The Hero Kneels

Chapter 117 7x Attack

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After just practicing Kung Fu for a day, Ye Dou has practiced Qishang Quan's Heart Damage Jue, Lung Hurt Jue, Liver and Intestine Jue, Zang Li Jue, Essence Loss Jue, Mind Trance Jue, and Seven Injury Master Jue for seven or eight years. Master it all.

Of course, the tipping of this golden finger played a key role in it. He has the analysis of the exercises in his mind, and any levels and difficult points in the cheats have no effect on him. He only needs to practice according to the practice. , and the internal strength of the wedding dress magic skill is also sufficient.

As a practitioner of Qishangquan, he can silently feel the changes in his body. When the Hurt Heart Jue is activated, a puff of Qi will be produced in the heart. When the cultivation is successful, a puff of qi will also protrude from the liver and intestines.

Speaking of the cultivation of the Qishangquan, it is also extremely strange, because the qi rising from different parts have different attributes, some are extremely violent, some are extremely gentle, and some are soft, and once stimulated by internal force, It is endless.

Immediately, he adjusted his breath for a moment, trying to stimulate the three forces of the Qishangquan at the same time.

With one punch, three forces were punched out at the same time, making the air crackle, and the violent fist wind set off a turbulent wave in the room.

It's just that when the punch came out, Ye Dou suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the three qi in his heart. It seemed that something was wrong, and he had the intention of backlash, which made his heart, liver and lungs ache.

"These three strands of internal energy are completely different, but after being integrated into the internal energy, it will actually change the true qi attribute of the original wedding dress magic skill, and the consumption is very large!"

"The attack power of the Seven Injuries Boxing is far stronger than the Vigorous Palm in terms of internal strength alone. With the strengthening of the triple strength, the power is even more domineering. However, the consumption and the backlash of the three strengths are also powerful enough. It seems that it is my internal strength. not enough."

Ye Dou was horrified, he never thought that the internal energy of his sixth-level wedding dress magic skill would be insufficient.

He directly used his mobile phone to google the training conditions of Qishangquan, only to find out that Comrade Zhang Wuji really practiced Qishangquan after he had achieved great success in Nine Suns.

Depend on!

The internal strength required by this boxing method is too strong. After all, it is a peerless martial arts skill comparable to the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. It is estimated that it will not be able to fully display it until the ninth level of the wedding dress magic skill.

"It seems that I need to speed up the training of the wedding dress magic skill again, so that the Seven Injuries Boxing can fully exert its power, otherwise it will be a rhythm of self-damage by 800 and the enemy by 1,000." Ye Dou realized clearly in his heart, and slowly Pulled out the exquisitely packaged small medicine box from the medicine box,

Among them was a brown pill the size of a longan.

This pill is one of the medicines bought from Boss Wang before, and it is also the VIP version of the Shiquan Dabu pill, which is worth 180 pills. If he hadn't paid his salary in advance, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

"There is only one red soul below, can this red soul automatically transform into a white soul?" Just as he thought, the soul ring had a flash of inspiration and suddenly turned into ten white souls.

There is such a function?

Goldfinger, attunement!

Ye Dou directly enchanted the Shiquan Dabu pill in his hand, consuming two white souls.

Goldfinger, continue to enlighten!

Ye Dou directly enlightened the remaining four layers of wedding dress magic skills from the wedding dress magic skills that he carried with him, and consumed four white souls, which is extremely generous.


Immediately, without hesitation at all, he directly swallowed the Shiquan Dabu pill.

The elixir melts in the mouth, with a fragrant fragrance, and quickly stimulates the mouth to secrete a large amount of saliva. The saliva turns into a clear stream and flows down the throat all the way to the stomach.

The large amount of coolness gushing from the stomach showed that it had spread to the limbs and bones, making the whole body extremely cool, and then gathered in the dantian.

"That's the feeling of such a strong medicinal power!" Ye Dou took a deep breath, and immediately began to practice the wedding dress magic.


Cultivation does not know the years, after three days, Ye Dou opened his eyes again.

"Marriage dress magic skill, the eighth level of training is complete!" He let out a long breath, which contained extremely domineering air, which made one feel at ease.

The medicinal power provided by the Shiquan Dabu Pill has been completely absorbed by him, and the wedding dress magic skill has also been cultivated to the eighth level, which is only a thin line away from the ninth level.

At this moment, the true qi of the magical skill of refining wedding dress is several times stronger than before, but the degree of dominance is getting stronger and stronger. Now the pain in the muscles of the meridians of the exercise is much stronger than before, and it is very uncomfortable to use.

Seven Injuries Fist!

Ye Dou stood up and waved his fist, punching hard at the wall in front of him.


With a muffled sound, a hole appeared on the seemingly rigid wall. The wallpaper on the wall was not completely broken, and it seemed that it hadn't suffered much damage.

"This is the superposition of the five layers of strength of the Seven Injuries Fist?"

Ye Dou stretched out his hand and lightly stamped on the wall, the wall ash fell directly, the wall inside had disintegrated, the hard wall bricks and cement were almost turned into powder, and penetrated the wall.

"Penetrating strength, one punch is equal to five punches!" His heart was a little shaken.

Just now for the test, he used the Seven Injuries Fist and the Five Potentials for the first time. He only activated five forces in total, and he punched in a controlled manner so as not to have any bad backlash. Let some enlightenment.

"Seven Injury Fist is a pure internal boxing. Five strands of strength stimulate the internal force at the same time. It is contained in one punch. One punch is equal to five punches. No wonder it requires extremely high internal force." Ye Dou quickly understood in his heart. .

"Doesn't this mean that the Seven Injuries Fist can completely replace the Vigorous Palm, if I use all my strength?"

Ye Dou's heart moved, he mobilized his whole body's internal strength, and performed the Seven Injury Fist Final Form.


A scream caused by a fist suddenly exploded in the room.

The wall opposite Ye Dou was easily opened like a piece of paper, and his fist and his arm were completely sunk in the wall.

He slowly pulled out his fist, examined carefully, and found that all the cement stones in the wall had been broken into fine powder, which was even more broken than the previous punch, almost turned into flour.

"It's so powerful. The power of the Seven Injuries Fist is indeed much greater than that of the Dali Vajra Palm, and there are seven changes in the boxing score." Ye Dou immediately understood.

He also didn't expect the Seven Injuries Fist to be so powerful, its destructive power to objects is almost twice that of the Vigorous Vajra Palm.

In addition to the pure internal strength fist, the power of the Seven Injury Fist against ghosts is even more exaggerated. One punch is equal to seven punches, seven times the attack, which makes up for the lack of obvious effect of the Vigorous Palm on ghosts.

This is the peerless martial art he wanted.

Against ghosts, the Qishangquan is much more powerful than the purely physical attack of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

It's just... just, a little uncomfortable.

An abnormal flush flashed across Ye Dou's face.

The domineering true energy of the Marriage Dress Magic is a trivial matter, the backlash of the Seven Injuries Fist is the problem, just now he punched with all his strength, and he felt that all internal organs were hurt, it was the backlash caused by insufficient internal strength, no It's too serious, but it's not too bad either.

It seems that one must practice the magic of wedding dress to great success as soon as possible.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a while, and then slowly walked out of the door, intending to go to the restaurant to eat, to fill his empty stomach, but there was no way, he would go crazy from hunger without eating for three days...

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