“You remember me after only seeing me once?”

Ye Lin raised her head and looked at Ling Ye with a red face.

“Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Night Xuan Dynasty, of course, it is unforgettable…” Ling Ye smiled.

It’s not just once, I’ve seen it several times when I was a child.

“That… What is your name? ”

Ye Lin then asked.

Although they had come this far, she didn’t even know the man’s name.

“You still haven’t answered my question, your hair… Why is it all white all of a sudden? Ling Ye stretched out his hand and gently stroked her snow-white soft hair.

This action made De Yelin blush even more.

Then he whispered, “Because… Because of you! ”

“Because of me? How do you say this? Ling Ye smiled.

“The Golden Jade Qiankun Gong that I cultivate, as long as it is perfected, it will become like this!” Ye Lin said with a red face.


Ling Ye suddenly frowned!

What kind of exercise is Jinyu Qiankungong, of course, he has heard a little!

So sure enough, everything in the dream is true!

Luo Xinli and Ling Youqiao are fake, but Ye Lin is real!

Ye Lin did not speak, acquiesced.

“What the hell is going on here? How could I… Run here? Ling Ye then asked.

“You… You fell off the walls! Then, I met you…”

Ye Lin then said everything about Ling Ye falling from the sky.

Everything and why Ling Ye was lying here was said.

After Ling Ye listened, he was immediately taken aback!

So…… Did she save herself?

So…… He didn’t die!

Myself really… Survived!

Listening to what Ye Lin said, Ling Ye thought of what Yi Xuanchen said before.

Samsung continues to live….

The so-called three-star life continuation, is this what it means?

It’s not some medicine, it’s not anything else!

It’s people!

Three people!

Luo Xinli, Ling Youqiao, Yelin!

It’s just the three of them!

There were two True Qi in your body before?

Of course, all he could think of was Luo Xinli and Ling Youqiao.

And with Ye Lin, just three streams of True Qi formed a closed state!

The strength of these three True Qi is just right… You can repair your own meridians!

If it is too strong, it will only make your meridians more disturbed!

If it is too weak, it will not do anything!

The three of them, the strength is almost at one level!

And…… Just right!

Just can save your own life.

A smile suddenly welled up on Ling Ye’s face!

Not dead!

I really didn’t die!

Yi Xuanchen’s two arms are really right!

Myself…… Really survived!

Samsung lives on.

It’s just the three of them!

“Although I don’t mind this, you… You can’t lie on your stomach all the time, can you? ”

Ling Ye continued.

He put his arm around Ye Lin between words.

He actually likes this woman quite a lot!

Strictly speaking, he had been a little distracted by Ye Lin since he was young.

If you really want to find him a first love, there is no doubt that Ye Lin can be regarded as his first love!

After all, she was the first girl he found interesting.

And now, Yelin saved him again.

Of course, he likes this woman even more!

Her Royal Highness the princess of this Night Xuan Dynasty!

“That… Then you close your eyes! ”

Ye Lin looked at Ling Ye and said with a red face.

“Okay, okay!”

Ling Ye suddenly smiled.

Are you afraid of what I will see?

Then he really closed his eyes!

And at the moment when he closed his eyes, Ye Lin quickly got up!

With a bang, the gold silk dress was already worn on the body.

Then, he looked back at Ling Ye and said with a red face: “… All right! ”

Only then did Ling Ye open his eyes.

Then it’s time to get up.

Ye Lin subconsciously turned around and turned her back to him!

He just smiled.

Then sit cross-kneeled on the ground and converge your mind!

I began to carefully sense my physical condition….


What a miracle!

Indeed, at this time, there were three streams of True Qi in his body, slowly repairing his damaged meridians!

The strength of these three True Qi was at an extremely delicate balance point.

If you change it to someone else’s three true qi!

Or if any of these three True Qi changes, they will definitely make themselves die faster!

And the combination of these three True Qi happened to be at a balance point where he could restore his meridians!

What is it that this is not a miracle?

At this moment, Ling Ye’s heart was more excited than ever!

Because he also felt for the first time that there was really a miracle in this world!

Who would have thought that in these last three days, he happened to meet these three people by accident!

Then, just enough to keep yourself alive!

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