The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1685: currency reform

Remember [New] for a second,! Not to mention that Lancelot was trying his best to justify to everyone that he was not missing that part. In the Demon King's tent, the big guys were eating barbecue meat and red crystal polenta and continued to discuss the issue of issuing banknotes.

This incident is actually the fuse ignited by Mayor Yi. Recently, many people plan to build factories in Yebao Innovation Industrial Park after hearing the wind. Some people carry a lot of gold coins, which causes transportation and security problems. Difficulties and even criminal cases have emerged.

Taking this series of events as an opportunity, the high-level officials of the Rurik Kingdom began to consider promoting more convenient and secure banknotes.

Paper money has also appeared in history. More than 300 years ago, a country in the Northland first issued paper "military tickets" as bearer bonds, and later ordered it to be circulated in the market as currency.

This practice was soon followed by other countries, who launched paper "military tickets" that could be used as currency.

But because of the backward economic theory and the greed of the people, the over-issued banknotes will be attached to the economic system of the farming society and collapsed in just a few years.

By the way, the existence of paper has also been demonized, and it has become a conspiracy of the demons to destroy the human world.

In the end, relying on good reputation, reputation and unity and cooperation, the temples forcibly obtained the coinage right to the north of the Dajiang River.

The South is not much better. The "Elves Tree Sea System" now dominated by the elves is actually a result of the chaos of the human financial system back then.

At that time, after the human coalition was completely wiped out by Queen Catherina, human beings ushered in a period of war when political forces were reshuffled.

During the war, after the credit collapse of paper money, when the coin was reopened, it was embarrassed to tell people that he was coining without adding some messy things. In the end, there was even gold plated on lead.

At this time, Queen Victoria, who had just returned to China to rebel and ascended the throne, smashed the "elf tree sea system". Relying on the temple network and the force of the elf royal court, the currency and elves issued by each force were determined every month based on the amount of precious metals in the local currency. The exchange rate of the yuan, and the guarantee that the elf yuan is not adulterated, made the merchant group very welcome to this system, which has been used until now.

After several reforms, the "Elf Tree Sea System" has now been changed to use special crafted metals to link the value of the elf yuan to a certain weight of gold, and the currencies of other countries are linked to the elf yuan, and the exchange rate with the elf yuan is determined by the ratio of the gold content of their respective currencies.

Up to now, in the southern country where there are many currencies and many currencies, cross-border trade is basically settled in elves.

Objectively speaking, it is difficult for southern countries to be self-sufficient due to their small size, and various resources need to be transported through a large amount of cross-border trade. The "sea of ​​spirits system" stabilizes the currency exchange rates between countries and greatly reduces transaction costs.

The situation in the Rurik Kingdom is different. Since the industrialization construction began more than ten years ago, the economy has grown rapidly. The original metal currency is no longer suitable for current transactions. Currency reform is imperative.

The anti-counterfeiting of banknotes is easy to handle, not to mention that Charles brought back a complete set of gantry coin printing technology when he returned from Rhode Island. The local priests can also consecrate the banknotes before they leave the factory. How can you counterfeit banknotes with magical power.

Now everyone is talking more about economic and social issues.

After Charles, Diana and Nasr al-Din determined that there was no technical problem in producing banknotes, representatives of various industries such as Nikita from the agricultural system, Warfarin and her uncle from the medical system and other industries gathered together through this hunt. Have informal discussions.

During the period, the evil gods such as Bisi Meow also said a few words, they have seen civilizations that have developed more advanced than here before.

As for the undercover gang, if they can break through the four-layered defense set up by Bisyan, Zibaicai, Tilby House and Charles and overhear the conversation in the tent, everyone will immediately admit it.

After several days of discussions, the biggest disagreement at present is whether the currency should adopt the gold coin standard or the bullion standard.

Although they are both on the gold standard, there are still differences between the gold coin standard and the gold bullion standard.

Under the gold coin standard system, gold coins still circulate in accordance with the law, and banknotes are circulated simultaneously with gold coins as auxiliary coins, and can be freely exchanged for gold coins according to their face value.

Proponents of the gold coin standard believe that doing so ensures that the nominal value of the paper currency is consistent with its actual value, and that the domestic value is consistent with the international value, which is conducive to the acceptance of paper currency by the people, and is conducive to the development of the domestic economy and international trade.

The gold bullion standard system means that gold coins are no longer circulated in China, and only banknotes linked to a certain gold content are issued. There are minimum restrictions on the exchange of banknotes for gold bullion, for example, a minimum of 10 kilograms of gold can be exchanged at a time.

Supporters of the gold bullion standard believe that doing so can "save gold", avoid a large outflow of gold reserves while ensuring that paper money is linked to gold, and can also solve the consumption caused by natural and malicious wear and tear of gold coins.

Now there is a problem, that is, after the successful experiment of artificial magic metal at Shield Bridge Academy, gold has become an industrial raw material in great demand.

At the national level, Nicholas the Devil is in favor of the gold bullion standard, so that the domestic gold circulation can be effectively controlled and the pressure on gold supply can be relieved.

But at the level of the people, suddenly abolishing gold coins and replacing them with paper money will cause economic turmoil, and maybe something will happen.

Sometimes resolving a political issue is a process of mutual compromise between all parties, and each can only take a step back on this issue.

In the end, the Demon King decided to first implement the gold coin standard system in principle, and then gradually adjust to the gold bullion standard system according to the reflected situation.

Charles proposed whether there are some preferential activities when promoting banknotes, such as paying a little tax on banknotes when paying taxes within two or three This way, the authority of banknotes can be endorsed by government actions .

His proposal was well thought out. The biggest problem at the beginning of the issuance of banknotes was the problem of credibility. As long as the government can get to the bottom of it, this problem can be solved very well.

This kind of minutiae is easy to solve, and then someone raised the question of gold reserves.

Charles shut up at this point, he could theoretically be the person with the most gold in the universe.

This is not about the assets of the McGarden family, but that he can use the help of the Tilby House to dig up the treasury left by the human extinct planet.

Although this kind of thing is cool to do, overdoing it will cause the price of gold to plummet, which is not conducive to the healthy development of a country's financial system and can only be used as a backup method.

The Demon King thought for a while, saying that the domestic gold reserves were enough to advance this reform.

In the following time, the Demon King ran around the country, conducting extensive research in various departments and places.

When Mordred and the others boarded the carriage and were pulled to plant corn, the Rurik Kingdom began to collect the pattern of the first edition of banknotes from the whole country.

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