At 5:30 in the afternoon, Izuku was shaken by the mobile Pegasus, and he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

"Finally charged up?"

Mobile Pegasus nodded and pointed at the door with his finger.

"Let's go out and stroll around."

"Okay, let's go." Izuku put on his human skin mask again, carrying a tactical sword on him, and following the mobile Pegasus, which turned into a robot, out of the room.

"Then where shall we go shopping first?"

"According to the information I have found, there is a snack street specializing in snacks in Shenye. Let's go there." Motorized Tianma and Izuku got on an elevator in this hotel, and at the same time, another elevator The door opened quietly, and it was Bakugo who came out of the elevator.

"This is my father's property. There are double rooms in the back, and the keys are for you." Shoto Todoroki distributed the keys to several people, and then went to live in a double room by himself.

"Hundred hundred, let's go find our room." Ashido Mina said while holding Yaoyorozu Momo's hand.

"Ashido, haven't you said you are coming too?" Ida looked at Ashido helplessly.

"Who said I didn't say anything, I obviously talked about you privately, but the monitor himself didn't see it!" Ashido made a face at Ida.

"Fuck, then yell, believe it or not that Laozi blasted you all!" Bakugo is quite angry now, because he was woken up while he was asleep. Anyone who knows Bakugo knows that Bakugo has a pretty tough way to get up. gas.

"Bakugo students, you can't use [quirk] here! The teacher had already talked about it on the first day of class!"

"Of course Laozi knows, the man with glasses!" Bakugo walked into his room with a very uncomfortable expression. Damn, he was going to live in a room with this nagging man with glasses. The thought was so fucking unhappy.

"Bakugo, don't give your classmates nicknames casually!"

"You're so fucking annoying!!"

"By the way, after putting the luggage, everyone gathered on the first floor, went out together, and bought some disguise items by the way." I don't know when Ashido's head came in and said cheerfully.

"Why buy disguise items? Laozi still needs disguise?"

"Bakugo classmates, we actually violated the teacher’s instructions now, and the professional Heroes will come in the last few days, and many of them are teachers in our school. In order not to be discovered by the teachers, it is possible to do some disguise. Necessary." Ida persuaded Bakugo Katsuki who was lying on the bed.

"Tsk! The trouble is dead." Bakugo sat up from the bed.

"Laozi will go."

At six ten in the afternoon, Izuku and Jie Tianma were eating snacks while walking.

"Ahhhhh! This meatball is really delicious! Sure enough, you came here!" Izuku took a bite of the octopus balls and was about to fly happily.

"Jonah, don't we need to monitor that magical bar?"(Read more @

"It shouldn't be necessary. Professional Heroes are not fools. They can analyze more than I can. We just need to return the gift before they act. Sending them ten grenades is not too much."

"Jonah is happy."

"That is to say, people only need to live happily. Why does the ontology have been obsessed with being a Heroes? Regardless of his injuries, I only care about saving people and training, I worry about him."

"Jonah what are you talking about?"

"No, there is a problem with your listening program, can you perform a self-check?"

"I will overhaul myself as a whole every day, and there will be no problems."

"Really? But my appearance should not be discovered by others. It's hard to say, because All Might knew the fact that I was Jonah. The Heroes Association will definitely conduct a thorough investigation on me, so I still have to buy a little disguise. Things." Izuku turned his head and walked into a decoration shop. The motorized Pegasus turned into a motorcycle mode, parked in the alley next to the decoration shop, and disguised, no one would have thought of it. The unremarkable motorcycle can be transformed into a robot.

At the same time, several people from Bakugo also walked into the jewelry store. Mobile Tianma shuddered nervously when they saw them walk into the jewelry store.

"Jonah, come out quickly, your classmate is here."

"This sunglasses is pretty good-looking." Izuku stretched out his hand, took a pair of sunglasses from the shelf, and put it on his face. When he was about to look in the mirror to see if the sunglasses were suitable, he suddenly walked around. After one person, his body instinct quickly made Izuku tremble all over.

‘What happened? Izuku turned his head, my mother! It turned out to be a small victory!

‘Don’t panic, I can’t let Xiaosheng discover anomalies now, I don’t know him now, I don’t know him now, I don’t know him now...’ After he passed his Hypnosis, Izuku continued to choose disguised accessories.

"This cloak is not bad. It's exactly the same as Changan's. You can buy it." Izuku picked up the things in a low voice and bought them in a while. He quietly brought the bought things to the counter. On the way to the counter, he watched. There are five people in Ashido, Ida, Yaoyorozu, and Bakugo.

‘They actually came, I thought they were just talking, what can I do now! Calm, I must be calm, and I must not let them see the flaws! By the way, I have to buy another mask. Izuku grabbed a mask casually. It was the face of a clown who was half laughing and crying. It was a bit ugly.

"Hello, I want to pay the bill." Izuku opened his mouth slightly and whispered in a whisper to the waiter standing at the counter.

"Okay." The waiter quickly swiped the order of the goods purchased by Midoriya Izuku and put it in a bag.

"The total is six thousand four hundred yuan."

'Really expensive. Izuku once again sighed in his heart that the prices here are super expensive, okay?

"I only bought three things for 6,400 yuan. It's really profitable. I won't buy it here next time." Izuku whispered and walked out of the jewelry store. Just when Izuku walked out of the jewelry store, Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki looked at the door of the jewelry store at the same time, and a person they didn't know was walking out of the jewelry store.

‘Who is that guy? How does it feel so familiar. Bakugo Katsuki’s eyes seemed to be nailed to Izuku's body.

"This guy feels like Izuku, what's the matter? Did I worry too much? ’

The cliff is the two of you worrying too much! Now I beg you two to choose, buy and buy.

"Huh, mobile Pegasus, let's go." Izuku walked out of the jewelry store and whispered to the mobile Pegasus in the alley.

"Jonah, you go first, I'll change my skin."

"What the hell?"

After half an hour, Ashido walked out of the jewelry store with a helpless look.

"Unexpectedly, the things sold here are so bad, there is no good-looking clothes, what are you doing!!" Ashido shouted loudly, trying to vent all his depression.

"Wasting time! Laozi is back!"

"Eh! Don't you guys go and eat some snacks together?"

"It's almost eight o'clock now! Laozi is almost sleepy!! I'm going back to sleep first."

"Bakugo, are you an old man? How can a young man sleep so early?"

"Then I will go back." Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo turned and left.

"Then the three of us will go shopping together, the things on this street look quite delicious!"

"But Ashido, didn't we just have dinner?"

"Hundred hundred, didn't you say that your quirk can only be used with your own fat? Let's get fat with one piece!"

"If you want to get fat, don't drag me into the water."

"Oh, come here together."

Ida looked at the female duo going further and further, and scratched her head. What should I do now?

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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