The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 779: Picked up 1 while eating

Charles doesn't want to reveal his identity, but that doesn't mean he has to disguise himself like a pig.

A young and promising young man who is handsome, neither poor nor rich, talented and intelligent, with good strength and potential, this is the latest character he created for himself.

He was too lazy to play like a pig and eat a tiger. If he had time to get into trouble, he might as well urge Mordred to study hard.

However, Charles did not achieve the expected effect this time, and some people even made reactionary remarks such as "Charles is too big, but too soft".

Professor Filius is obviously knowledgeable, he nodded towards Charles with satisfaction, and decided that this gifted student should be cultivated well, so let’s start with doubling the homework.

After all the students completed the test, Filius had a good idea of ​​the strength of the students.

There was also a row of targets made of stones around the training ground. Professor Filius walked to the target, and as soon as he raised his hand, seven ice arrows were shot at each target.

I saw that these ice arrows hit the stone targets at the same time in no particular order, and those stone targets lit up in seven colors.

Professor Filius said: "When these targets are concentrated by magic, they will emit different colors of light according to the strength of the magic."

"The next thing you have to try is to make it emit a certain light."

Next, Professor Filius divided the students into five groups based on their maximum magic power level, and each group stimulated the light of different colors on the stone target.

Charles and Langsha and other students with the most magical powers were divided into the last group together. They were asked by the professor to excite the stone target into blue light.

Charles tried to throw a few normal small fireballs, and found that when the magic power of the fireballs went from low to high, the stone target would emit light from red to purple.

Writing it down is that he understands the meaning of this exercise, and it is to let the students familiarize themselves with the feeling of controlling the output of magic power.

When students find problems in practical operation, they will learn in a targeted manner in the following courses.

Charles was stunned for a moment, how could this method be a little familiar.

Today's class ended after repeated practice. When everyone put the magic wand back, Langsha quietly pulled Charles.

She said to Charles, "You invite me to dinner tonight, and I have important news for you."

Charles said indifferently: "Okay, you can decide where to eat."

Langsha's eyes lit up, and there are not many opportunities to kill the local tyrants for a meal.

Charles went back to the dormitory after school and changed into ordinary clothes. He thought that Langsha would take him to a better restaurant, but he did not expect Langsha to take him to the luxury restaurant for businessmen where the port area and the commercial area intersect.

Although the Knowledge City will be besieged by deep-sea monsters soon, but in normal times, the deeper the life of the monsters, the more expensive it will be.

Langsha's family hardly cooks on weekdays, and the college cafeteria prepares three meals a day for her and her mother, so she can find out any big news in the catering market from the cooks in the cafeteria.

After school, Langsha went to the cafeteria to inquire about it, and learned that a restaurant had recently brought a batch of white gem shrimp.

This shrimp lives in extremely deep seabeds and has a completely white body with completely degenerated eyes.

Perhaps the prawns sensed an impending earthquake and fled to the shallows, where they were caught.

The news of the imminent submarine earthquake has spread, and many big businessmen have left here, so this kind of high-grade shrimp is not easy to sell.

The business is not going well, so when the doorman of the restaurant sees a boy in ordinary clothes bringing a girl with the same clothes, messy hair, and exaggerated glasses, he can only make a lot of hard work. The professional smiling face, in line with the principle that the boss's mosquito legs are also meat, is ready to welcome the two guests.

These students still have a bit of money, and they can still order two or three dishes according to the price on the menu.

Unlike the person who wandered around the storefront for a long time, that person wore a worn-out hooded cloak, covering his face and body, so he didn't look like he could come in and spend.

When Langsha brought Charles over, she was still a little uneasy, what if Charles felt that he was tricking him and got angry.

Charles glanced at Lang Sha, who was forcing his composure, and wanted to laugh a little in his heart. He wondered if he would pretend to run away and scare the girl halfway through the meal.

He was relieved when he saw the restaurant that Langsha mentioned from a distance. There was a blue dragon sign hanging on the door of the restaurant. He could discount and credit the restaurant under the Chaowei Blue Dragon Consortium.

The title of his "Friend of the Dragon" is not just for fun.

Approaching the restaurant, Charles found a man in a cloak that was purposely soiled wandering in front of the door.

Charles narrowed his eyes, then quickened his pace, and walked past the man.


A sound of hunger rang out beside Charles.

Charles turned around and said to the cloaked man who made the noise, "You're hungry, do you want to come and have something to eat?"

The man in the cloak looked up and pulled down the hood, revealing her black hair and black eyes, but her snow-white appearance.

Charles and Langsha were slightly taken aback when they saw the girl's appearance.

Then Charles smiled and continued: "You know, I'm not a bad person, let's have a meal together."

The corner of Lang Sha's mouth twitched slightly, this girl is really too beautiful, with a delicate face, especially those dark and deep eyes, which makes people feel that she can see through everything, even the long river of time.

The girl looked at Charles and said, "You invite me to dinner, and I can do a divination for you."

Charles said: "That's what we earned, let's come together."

The doorman not far away saw all this in his eyes, his face still had that skillful smile, and he complained in his heart: "This person shouldn't be the little white face of some rich woman, when the rich woman left, she took the gift from the rich woman. Money picks up girls."

He relies on years of work experience to make judgments.

It's just that when he opened the door of the restaurant for the three guests, a blue light appeared in front of him.

Charles showed the blue card of the Chaowei Blue Dragon Consortium in front of the doorman and said, "Take us to the box."

"Sir, ladies, please come with me." The doorman continued to say with a smile on his face, and at the same time cursed inwardly: "What I hate most is a scumbag like you!"

The doorman took Charles and the three of them by elevator to the box on the top floor. The decoration here is luxurious, and the table is not large, suitable for three or five people to dine.

After sitting down, Charles asked without looking at the menu: "Do you have fresh white gem shrimp here?"

The doorman left after bringing Charles and the others, and the service in the box was an elder sister in her twenties.

The waiter replied, "Yes, we just got a batch of fresh Baizhu shrimp this morning."

Charles said: "Four sets are required. You recommend the others. One of them is packed and we will take it with us when we leave."

The waitress left after repeating Charles' request.

The girl Charles picked up at the door was looking at him curiously, while Langsha was also looking at the girl curiously.

When the girl entered the door, she hung the dirty cloak on the coat rack. She was wearing a long black silk dress. The figure that is flat in the front and upturned in the back highlights the focus.

At the same time, the girl was holding a crystal ball with a diameter of about 20 centimeters.

She saw that she placed the crystal ball on the table in front of her, lightly supported both sides of the wall with both hands, and said, "My name is Sybil, and I will do divination for the two of you first. My divination is very clever."

Lang Sha suddenly regained her spirits. Girls like her are still very interested in divination.

Charles just smiled and nodded.

Sybil said, "I will first foretell the future life of this young lady."

I saw Sybil's expression suddenly became full of mystery, his eyes became deeper and deeper, and the fog in the center of the crystal ball violently churned.

Gradually, the mist in the crystal ball began to change color, then shrank, and finally turned into a gold coin with a diameter of five or six centimeters.

Sybil accepted the merit, and then said to Langsha with a smile, "This young lady will think she is rich in the future."

Langsha thanked Sybil very politely. Last year, she performed fortune-telling in the city of knowledge. A book appeared in the fortune-teller's crystal ball, which meant that she would be a scholar in the future.

At this time, Sybil said to Langsha with bright eyes: "Miss, can you hire me, so I can show you the way forward!"

Langsha was taken aback by Sybil's enthusiasm, she said embarrassedly: "But I have no money now..."

Sybil replied, "It doesn't matter, I'll come to you later when you have money."

Then her expression suddenly changed back to that inscrutable look, and he said to Charles: "Sir, I will do a divination for you next."

Charles continued to smile and nod.

This time, the fog inside the crystal ball gradually became larger, and the color also changed in the direction of Finally, a gold coin appeared that almost filled the interior of the crystal ball.

Sybil opened her mouth in surprise, she had never seen this before.

"This gentleman!"

The table was not big, and Sybil reached out and grabbed Charles' paw, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Please hire me, I will do everything for you!"

Charles had a black line, and then asked, "Can you do your math homework?"

Sybil's tender cheeks cramped visibly.

Charles put a piece of parchment in front of Sybil and said, "The homework is a joke, it's okay to hire you. You look at the contract first, sign it if it's suitable, and bring it up if it's not suitable, everyone. Good negotiation."

Sybil picked up the format contract, glanced at it and asked in surprise, "How can you be so skilled?!"

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