The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 733 Campus Essay: Plum Heroine VS Bamboo Horse Villain (45)

Although Qin Xiang did not come with Chu Yue.

But the two parents did not forget what should be explained and what should be told.

Jokes are jokes, and business matters cannot be forgotten.

So that night, Chu Yue was taught by both parents.

The two parents were very open-minded. They allowed Chu Yue and Qin Xiang to fall in love, but they did not forget to ask for what they wanted.

First of all, the first point is that the two should not delay their studies because of their relationship.

What was their previous performance, and what will they have to do in the future, it can only be better and not worse.

Not only that, the parents of both parties also said that if he and Qin Xiang have always had a good relationship, then after he and Qin Xiang received the university admission letter, the family would hold an engagement banquet for them.

In addition to these, the parents of the two families have not forgotten the extremely cryptic advice...

It is said that they are still young, reading is what they should do at this age, even if they are in a relationship, they can clearly understand what can and cannot be done.

Although what the elders said was very cryptic, for some reason, as soon as Chu Yue saw the eyes of the two parents, Chu Yue immediately understood what they meant.

Chu Yue quickly raised two fingers, making a gesture of swearing to the sky.

"I promise, before I marry Xiangxiang, I will never bully her!"

As soon as Chu Yue said this, the two elders subconsciously looked left and right.

Mainly this topic, it is somewhat embarrassing.

What's more, it was a few of them who were talking about this with a young man like Chu Yue.

It's still a bit embarrassing.

However, after hearing Chu Yue's assurance, the two parents were relieved and really relieved.

They clearly understood Chu Yue's character.

As long as it is what he promised, he will definitely do it.

Just like that, after an embarrassing and brief conversation, Qin's father and Qin's mother left first.

Chu Yue sat obediently on the sofa against the gaze of his parents.

"When did you and Xiangxiang start?" Mother Chu asked curiously.

To be honest, she really didn't see when the two children got married.

Obviously, they usually look more serious than the other.

A good brother and a good sister can't see anything wrong at all.

Why are they suddenly together inexplicably?

When the Qin family couple came to ask them to mention this matter, she and Lao Chu looked confused.

"Not long after Dad came home..." Chu Yue said vaguely.

"Is it Xiangxiang you chased?" Mother Chu asked again.

Chu Yue thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Although in fact it is not the case.

But he learned from Baidu last time that it is said on the Internet that girls like to be chased instead of actively chasing.

Because some girls take the initiative to be maliciously slandered by others, saying that she sent the post to the door and so on.

"Then how did you chase after Xiangxiang?"

"Have you asked Xiangxiang to watch a movie?"

"Did you give Xiangxiang a gift?"

"Did you ask Xiangxiang out to play?"

"Did you prepare roses or something when you confessed your love to Xiangxiang?"

"And there's more..."

Chu Yue: "..."

Chu's mother asked a lot of random questions, and Chu Yue's expression became more and more serious the more she heard.

He silently wrote down in his heart what Chu's mother said one by one about what to do on a date and what to do in pursuit of a girl.

He planned to make a good plan after returning to his room.

If other girls have it, his Xiangxiang must have it too.

What other girls don't have, he still has Xiangxiang.

Surprise gifts, roses, watching movies, playgrounds, watching fireworks, etc...

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