the pork chop rice in his bowl was eaten clean.

"All I think is the improper use of [quirk], and no useless [quirk]. I'm full. The afternoon session is training. I can't be late. I have a trick and I want to experiment, so I just leave. Midoriya stood up holding the plate, and the other two realized that the rice in their bowl hadn't moved.

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