According to Guangxi Construction Industry Federation's "Urgent Notice on Organizing "Technology to the Countryside to Help Help Poverty Alleviation (Dangerous Building Identification, in response to the central goal of "two worries and three guarantees" for poverty alleviation, complete the poverty alleviation granted by the autonomous region To tackle the task of housing security in the "Four Battles", the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region decided to organize a one-month assessment of dilapidated houses in the region's housing and construction system with "technical assistance to the countryside to help poverty alleviation". The task of this work is arduous and the time is tight. In order to ensure the smooth and successful completion of this work, construction enterprises in the region are required to actively participate in this work.


The notice requires that all enterprises should ideologically agree with the major decision-making and deployment of poverty alleviation, have a clear political mind, and strictly abide by political discipline; have a professional education background in architecture, structure, construction, etc., a college degree or above, and have more than 3 years of practical experience in the professional work; have The title of intermediate or above is preferred; personnel who abide by the rules and disciplines at work, take into account the overall situation, and have the professionalism and sense of responsibility to perform their duties participate.


Among them, 30 people are selected for each super-class housing construction general contracting enterprise, 10 people are selected for each first-level enterprise, 1 person is selected for each second-level enterprise, and 1 person is selected for each enterprise stationed in Guangxi outside the district.


Then I received a call just now, and tomorrow I will go to a state-level poverty-stricken country in Guangxi to carry out this work.


So in the next period of time, the update of this book may be affected.

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