The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 731 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 731

Walking out of the classroom, Izuku's body trembled for no apparent reason, and he subconsciously rubbed his arms with both hands.

"Um... I always feel that something very troublesome will happen, Red Eye, are you sure that there is nothing wrong with the actions between you and the mobile Pegasus?"

‘How do I know that I was almost as cold as I was at the time, and my consciousness was vague. ’

'That's bad. There are many people over there who have taken videos with their mobile phones, and those guys are about the same length as you and me. If our faces are clearly seen, then we will change from cooperators to destroying Sapporo Tower. Of the suspect. ’

‘By the way, I saw a girl who resembled the main body among the fighters in the major repair card. ’

'Eh? ! ’

‘White, beautiful and long legs! Hahaha! It just hurts to hit someone. ’

"She probably didn't take off the standard mask..."

‘Well, no, but I kicked and shattered a guy’s mask. ’

‘’s hard to do, it’s hard to do. Izuku walked into the school cafeteria with entanglement.

"Oh! Midoriya boy, here and here!" All Might waved his big hand to greet Izuku. For a time, hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at Izuku, feeling like being stared at.

‘Is it really a cafeteria again? I originally thought it would be a more private place for lunch, such as the teacher's office or something. ’

'shut your mouth! Izuku tidyed up his clothes, clasped his hands tightly, and walked towards All Might's seat seriously and stiffly with his back straight.

‘Even if the All Might support club is disbanded, there are still many jealous eyes looking at the main body, and the main body is walking like an idiot now. ’

‘! ’

‘Hahahahaha! ! ! ’

Izuku sat on the opposite side of All Might with a slightly puffed face. With the interruption of red eyes, Izuku's originally stiff body relaxed slightly and sat directly on the opposite side of All Might. It was steaming and looked like someone just out of the pot. Filip Steak appeared in front of Izuku, with silver sword and forks placed on both sides of the plate, and a paper towel next to it.

"I'm very sorry, All Might teacher..." Although I don't know why, Izuku always feels a little guilty of All Might. Anyway, it must be right to apologize first.(Read more @

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, apology, I should be the one who said sorry, I called you here to have a meal, eat, you are welcome." All Might finished speaking and picked it up. sword and fork.

"Okay." Izuku also picked up the sword and fork, looking at them a little less.

"I watched those videos, Midoriya boy." All Might said after Izuku had a steak.

"Yes." Izuku swallowed subconsciously, and cut a small piece of steak with a sword again.

"Although you didn't go, you still sent Red Eye and Mobile Pegasus, right."

"Yes, I'm very sorry. In the end, the people from the overhaul card did not stop the Sapporo Tower from destroying the Sapporo Tower, which caused a lot of casualties."

"They are clearly listed Heroes and Volunteer Heroes, why do you still let them say that they are Vigilante?"

"Although the mobile Pegasus can be regarded as Heroes, Redeye is only a Heroes with a temporary license. They were supposed to be here on duty and studying, and they were sent to Hokkaido to take charge of defense by me. In the end, the Sapporo Tower was destroyed by the overhaul card. Let alone pass without asking them to agree, and it failed. Even as a formal Heroes, it would be embarrassing.” He put the cut of the cow into his mouth, and the red eye didn’t know when he sat on his body. Next to him, he looked at All Might with his hands propped on his face, and the corners of his mouth were strangely raised.

"If the people in Hokkaido want to dump the pot, they can dump the pot on Vigilante, me and the mobile Pegasus who did not participate in the battle according to the regulations, and even put the responsibility for the casualties on us, so that they can not only slow down themselves. The pressure in my heart can also give a vent to those guys who think it’s all because Heroes failed to cause the Sapporo Tower to fall. We didn’t lose, didn’t we?” The red eye reached out and dipped the sauce in the steak plate and stuffed it in. Out of the mouth.

"We have reached the limit we can do, and the rest is whether those guys are willing to throw the pot."

"Then what's next? What do they want to do? Or, what is their purpose?"

"This...I don't know." Izuku cut the remaining steak into small long strips.

"Villain's strength is getting stronger and stronger, we don't even know what their true purpose is..." All Might breathed helplessly.

"Don't worry, Mrs. All Might, we will take care of those guys." The red eye said, tilted his head, and ate the steak Izuku had tied up.

"Crunch, crunch." Red eyes chewed on the steak, tilted his head and swallowed the minced meat, rubbing the body's clothes a little coquettishly.

"For adults, it is better to let adults come. Even if you want to do it, you have to wait until you graduate and fully grasp [ONEFORALL] before you consider it. After all, there are five kinds of [quirk] waiting for you to develop."

"Yes, I see, click." After eating the last steak, Izuku put the sword and fork on both sides of the plate, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and stood up with the plate.

"Then, Mr. All Might, I will leave first. It is a bit uncomfortable to be watched by other students eating." After Izuku finished speaking, he walked to the recycling area with the plate, red eyes followed him, did he leave After a few steps, Red Eye went to his side and prodded him with his elbow.

"It's not bad this time, it's not like the last time hehe."

"You shut up, your legs started to tremble, okay?" Everyone who heard this conversation looked at Izuku's legs, and it was indeed a little trembling.

"Hey, in the afternoon's Heroes basics, do we need to fight a game?"

"Yes, it's a good time to train. When the time comes, I won't have the ability to fight back against the people who have the overhaul card."

"Then it's so decided! Woohoo! Then can I use all my abilities?"

"You can use four arms and a portal. If you use a weapon, you should use a fist and a hand sword. If you take out a real sword, you may be confiscated by Mr. Aizawa."

"It's as if he can really confiscate it."

"I'm not afraid of confiscation of weapons, I'm afraid Teacher Aizawa will put us in confinement."

"Really? Well, what about it, anyway, you can play again!" Just after Redeye finished speaking, Izuku knocked a hand sword.

"It's training, training! Can't slack off, you know?"

"Hi hi."

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