The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 712 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 712

Izuku packed up his clothes, changed into his school uniform and walked to the teacher's office in the teaching building. His hairpin was still clipped to his forehead.

Standing in front of the office, Izuku took a deep breath and reached out and knocked on the door.

"Knock, Mrs. Aizawa, I'm going in."

Open the door of the office, there are not a few teachers in the office. Mr. Spiderman is lying on the table as if he is resting. Mrs. Aizawa is sitting in his seat and writing a copy. Mrs. Mike, who has no class, is sitting in his seat and listening to a song. .

Izuku walked to Mrs. Aizawa.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Oh, you are here, wait a moment." Aizawa Shouta wrote his name on a document with a black pen, and Izuku glanced at it as if it was a decision book for an action.

Aizawa Shouta turned his head and looked at Izuku, his hands folded on his stomach.

"That's right, I have talked to the Heroes executives in Hokkaido, but they said that even if they don't know the details of Villain, they will all overhaul the card, and they don't need U.A in the south to help.

"Um...Is the Heroes of Hokkaido so repulsive to U.A in the south?" Izuku scratched his hair and the hairpin shook.

"They are not rejecting U.A, but they feel that this is their own business in Hokkaido, and they don't need U.A people to intervene."

"Only I know the true strength of the overhaul card, and only I have played against them formally. They are not generally the Heroes can deal with, can't I really let me pass?" Izuku touched his chest with a serious face. .

"Moreover, in addition to the overhaul card, there is an extraordinary liberation front. Heroes should now set their goal on the extraordinary liberation front."

"Ahem." Aizawa Shouta reached out and clenched a fist and coughed twice.

"Although you know that those guys are not something ordinary Heroes can deal with, but don't underestimate our Heroes, problem child." Aizawa Shouta looked at Izuku with his eyes, and Izuku took a breath and nodded.

"Well, I really want to believe in the professional Heroes. Then I will go back to the teacher." Izuku turned to look at Spider-Man and walked out of the office. Aizawa Shouta watched Izuku close the door, his body relaxed slightly. Poke the decision book on the table with his finger, his eyes are slightly complicated.

"If a student who has not graduated is allowed to help them with these adult careers, Heroes, who already has a certain prestige in the society, then their face and salary will decline. This is what adults like them don't want to see. So. Ah...the adult world, it's so annoying."

After walking out of the teacher's office, Izuku quickly found a corner, flipped his right hand, took out the old-fashioned flip phone, and dialed the contact number on the flip phone.

"Mobile Pegasus, I need your help now."

A motorcycle parked in a parking lot near U.A High School quickly deformed, and the motorized Pegasus landed on the ground with both feet.

"The mobile Pegasus is in place at any time, Master, what do I need to do?" The data representing excitement in the optical mirror of the mobile Pegasus was scanned and stored in the database.(Read more @

"Mobile Pegasus, I need you. In the shortest possible time, without disturbing anyone, come to my side. I have an important task to give you. By the way, interact with me about the video evidence you collected."

"Yes, I see, I will be where you are in five minutes."

"Thanks." Hanging up the phone, Izuku let out a sigh, and just about to leave, he heard a familiar voice.

"Midoriya-san, who were you talking to just now?" Izuku trembled, turned his head quickly, pursed the corners of his mouth, and raised his eyebrows.

"Student Yamada, I was on the phone with a friend of mine who is off campus. May I ask you something?"

Yamada Lumenko stood there with his hands behind his back, smiling at Izuku.

"Oh... friends outside school... Then can you do me a favor?"

"Okay, what do you want me to do for you?"

Three minutes later, Izuku walked out of the teaching building with a box of gifts in his hand. He raised his head and looked to the sky. In the sky, a silver-white light flashed, and then the dark blue of the mobile Tianma lighted up. flame.

"Papa." The shiny silver feet landed on the ground, and the mobile pegasus faced Izuku and held his right fist to his chest.

"Master, mobile Pegasus, report to you."

"It's been a long time, Mobile Pegasus." Izuku reached out and patted the metal chest of Mobile Pegasus.

"I didn't see you during the Chinese New Year, where did you go?"

"I have been looking at the master from above the master that day. There were too many people on that day, and my identity was not good for joining casually."

"That's right, so what?" Mobile Tianma opened his left hand, and a U disk appeared.

"The videos are all in the USB flash drive." Izuku took the USB flash drive from the mobile Pegasus and nodded.

"Then, I'll give the order, Mobile Pegasus, I need you to arrive in Hokkaido before 6 o'clock tomorrow morning to prevent the overhaul card’s attack on the Sapporo Tower, and cooperate with the red eye to collect information on the overhaul card’s personnel. If possible, send Villain Give the uniform to the police and Heroes."

"Yes, I know, I will set off right now." The jet on his back started again, and the mobile Pegasus rushed into the sky like a meteor. Izuku looked up at the sky.

"I hope everything goes well. By the way, it's time to pick up Eri." Izuku grabbed the gift box in his hand and rushed to the school gate.

"La la la~ la la la~ la la la la la la~" The marksman drove Eri into the school gate with an electric vehicle. The marksman cast a glance at Eri who was singing, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. .

"Eri, you seem to be in a good mood, did you encounter any good things at school?"

"I made dinner for Brother Midoriya! I don't know if Brother Midoriya will like it..."

"Don't worry! Eri, whoosh!" Midoriya's figure jumped from the tree beside the road and appeared in front of the marksman and Eri.

"Brother Midoriya!" Eri quickly jumped off the electric car and hugged Izuku. Izuku knelt down and hugged Eri. Izuku sniffed.

"Eri smells so good on her body, is there something on her body?"

"Hehe! I made delicious food! I can give Midoriya brother for dinner!" Eri smiled and took off his schoolbag, and wanted to open it to Izuku, but Izuku stopped it.

"It's delicious, wait till you go back to eat, okay? Marksman teacher, thank you for your hard work." Izuku hugged Eri and bowed at Marksman Temari, and quickly left the school gate with Eri.

"Ah, I didn't expect Midoriya to be a little bit ruthless."

"Master Marksman! Do you know Midoriya classmate?!"

"Acknowledge... Know what's wrong?"

"Then can you give me this thing to classmate Midoriya?" A dozen gifts were stuffed into the marksman's electric car.

‘Ah, it’s no wonder Midoriya that kid runs so fast, he didn’t expect to be so popular. ’

'If the sharpshooter teacher thinks I'm popular, then I really guessed it wrong. The dozen or so classmates should be pursuing Xiaosheng. If you can't find Xiaosheng, they will use me and let me be an intermediary... Izuku hugged Eri helplessly and jumped among the trees, and a scent of fragrance came from Eri's body, hooking the greedy worms in Izuku's belly.

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