The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 143 Xiuxian Qingmei VS Villain Bamboo Horse (41)

[After all, she is the heroine of a sadomasochistic love story, so it's normal to give everything for love. 】The system sighed.

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy."

"For a Lu Yan, is it worth sacrificing so much?"


There was a loud bang, and a bolt of lightning pierced through the darkness.

Qin Xiang received the raging thunder and lightning with her mortal body, and sent the filtered thunder and lightning power into his body through her and Lu Yan's clasped hands.

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Yan came back to his senses and knew what Qin Xiang was doing.

"Qin Xiang, you lied to me again!"

Lu Yan endured the tearing pain caused by the thunder and lightning, and stared at the woman in front of him who once again lied to him.

"I want to fight side by side with you." Qin Xiang's face was pale, and the corners of his lips raised into a pale and weak smile.

"I want to live with you and aspire to the great road together."

"I want to be with you day and night, every day."

"Lu Yan, I admire you."

When Qin Xiang said the word "admiration", Lu Yan's breath was stagnant, and his heart was so soft that it was a mess.

[Lu Yan's favorability is increased by 5, and the current favorability is 91. 】

Lu Yan just looked at Qin Xiang without blinking, drawing her eyebrows, eyes, and lips bit by bit... as if he wanted to engrave her deeply in his heart.

He endured the tearing pain in his viscera, and pulled Qin Xiang into his arms with one hand.

Tight, tight hug her.

"it is good."

"Day and night, together day and night, life and death are inseparable."


As soon as Lu Yan finished speaking, another powerful thunderbolt fell on him and Qin Xiang.

The pain spread all over the body, and the two people who were holding each other trembled uncontrollably, but their hands holding each other were constantly tightening.

Ling Xi: "..." Damn, why was she a little moved when she saw this scene? ? ?

【Host, it is human nature for you to feel moved. After all, even I was a little touched by the affection of both of them. 】

[But host, I believe in you, you are famous for your hard heart, even if you are moved, you will not give up the mission. 】

"..." Ling Xi's face darkened, "Shut up, you!!!"

Ling Chen's hands in his wide sleeves were tightly clenched into fists, and his deep black eyes were fixed on the pair of Bi people in mid-air, and the emotions in his eyes were surging.



Boom boom boom!

Thunderstorms fell one after another.

The complexions of Qin Xiang and Lu Yan became paler, and glaring blood appeared at the corners of their mouths and flowed down.

Under Lei Jie's attack, Lu Yan's body also underwent earth-shaking changes.

The seven meridians and eight meridians were completely destroyed, and they were quickly repaired and reshaped under the power of thunder and lightning.

And his dilapidated dantian was also reborn by the power of thunder and lightning, creating a new life.

No, more than that...

And his abolished spiritual roots are slowly being repaired and recast under the power of thunder and lightning...

New spiritual roots grew out little by little, and a huge lightning force lingered around the new spiritual roots.

Lu Yan's body was constantly attacked, gradually dilapidated, and constantly repaired and reshaped.

In such a situation where he was put to death and reborn, it was difficult for the demon seed in Lu Yan's heart to escape.

Thunder and lightning are the most upright force in the world, capable of destroying all darkness and evil spirits.

Thunder and lightning are also the most feared force of the demons.

When Lu Yan's whole body was filled with the power of lightning, the monster had nowhere to hide, and there was no way to avoid it... Finally, he let out a sharp scream.

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